LaserWriter Printers
Volume II
service Guide
LaserWriter Pro 600/630,
LaserWriter Select 300/310,
Personal LaserWriter 300
September 1993
©1993 Apple Computer, Inc. Apple, the Apple logo, AppleLink, AppleTalk,
LaserWriter, LocalTalk, Mac, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.,
registered in the U.S. and other countries. AppleOrder, Finder, LaserWriter Select,
Macintosh Quadra, PhotoGrade, PowerBook, QuickDraw, System 7, and System 7.0 are
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No portions of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written
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Apple is not responsible for printing or clerical errors.
Table of Contents
TE NTU OI a scaaagcee ine ct eda neccetc atin sa stan ctererarhte ea oosaa nen cantante Ree iate marge uaietntaiden 1
TS ty 0S GAS oes comes eases sree tnanpavataaenncsl acetate selenite pneu mee nae te ahtae tn: i
SALE CL ess cessot ven cena esses aaeted ei tandsiane ta tlcoptea secant odes dad eoreaye etentatala ar oa a tecey vert eoneheetacnep area irateans) Z
ASCE W Fie l Sale RUNES sas $7, ces acne lt faves ote ol serene canes oapenten aaa ucon attic 3
TOMER Al OLY certs ns deahcntid avatars areas tetehenin tian ayo eaRaesoem ara eta aemeS 3
EAS CLA LY ps cesevs acres gcse ce crac sca acta cage UU ea olan act a Prats taarlanaa Abs 3
FOL) PRE VSO RUNES 53, sane te ceca eect cee cess bas coal Mia teen ssoatasdhsus tna daSiaahen nahin aaa aR 5
Setting Up am ESD-Sate Workstation siaics access iieetennensdinannmauiaamanenns 6
General Information
Connecting the Printer (0a COMPULCEN -sdsisssscscdssentsssvsnvansnesnisveritvasnenbnaaiarassbnsiasinnnineinmndinenn mene 8
Connecting via-a Peripheral-3: Gable ssisssiscsceacsseanisyceesadale sats siesennecsoreiavatadl cnrasiutaennseubinteinentstve 8
Connecting vid EOcal alle CA eS ap cs ass csveasnttavaninasicuitasdalgecioteitenasnatestoetnpancsanianseeleadatammane: 8
Connecting via a Centronics Parallel Cable ......c..ccccesssessessessessesecseeesseceenectesseesecteseeneenseneenen 10
GADle COMME COR :o.lacsierncaesteecterietaatneianiintetcaicenanaa salen diet manta taunt: 11
PRATER COMME CIONS vio .ctwiiaaiinncettninseneihietaninestainalaie nt aN aaa 12
PRHGGE PMO UUS sconce eceeersim stsiatigdalar mitts tance nesceade evans sani datadat vasassdiee uaswee veuereuonteanammadallt 13
SWVC HD: St SS a tas cesane came Vea ced le Sea arama adsense ta lene ene eared ats 19
A POUDICS HOO UIC TifS erat viaa reeset ceeatsssestans sued tues cirtena lay ueama taanid snc aeaiwaaaaeinieastdgualensemiaiuens eet 20
Telephone and On-Site Quick CHECKS issssiondsiessisdsessevscsiumincanmonotetvnmaurlndaderninanae 20
ITylie) geurlate Mec listaul (leone ere erent eee nrernnnrr tence Tren errr ete ese metre terrae rrr ert 21
PLONE Ty Lem Ci CATON seca lnc rssh us apse ausae saute ee hens taster afeesneatacnapeasetoMiphanmnaenseeds 21
DOrtWare | rOUDIeS MOOT asc seaitonattiscauos eoasussmueiacsccestuds nin iccenenel sabiadiaesausaa tcliceceaitiedleseic 22
HARA Ware, PTOUDIES MOO EI Dj tecscsassvedi ceansnitbsv auniieelia bronuckipounitaitvavosaneibvapeae ves dinensiaveeaveneitssiee 24
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Exploded View = Main Printer stasas.0.c5tocnaicaonvatarrn an ancaednee Mirctatieeievaniantneaneniie: 26
VIAL RECO E PArtS La SE ste ceva’ vreau eicnazeeset cvs eel venice dubai estan aoaxeneah outer eaten memnencmotaas 2/
EXplOGed: VieW=ENVEIO De F CCE iar steusntucscncssscirt seat cverinnncctanaaienl nodal macannnultisnmtanan: 31
BAvelope Feet PAS LIS tees sagecsctisiescasteeesteaesh aes ace hn sce esniedetly aia niaeeota nadie eserias 32
Exploceg: VieW =Sheel FeCGEr 2 eicanaiuatoasunessiuielalun aiuiaqtimiamnebcnaen ula 33
Siicel Feeder Parts List nciitaaeananrddnuecincarenielidsuinantl eid icaiansaidalventets 34
Boards and RAM SIMM Configuration Guidelines ........cccsesssssssessessesesesesesssnsaesresssseeseessenes 35
SE CUICAMON Se os tstesh art cues lessaessact we aauotben Uh luton seadol ies Paarl auaigtantenltelynee mamaanelaiinpcekablniisand 36
BEIT A SIOS UC aes scartscansuteunsiadLeaav cee nserhatioachoisealehucwenand ain luce ves suciantaa aeraavea xdoupstan asa eat aiedadsnet 38
TESEANGCONMOULATOM: PAGES satestuda saturn eatantnua ebasaieceations nied eaanauatauanssbannseseluayer eons etdioue 40
Troubleshooting the LaserWriter Pro 600/630 42
PEC VOWEL OM CHECK IISE sssezsczisesresedasewusce caletststut cede tpn supa sata sda aassaastatst nah testo 42
TTOUBESMOOLIME TDS jaiitaveigatyeaecscasdnstubanteecdteaatee etiam teatadeel Mean dase Onainamareaee 43
DMSO OV SLC IN a tists vatenesultuensscertstetsnel iam tantanetaeel tatistaneiNandodaemaauatal oamueten nus 47
LaserWriter Pro 600/630 Troubleshooting FlOWChafrt........c..ccccscsseesessesecseeseeseestessesseeseeseeree 48
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
TOUBIESIMOO MS LADIES, 2: cscs. cseparsasitestscaiceiamnactatin te sire esa snipes cerisl nace ats neg 50
Table 1—-Fan Does Not Come On When You Start Up the Printer... cece 50
Table 2—All LEDs Are Off After Printer Warmup ..........ccccsscseesteseeeeseesessessteeneeseneneene 50
Table 3-Toner LED Is On After Printer Warmup...........cccccseiseeessiesteseseesieeeeeeeenees 52
Table 4—Paper-Out LED Is On After Printer Warmup.......cccceeceiseeeeseeieeneeeeeees 53
Table 5—Jam LED Is On After Printer Warmup .........cccccccssssessstssesteseseetenersetssesneteseeneate 54
Table G=E USC PASSE Maly, TON cess castisses ah cxoroushtnaan annus tacinctivan duel teneatnenetacs tee tades: 55
Tale 7 LASS Hy) SCANNED HIN OR aisucac coer \araecnayaesysttastates tat eae eel etuplaeantouneinlesabieaunnioeonateaakcatatn By
MADE O= Mai MOTOR HOM ic2oe5% siasaeca sa eae tart veaspenel aside tad anveentiobeesuoistnnmnadsnerngemeineann 57
TAINS Beats BR OR sc tciaresssi clas vases h apap ea engin tin un scaseohaes a atom amstansetonluetadenietambnenaiuadls 58
Table 10-I/O Board or Component Errors .......ccsecccessesseescessneesesesssnesscetsncarentensneeventanes 58
Tab es AlE Blan PAGC icc23 easinnicontienss-enenaeins visas essence ymin uaiuaets ateanale annanen ee aNee ITE 60
TAI: V2 AME BIAC: PAGE assez ueseass ta cbicrsanys tied soups nied seia Ae aesnareaulgeaadouamnesgapaulionanceee 61
Table 13—Uniformly Light/Faded Image Over Entire Page .....c.ccccessesseeeeeseseeseen 62
Table 14-Uniformly Dark Image Over Entire Page ........cccccccseseseeeseseeeeeeenen 63
Table 15—Black Vertical Lines, Sharp and Well-Defined.......... cece 64
Table 16—White Vertical Lines, Sharp and Well-Defined........cccccccsseseseseeesneeeeneen 64
Table 17—Black Horizontal Lines, Sharp and Well-Defined ......0.c.ccccecesessteeeeeeeee 65
TADIe 18 = BAG RECISTEALION sisi deswsossaseadtucsiivaasuitnid tives nodetet iittala ccalatdeeaaceauel 65
Table 19—Stairstepping/Vertical Lines Jagged or Shaky... 66
Table 20—Vertical Elongation or Foreshortening ........ccccsccssesesesecessecsessneesnesneesneanes 66
TAU BAC. FU SIN Oises cers cxsasi sistant hanced cae ee gnanenenenmnneeyaeesl 67
Table 22—Blank Spots/Random Pattern Of LOCAtiON .....eeeeeeseestesteseesteeneetereenteseeeen 67
Table:23— Tomer Ons Back Of PaGe iicesticctchasaavale tial sha totdationiatusuncntoraania ticoiaaueonaauyinen 67
Table 24—Cannot Print in PhotoGrade/600 dpi... 68
TA DIG 2 SRE PE LITIVE IE IC CIS ets atcracaassthtveraycaasserteaib ucts siendsoualecaspele idler lievaaalejuaeasnensar 69
Table'26—Printer Picking Up From Wrong SOULCE satsicscssidcvisctunantiarriatindensalanenns 69
Table 27—No Pickup From Envelope Feeder ........cccccsecesseestesseesiseeneensessenteneneeneeneees 71
Table 28—No Pickup From Multipurpose Tray .......cccccscssseseseesnesesessesseseeseeneeesne 72
Table 29—No Pickup From Standard Cassette ......c.cccccsecessesseesseeeneseseessessenseneseeeensnes 73
Taple $0=No Pickup From: LOWer Cassette scbessictacaisnsacusheassesansstenanisscavnedsateanntaazonaaiuilnn 1
Table 31—Leading Edge of Jammed Paper Is in Fuser/Delivery Area... cece 76
Table 32—Leading Edge of Jammed Paper Is in Pickup/Transfer Area... 77]
Table 33—Paper Jams in Pickup/Transfer Area When Feeding From the
SLAINGALC CASS CULE caaaessasunasnletertaiunatseatdnanes ste ey nateadebundnaeeunaiaitaeeymannets 78
Table 34-Paper Jams in Pickup/Transfer Area When Feeding From the
MUI OU OSE TAY acetone saiaeanndens ese tc sacancheatatiasnsa tea dims teseatantaneneateeaimitee tans 78
Table 35—Paper Jams in Pickup/Transfer Area When Feeding From the
OPUONMAl SNEEE RCC CSL rsacm ai castiinssturns aacisdstunediaste satan seal liaeiitectsareinaiastiade 79
Table 36—Paper Jams in Pickup/Transfer Area When Feeding From the
BNVCIODE FCCUCH siainuriiematausenasnenusGnan waicatent ane eamauraa nae 80
bgt Veh ogd Brea v2) 4) Reerermeerereey tere acne perce erreeey reer er terme erty ene ree er tr ere een yer ere eT 81
li Table of Contents
LaserWriter Select 300/310
EXDIOGEG View siiauaranienmienam centennial ma naMO es 84
PAAIUS, LAS sides asicecastentocvcs nserats sss odsesenecnsnesdes ests os waa ce feet cad eae me Alena ec eee toss 86
TO) BOATS tices sssnsees severe ccmeaucnscoused osastacs ti achamua auaaae gestae Muted Nein hte eanaa anced mali 89
SS CL CAGI ONS ie asacoaa cand eae hacos case vecsesai ire ected ncaa ol umisaws Saneeesauan ad natartigmeneteloowslaeediinalaniied 90
SO EACUIS LTE DIS ceases suse cseeauan peso areata ees asmontaele dae caea taaon eer pened eetiodneneeeaia tm eeem eatin? 92
DEVICES FSU PAO eos dined cis coos nea rs antisieua agua tn tgneaian mnie sahara deni ued anleremtettts 93
BA yes auaces ae ecco ectue seus tscas errr ae ne aunt seamen ee une amet 96
Troubleshooting the LaserWriter Select 300/310... cscseeestesteeseeseeneseeeeesssseessnesesseaneens 97
PEe-POWEF-OM CIES I csicainseidsseuseateas ante hsaxaseaate nn tuhaeaanateny ark inauntea dana eemenat ivan 97
THOUBIES OOUNG: PEE APA NOM ape cizenianstct didaasch iitencea ciessinecaes ec ctagedun sodas aSosnsupareast tana toeetaD 98
LaserWriter Select 300 Troubleshooting Flowchart .........cccsesessessecseeesenseseeseeeeenseeaneanes 99
LaserWriter Select 310 Troubleshooting FlOWChartS «00... .cccsceseessesestesresteseeneeneeeeneeeeennee 102
TOUDIESNOOLING TADles sisiscsctiasarizasttrraasule in ccetensrancceeseataerd meta My case umieneananmeaes: 106
Table T= Main. Motor: Faihire wxaasesscaivs 2c visthatastacaccnitawonen lene oka aaaares 106
Table:2=N6 POWErtO Fain: Gatetivmngiateniend hanes entrain naian ne 107
Table 3—Fusér Assembly Fail ire tssceaceicss faiaaviacsacresiartianaiansdustasianmalemnmues 108
Table 4—Laser Scanner Failure .......c..ceesccseesseeeestecseeenseeneesnes side Pabees ta aaelagan ec aneie 110
Table 5—Scanner Assembly Faure sssscccuscsetanaiigeiueiwhemaiatumibatunmanmides 111
Table 6—Select 300 1/O Board Error cseieiecststsctvasesicsntsnssertsplesotiienyessisesdiveeniononwoan 111
Table 7—Select 310 I/O Board Error—Serial COMNECHON 00... eceeeeteeeseeseeesnesnerteees 112
Table 8—Select 310 I/O Board Error—Parallel Connection .......ccceceseeseeteseseeseseseeeenes 112
Table 9-Temperature Sensor Assembly Failure .........c.ccccessesessesseeseeseeesseenseneeneeneensens 113
Table-10—Toner Cartridge Sensor Failure ia sictiaisstsensay niece dincmancntotentansecdaias 113
Table 11—Power Supply Failure (+24 VDC) oo... ececeesesseeseeseesesteenesssesecesteeeeneeneenes 114
Table 12—Power Supply Failure-(+65 VDC) ssiiinvectinicwamindauuniameinnnns 115
Table 13—Paper-Out LED Lights When There Is Paper ou... .eecessessesseseteceeesseeereeneens 115
Table 14—Paper-Jam LED Lights But No Jam Has Occurred .......cccscssessecsestesteeteseeeees 116
Table 15=All-Blank Pave Aascueitncdu anaconda eaaitianan nena 120
Table 162 All BACK PAO 6 a.cuSvecinsudiintsnstanatcesdeeniladdni sta iancteattatyuiesastastinenastaanana nna 121
PAD Ie 7 LiSh/ Faded IMAGE aucesashennneatiat nan iuniaiadeetndn a manennimeitanentulatenin 122
Table 1e—Datk Image Over Entite Page ss. coicbcdisuecnissortaneoniittapiecananiont eine avon 123
PADI TO BlACK V CrtiCal LIMES iasusaicens tas isnstcoisssliearallanasteteetawoseusel ervataaunucamoutics tenis 124
LANG ZO Winite V SLI Call LANES xcs tes cusatiescinynnaciadin enous turntesniceatiaredoruisbhdesstoashtcoianit 124
dT alohe 2 T= BlaC ke OM Z OMAN iS aa decevc seseuoe te cainscaei ae ceadoelaaie Musk parte teruetatbet aga 125
Table 22=W ite HOMZOMIAl NGS acesscneietimcttsicnmnie etnies niin aualdanatiavets 126
TAIE 25 GNOSEING sissks te mscncces agers cdnde vadete caus aceasta uneven aesungian earned nea ean 128
TADS 24 BAC FO SUNG reece eet tceecmearrast acct cncatusain taaiai ae deals cea lense bende ania 129
Table 25—Blank Spots/Random Pattern Or LOCAtiON oc eseeescestesteseeesteceeseeesneeeeneenen 129
Table 26—T omer Om Back Of Pape ars eac-cecarailtvanenicnacian ibaa ier deicandsitemmieaaiaee 130
Table 27—Paper Jams in Fuser/Delivery Area .......cccsceecssssseseesstessesteecssseeneeeeerteneenen 131
Table 28—Paper Jams in Paper Pickup ALe4......cccccessssssesesesteseetesessseeseereseaneneeseneetenen 132
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 ili
Table 29=No Paper Pickup FLOM CASSClt © iacvssshes.cceaxsovivrnvvesassasmunasoasoeniativon gtiaeies totais 134
Table 30—No Paper Pickup From Manual Feed or Multipurpose Tray... cee 136
WHATS DA ON A I cao est rcees ace an ase apnavatieduattactncaasasecae ay ceed tated aust eacams aceon anteater tiads 137
Personal LaserWriter 300
5046) (6:0 fof) [exe De Re etn MPEN CON et OTe rrr rt TY RPT Oram eo eer nT ere te ter or 140
PIES Et Sh ee aaceschiseesssiach ce occa arsseg cecvutess Tease coo pease austen Roo Ue No eludes ae ener ced 141
VO-and Controller: Assembly Boards ise, cce-cesssssrrteia acerca epee nu ua tanner cteiacaewa decades 143
SVE CLT CALL ONLS icicle scactttaras cease pecencencea eae shade eT eet cree teeta ated nananiaraeing 144
BME US LTS 1S costs a atest od catia unease pn ara a ascents arama aaeeesnee 146
PASI PAN Sie a tateiessaeaek cnasiettcg otc asia veaceinaacon totais aicea asa raclo a ueaateas cao danucetuctases 147
DCM SIME SY SUCIN sepien ts. Sa, fesctatesssdeanen cs tleeet teas isnt late anqenss talon da puna teat uletuud meses tne ae 148
DEVIC C MSU PAE a seats tyoctsea anit ywrin meimaenaina timaenran ak caesarean Geren rane ena 149
Ai STR @ ee sv@l (UGS 600 \0| eer rne ne meee tet te sr oame Ont Maren tne oti mer anre eT free are reer Creare ee arrestee 151
REOiS ALO NCSL MI CINE ias edecear con tua epescvayheoleiccsnerass uacesorsas tea oaseiaaeanla alga deomamrenneneearetanas 154
Troubleshooting the Personal LaserWriter 300.0... .cccccsecessesesesseessesesteseeteseensseeeeeeeeeeneeneeeens 156
Pre: POW CLO: COCK IIS asia sl acsreie acne dee ata sons eh eadapad Souda dubalateala haan Ohajate 156
TOUS OCIS IIS satis stot cnt ebaaa ellen Gea ated ussite linseed Dagiaite 157
Personal LaserWriter 300 Troubleshooting FlOWChart .........cccsessessecseeteeteeteeteeteenesteeneeneenen 159
PrOuDlesMOOtAg: VAIES., tod cascwte statin iat cutbadinieaabieai ai ntndaninaumenseneinetelas 162
TAdle JNO POWEr 10 Fats Auscrviaciosania run recmanind nasi asgne niece see eaenelons 162
Tale 2a Main MOLOR FAINT: tex casestecscaasaxs estaesee sya tastecsaanaenerisuiaben vactuluasoneantesstsae shee 163
Taple 3=No-Paper Pickup from Cassette: (ray wnisianssitinisinnusn inmate 164
Table 4—No Paper Pickup From Manual-Feed Slot........cccccscsesesesessesneeeneeneneneeen 165
Table 5—Paper Jams in Pickup/Transfer Area ......ccsescesseeesteseeeeseeseestesteeseereesneeneeneenee 166
Table 6—Paper Jams in Fuser/Delivery Area ......c.cccssessseestestesecseeseessseeneeseesneeeeneenee 167
Table 7 All Batnk PAG essex ceiaidstos acre reeaettns erste name caveopuninsarveh tear esnioaan euuaguangninosendvaleantiats 169
Maple’ SAMBA CK PACS usinzeditiacascsatsneacyasnaeeecuas aces venalean dean dnesa iio iin san eanoinyoumaalawanapuucenert 169
Table 9—Uniformly Light/Faded Image Over Entire Page oo... ccceessesseeeeetesneneeneeneens 170
Table 10—Uniformly Dark Image Over Entire Page ........cciccecccsessesteeseeseeteseeteceeneeeseeees 171
Table 11—Black Vertical Lines, Sharp and Well-Defined........c.ccccceceeesteseseeseereeeees 171
Table 12—White Vertical Lines, Sharp and Well-Defined.......ccccecceecesteeeteeeeseenees 172
Table 13—Vertical Banding, Irregular and Smudged Black LineS...........ccceeeeeetees 172
Table 14—Stairstepping/Vertical Lines Jagged Or Shaky .....c.cccsescessestesecesesnesnesssnerseees 173
Table 15—Horizontal Banding, Evenly Spaced Smudged Black Lines occ 173
Table 16—Black Horizontal Lines, Sharp and Well-Defined ........cccccscsssssesteeeneeee 174
ADI E 1 STA REGIS CATION, oe ecaot evs is evnsus peach ateces dit etetegvednanin ve ial eauemnan avaranauacncumuocsstis 174
ADICTS SKC WAP ii sciatic sate aas Late attalan apnoea au laroen adtaanae tesa une eed 175
lo) Ke Le oe (60 LUG) | 0) 2 arene renee nnU ee Oger eae ee tennrn rc rer vere Op Tin femcttnn errr enter 175
Table 20=Toner On: Back OF Page isiaicsnteiensiniatigeuWdensiininaaimmivieanneaee 176
Table 21—Blank Spots, Random Pattern Or LOCatiON.......cccecsessesessessestsseeseetesterneseeneens 176
WACO DIA SAIN chtarisa vexdlaisas arcarssencnatyteeneraats ara ettes ees? elec sue uaies phe Sea Cin Gea ve ea naleama te udlasteneieath 177
iv Table of Contents
The Apple Service Guide for LaserWriter Printers, Volume 2, is designed to
help Apple-certified technicians troubleshoot and repair Apple laser printers at
the customer's site. This guide includes service information for the
LaserWriter Pro 600/630, LaserWriter Select 300/310, and Personal LaserWriter
300 printers.
The Apple Service Guide for LaserWriter Printers presents information from
the Service Source CD and other Service publications in a booklet format that
is easy to use and easy to carry. The guide includes only information that
experienced technicians need to service LaserWriter printers quickly and
reliably at the customer’s site.
Using the Guide
The Apple Service Guide for LaserWriter Printers contains safety information
and four tab sections:
Tab 1: — General Information
Tab 2: — LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Tab 3: — LaserWriter Select 300/310
Tab 4: Personal LaserWriter 300
Safety: This section includes safety warnings, practices, and procedures. You
should be completely familiar with all the safety information before using this
guide. Please read this section.
Tab_1 — General Information: This tab section contains general printer
connection information, port pinouts, and generic troubleshooting tips that
apply to more than one of the printer families covered in this guide.
Tabs 2-4: The three LaserWriter printer tab sections contain information
specific to particular LaserWriter printer models:
¢ — Exploded-view drawings of the LaserWriter printers
¢ Alphabetical parts lists with part numbers
e — System specifications
¢ Troubleshooting information, flowcharts, and tables
When ordering a replacement module or spare part, be sure to check
the part number given in this guide against the current information
in the AppleOrder™ system, on the AppleLink® network, or in the
Apple Service Price Pages. Remember that this Apple Service Guide is
not updated on a regular basis.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 1
A Warning
A Warning
A Warning
A Warning
A Warning
A Warning
The LaserWriter printers operate at high voltages. To prevent
serious injury, always switch off the printer and unplug the AC
power cord before servicing the printer. __
Never disconnect the beam-detect cabling or laser shutter when
the printer is switched on. The reflected laser beam, although
invisible, can permanently damage your eyes. _
The fuser assembly becomes very hot during printer operation.
Before servicing the fuser assembly, switch off the printer for at
least 5 minutes to allow the fuser assembly tocool. =
sensitive microcircuits. LaserWriter I/O boards contain CMOS
components, among the most sensitive chips in use today. CMOS
chips, ROMs, and SIMMs are very susceptible to ESD and skin
acid damage. To prevent damage to these components, handle
them only by the edges.
Make sure that you are not grounded when
¢ You are working on plugged-in equipment
$ You are performing live adjustments
The LaserWriter printers are heavy. When lifting or moving the
Peter VCC ren nol yea youl
Introduction and Safety
LaserWriter Safety Rules
1. Remove all jewelry before performing repairs on a LaserWriter
printer. Removing these conductors reduces the possibility of electric
2. Before servicing a LaserWriter, turn off the power and disconnect
the AC power cord. Certain parts of the printer are hot (electrified)
when the printer is under power. Never work on a LaserWriter printer
under power except when making live adjustments.
3. Do not touch the following modules when the LaserWriter is
powered on and the covers are removed:
¢ The high-voltage power supply
¢ The DC power supply
¢ The power supply block
¢ The high-voltage contact assembly
e The power supply unit
Toner Safety
Toner is a nontoxic substance composed of plastic, iron, and a small amount of
pigment. Skin and clothing are best cleaned by removing as much toner as
possible with a dry tissue, then washing with cold water. Hot water causes
toner to jell and permanently fuse into clothing. Toner attacks vinyl materials,
so avoid contact with vinyl.
Laser Safety
When servicing the optical system of the LaserWriter, be careful not to place
screwdrivers or other shiny objects in the path of the laser beam. The
reflected laser beam, though invisible, can permanently damage your eyes.
Never remove the cover of a laser/scanner assembly, whether the printer is
powered on or not.
Because the laser beam is invisible, the labels shown in the following figure are
attached to the insides of covers where there is danger of exposure to laser
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 3
Table 15 Black Vertical Lines, Sharp and Well-Defined
Check Result
Try a known-good toner cartridge. No
Does the problem persist?
Problem solved.
Run the printer diagnostic. Does the
diagnostic test indicate a specific
Go to the appropriate
table, as indicated in
Figure 7.
Does the symptom definitely occur on
a service test page?
Replace the I/O board.
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
e Replace the fuser
e Replace the
laser/scanner assembly.
Table 16 White Vertical Lines, Sharp and Well-Defined
Check Result
Try a known-good toner cartridge. No
Does the problem persist?
Problem solved.
Is there a hair or other obstruction
that can be blocking the laser beam?
Run the printer diagnostic test (see
“Printer Diagnostic"). Does the test
indicate a specific error?
Remove the obstruction.
Go to the appropriate
table, as indicated in
Figure 7.
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
¢ Replace the
laser/scanner assembly.
e Replace the I/O board.
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
A Warning
ESD Prevention Rules
Follow these steps to reduce the risk of electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage
to equipment:
Before working on any device containing a printed circuit, ground
yourself and your equipment to an earth or building ground. Use a
grounded conductive workbench mat and a grounding wriststrap, and
ground your equipment to the mat.
Make sure that you are not grounded when
¢ You are working on plugged-in equipment
¢ You are performing live adjustments
Do not touch anybody who is working on integrated circuits. You could
“zap” the equipment through the technician—even if the technician is
Use static-shielding bags for boards and chips during storage,
transportation, and handling. Leave all Apple replacement modules in
their ESD-safe packaging until you need them.
Handle all ICs by the body, not the leads. Also, do not touch the edge
connectors or exposed circuitry on boards or cards.
Do not wear polyester clothing or bring plastic, vinyl, or styrofoam into
the work environment. The electrostatic field around these
nonconductors cannot be removed.
Never place components on any metal surface. Use antistatic,
conductive, or foam rubber mats.
If possible, keep the humidity in the service area between 70% and 90%,
and use an ion generator. Charge levels are reduced (but not eliminated)
in high-humidity environments and in areas where an ion generator is
routinely used.
If an ESD pad/workstation (see Setting Up an ESD-Safe Workstation) is
not available, touch bare metal on the power supply to discharge
electrostatic charges.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 5
Setting Up an ESD-Safe Workstation
You need the following materials to set up an ESD-safe workstation:
Conductive workbench mat, with grounding cord
Wriststrap, with built-in 1-megohm resistor and ground cord
Equipment grounding cord, with alligator clips
Ground/polarity tester
Setup Procedure
Remove all ESD hazards from the area. Nonconductive materials (see
rule 5 under ESD Prevention Rules) cannot be grounded. Such materials
retain charges for hours and even days.
Use a ground/polarity tester to verify proper grounding of the power
outlet. If the outlet is wired incorrectly, most testers show a light pattern
that matches a code given on the tester. If the tester does not verify
proper grounding, move to another outlet that is safe.
Connect the grounding cord of the workbench mat to ground.
Use a wriststrap grounding cord. Fasten it to the workbench mat and to
the wriststrap. The wriststrap should touch your skin. You need the
continuous grounding provided by a grounding wriststrap.
Finally, ground the equipment you are working on. Use alligator clips
and a grounding cord to attach any metal part of the device you are
working on to the grounded workbench mat.
Introduction and Safety
beat hat te eg
Connecting the Printer to
a Computer
Cable Connectors
Printer Connectors
Printer Pinouts
Switch Settings
Troubleshooting Tips
Telephone and On-Site
Quick Checks
Information Gathering
Problem Identification
Software Troubleshooting 22
Hardware Troubleshooting 24
= |
Connecting the Printer to a Computer
You will find it useful to connect the printer to a computer in order to test the
printer, especially the operation of the I/O board.
Following are instructions on how to connect the printer to a Macintosh
computer using a peripheral-8 or LocalTalk cable and to an MS-DOS computer
using a 36-pin Centronics cable.
For information on how to install the appropriate printer software, refer to the
printer's user manual.
Connecting via a Peripheral-8 Cable
The LaserWriter Pro 600/630, LaserWriter Select 300/310, and Personal
LaserWriter 300 printers can be connected to a Macintosh computer by
attaching a peripheral-8 cable to the mini DIN-8 port on the printer.
Switch off the printer and the Macintosh computer.
2. Attach one end of the peripheral-8 cable to the printer port or modem
port on the Macintosh computer.
If you plug the printer cable into the printer port, you must make sure
that AppleTalk is inactive in the Macintosh Chooser desk accessory.
3. Attach the other end of the cable to the mini DIN-8 port on the back of
the printer.
LaserWriter Select 310 only: Do not connect the LaserWriter Select 310 to
both a Macintosh and an IBM PC or compatible computer at the same time.
Although this does not harm the printer, you cannot use the Macintosh (serial)
port while the PC (parallel) port is connected, or vice versa.
Connecting via LocalTalk Cables (LaserWriter Pro
600/630 only)
The LaserWriter Pro 600/630 printers can be connected to a Macintosh
computer by attaching a LocalTalk cable to the mini DIN-8 port on the printer.
1. Switch off the LaserWriter Pro and the Macintosh computer.
2. Connect a LocalTalk connector box to the mini DIN-8 port on the
LaserWriter Pro (see Figure 1).
3. Connect a LocalTalk connector box to the printer port on the Macintosh
computer (see Figure 1).
4, Connect the two connector boxes with a LocalTalk cable (see
Figure 1).
General Information
5. Switch on the LaserWriter Pro and wait for the startup test page.
6. Click the LaserWriter icon to select the device type and select the
LaserWriter name when it appears.
7. Choose Print Directory from the File menu.
e Ifa printout of the directory is produced, the printer and network
are functioning properly.
¢ Ifa printout of the directory is not produced, refer to the
appropriate troubleshooting flowcharts or table in the LaserWriter
Pro tab section.
Attach a connector box to the mini DIN-8
port on the LaserWriter Pro printer.
Attach a connector
box to the printer port
on the Macintosh.
LocalTalk 2-Meter Connector Box
i Connector Box LocalTalk Cable
Attach the 2-meter LocalTalk cable between the connector boxes.
(Each connector box has two identical ports; you can use either one.)
Figure 1 LocalTalk Connection
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 9
Attach the cable to the parallel port on
your computer. (Your computer’s parallel
port may be in a different location.)
Connecting via a Centronics Parallel Cable (LaserWriter.
Pro 600/630 and LaserWriter Select 310 only)
The LaserWriter Pro 600/630 and LaserWriter Select 310 printers offer a
Centronics parallel port for connection to MS-DOS computers. This
connection requires a cable with a 36-pin Centronics-type connector on one
end and an appropriate connector on the other end for the specific MS-DOS
computer. (Most IBM PCs and compatible computers require a 25-pin
Do not connect the LaserWriter Select 310 printer to both a Macintosh and an
IBM PC or compatible computer at the same time. Although this does not
harm the printer, you cannot use the Macintosh (serial) port while the PC
(parallel) port is connected, or vice versa.
Before you can attach the cable, you must remove the plastic static-protection
cover from the printer's parallel port.
Do not remove the plastic cover from the parallel port unless you need to
attach a parallel cable to the port. The cover protects the printer from possible
damage by static electricity.
To secure the parallel
connector to the printer,
use the spring clips.
Attach the cable’s 36-pin
Centronics-type connector to this
port on the LaserWriter printer.
Parallel interface cable
Figure 2 Centronics Parallel Port Connection
General Information
Cable Connectors
The pin numbers shown in Figure 3 are for the connectors attached to the
ends of the LaserWriter peripheral cables, as viewed from the front of the
Mini DIN-8
7 Apple AAUI
Centronics Parallel
Figure 3 Cable Connectors
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 11
Printer Connectors
Pro 600
Configuration RS-422 RS-232 Centronics
Switch (LocalTalk) (Serial) (Parallel)
Pro 630
Configuration RS-422 RS-232 Centronics
Switch (LocalTalk) (Serial) (Parallel)
SCSI Ethernet
Select 310
Centronics RS-422
(Parallel) (serial)
Select 300
LaserWriter 300
Figure 4 External Connectors on the Printers
12 General Information
Printer Pinouts
re meio
Connector type: mini DIN-8 male
¢ The LaserWriter Pro needs only 2, 3, and 5, but a connected device may require the others. For
example, to exchange information with an MS-DOS computer using the DSR/DTR handshake, pins
6 (DSR) and 4 (DTR) on the RS-232 port of the LaserWriter Pro must be connected to their
counterparts on the MS-DOS computer.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 13
LaserWriter Pro 600/630 Pinouts — HDI-30 SCSI Connector
(Pins 1-15)
Signal Name Signal Description
SCSI-Mode/ SCSI disk mode enable signal
Data0/ Data bit O
Signal ground
Data1/ Data bit 1
Termpwr +5 volts termination power
Data bit 2
Data bit 3
Signal ground
Signal ground
Signal ground
Signal ground
Data5/ Dat bit 5
Signal ground
* Termination power is not provided on the PowerBook 100.
14 General Information
LaserWriter Pro 600/630 Pinouts — HDI-30 SCSI Connector
(Pins 16-30)
Signal Description
Dat bit 6
Signal ground
Dat bit 7
Data parity
Signal ground
Signal ground
23 BUSY/ Busy
cy | Conte
Connector: 30-pin high-density interconnect (HDI-30)
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 15
LaserWriter Pro 630 Pinouts — Ethernet
Signal Name Signal Description
+12 volts @ 175 mA or +5 volts @ 420 mA
Data In circuit A
Data In circuit B
Voltage common
Control In circuit A
Control In circuit B
+5 volts (from host)
Secondary +5 volts (from host)
Data Out circuit A
Data Out circuit B
Secondary voltage common
Secondary +12 volts or +5 volts
Protective Gnd Protective ground
Connector type: Custom 14-pin .05-inch spaced ribbon
16 General Information
LaserWriter Pro 600/630 and Select 310 Pinouts — Parallel Port
Data parity
No connection
Signal ground
Connector type: TRW CINCH 57-30360 or equivalent
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 17
LaserWriter Select 310 Pinouts — RS-232
Signal Description
Data Terminal Ready (output)
Data Set Ready (input)
RxD- Received Data -
Signal Ground
| 8 | NC | No omecton
Shield Protective Ground
18 General Information
Switch Settings
LaserWriter Pro 600/630 Switch Settings
* Not arbitrated for input
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Troubleshooting Tips
The following diagram illustrates the overall approach you should use when
troubleshooting an Apple LaserWriter printer. You will find information about
each action in this section.
Perform Telephone and
Quick Checks On-Site Quick Checks
Duplicate problem and gather
Hardware :
Go over System and Application
Software Checklist
Perform Software Troubleshooting
Perform Hardware Troubleshooting
Telephone and On-Site Quick Checks
Check the power source and power connection.
Check all cables and cable connections.
Confirm that the toner cartridge is installed and has toner.
Confirm that the paper cassette is installed and has paper.
Confirm that the LaserWriter access door is closed.
Check the status lights.
Check the print density adjustment.
Check the switch settings, if applicable.
Confirm whether the printer produces a user test page. (The LaserWriter
Pro 600/630 printers generate a user test page 2 to 3 minutes after you
switch on the printer, unless the function has been turned off with the
LaserWriter Utility. The Personal LaserWriter 300 and LaserWriter Select
300/310 printers do not produce a user test page.)
20 General Information
Information Gathering
If quick checks do not identify the problem, try duplicating the problem and
gather as much information as possible, including the following:
e <A description of the problem (no power, unable to print from the
computer, print quality bad, paper jam)
e The operating condition and environment when the problem occurs
(model of computer and LaserWriter; whether printer is networked;
LaserWriter Driver version; system software and version; application
software and version)
e — Exactly what the customer is doing when the problem occurs
e What has been changed or added to the system if the problem only
appeared recently
e What the customer has done to fix the problem and the results
e Whether the problem is continuous or intermittent
e Whether the LaserWriter can print a user test page (if applicable)
Problem Identification
Using the information obtained from the customer or from on-site
observation, identify whether the problem resides in one of the following
functional areas—software, hardware, or network environment.
Network Environment
The problem is most likely a network problem if any of the following
conditions exists: |
e Two or more users on the network experience the same symptoms.
¢ — The printer successfully prints both a user test page and a service test page (if
applicable), and the computer and software are known-good.
e Users experience “poor performance” symptoms (for example, the
printer takes longer to print than before).
¢ The printer or other network devices have been moved from one
location to another.
To troubleshoot and repair network problems, refer to the Networking and
Communications Apple Service Guide.
Software Environment
The problem is most likely a software problem if any of the following
conditions exists:
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 21
The printer successfully prints both a user test page and a service test
page, but does not print when connected to a computer (provided the
computer and network hardware components are known-good).
The user is attempting to print using pre-release, public-domain, or
untested software (applications, fonts or drivers).
The same problem occurs when the software is used with other known-
good LaserWriter printers.
Hardware Environment
The problem is most likely a hardware problem if any of the following
conditions exists:
The printer is unable to print a user or service test page (if applicable).
The printer shows obvious, physical signs of damage.
The printer emits unusual noises or smells.
The printer indicates a paper jam or paper-out condition.
The print quality of the test print is not acceptable.
The printer has no power.
Software Troubleshooting
If you suspect a software problem, follow these steps:
Check the LaserWriter switch settings (if applicable).
Check the cables and cable connections.
Verify that the LaserWriter driver software is installed in the System
Folder using the Installer, and that the version number is current.
Open the Apple menu and select the Chooser.
Click the appropriate LaserWriter icon and verify that the printer is
Open the File menu and choose Print Directory or Print Window.
If a printout of the directory is produced, the printer and network are
functioning properly. Perform software checks as directed in the System
and Application Software Checklist section that follows.
If a printout of the directory is not produced, perform software checks as
directed in the System and Application Software Checklist section that
follows. If this approach does not fix the problem, your customer
probably has a hardware problem. Refer to the appropriate
troubleshooting flowcharts and tables later in this manual.
General Information
System and Application Software Checklist
When troubleshooting systems and application software, perform the
following checks:
“ Confirm whether the problem is peculiar to one application (try
replicating the problem using another application). If the
application is at fault, try the following:
Probiem Solutions
The message 1. Make sure application is installed on
“Application drive.
is busy or missing” 2. Launch application rather than
appears document. If application launches, it
is not corrupted.
Program 1. Contact vendor about program
incompatible update.
with system 2. Remove program from system.
Program corrupted 1. System crashes can corrupt the
program and the system
software. Trash the program.
2. Reinstall the program and system
software from original, locked disks.
Y Confirm whether the problem is with system software (try
booting from a floppy) or with multiple System Folders (use Find
File under the Apple menu).
Problem Solutions
Multiple system — Remove all system folders except
folders folder with the Macintosh icon on tt.
Corrupted system — Trash the old system software. Use
software Installer on original, locked system
software disks to install new system
Important When replacing corrupted system software, avoid introducing new
problems—always use the Installer on the original system software disks.
If you remove the System folder before running the Installer, you will
need to replace any custom enhancements, such as fonts, sounds, etc.,
from the previous system folder on your customer’s system. Make copies
of your customer’s fonts and desk accessories before running the
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 23
Hardware Troubleshooting — oo
If you suspect you have a printer hardware problem, refer to the
troubleshooting flowcharts and tables in the appropriate printer tab section in
this manual.
General Information
Laser Writer Pro
Exploded View—Main Printer 26
Main Printer Parts List 27
Exploded View—Envelope
Feeder 31
Envelope Feeder Parts List 32
Exploded View—Sheet
Feeder 33
Sheet Feeder Parts List 34
Boards and RAM SIMM
Configuration Guidelines 35
Specifications 36
Printer Diagnostic 38
Test and Configuration Pages 40
Troubleshooting the
LaserWriter Pro 600/630 42
Wiring Diagram 81
a El
dé p)
Exploded View—Main Printer
I/O Shield
I/O Board
Laser/ -~~ DC Controller
Scanner Board
Assembly Main Motor Right
HVPS Corner
Connecting tl ad Panel
Block Assembly
High-Voltage : i"
Power Transfer oo
Supply Roller 2
Pickup Block
Tray Assembly
Figure 1 LaserWriter Pro 600/630 Exploded View
26 LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Main Printer Parts List
PE -CASSCUC wisest issaseneviscans anh ealeeucya ened ae 922-0384
CADIS COV Clrcas, 2 sesrrsatsnccens ose arian 922-0273
Cassetio guide (Stl) rcacinwrstareiwasiiscnanniclarsaseiesxaGunitdaueendedsmucuareararh, 922-0245
CASSENE GUIGS (POMEL) eicsa2 hie ceer rie ica denclataca eu enecbeneumecmredendens 922-0249
CASSOLLC SIOD COV EI ssccician cs csasscersyarccrtinesaxaencannueomeenae aes. 922-0222
CIGANING DMUSI css ice eaase eae cchactare tence esteem cesta 922-0240
CIOSUPE: DANG | etincsed cucenncicee tote tasoussatoitesen ccausannwe ned a cavemeneanane: 922-0253
Controller board connectors Shield ...............cccccececeeseneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaneees 922-0259
COVERIMER siciccceiat caceuseveeucorcoveseudusseicarnideeneeueeicavitavevnsaddrdeuedeaneinaeees 922-0229
DC COMIONE! DOA accciisi sisciccvessesservacgadicines eedevaieusapaaecmnevean wisaveniiee 661-0807
DG COMMONER MOUNT ainisid ccnidsaversiantretnoineiaedsensatiaid motets nes suaseviavanseteas 922-0257
Delivery/intenlOCK SONSOM ssiiiscclecetavessceversccspiesead bvsavnveus tecthasesdeevvenscses 922-0299
Delivery roller ASSEMDIY........ ec eeseececeececeeeeeesseeeeeeeeeseeeaaaeeeereeeeees 922-0292
Delivery assembly piece parts Kit .............:cccccseeceeeeeessseeeeeesaeeeeeees 076-0675
DENVERY TAIN scrinctteadevehie si otencahen tatenwereeneaeecety ulvtereieaaaaearseeneus 922-0293
DRIVEDG Its coer ns acecuntceaendahpexavaayetcadevarst ae oie ee tageauruer aac eeicanes 922-0209
Drive: belt Gnd Plate wi scticecindiccdin inane ai weeeaaiede 922-0294
Lower elivery roller...........cccccssssssesceeccccsneeeesseeeeeeceessueaeaesesereeeeees 922-0296
Wpper delivery Quide awaits i ae asec aad 922-0298
UDPEr GENVEFY: TONGK aivincinecnivatiners over ehusantsacaevadatsnutesid enna enrtess 922-0297
Upper passive delivery roller ...........:::::ccsssscseeseseseeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeees 922-0295
Engine interface Cable ............... csecessseseeseseeeeeeeeeeseseeeeeeeesereeeeeeeeeeees 922-0213
ENGINE SPFINIG: KIL wicicciectserseieuit eathevdebician meee encarta eancomndariendiedtas 076-0678
DKIVGsASSOIMDIY daranichcousessecteiassiutanatediarenceiyce a aseeoemacendy nates: 922-0274
AG Oh Co sata Bact Gaeta ra niche ttn ain autt ashe cases enone 922-0202
FRAG UC UP 2 ass aenadsiecucdatina ade recoutvcanvstocncuermngamncntaavala sean minvincetti aden 922-0254
FAO UIG EB sacs Socn tu scnawnicrareauteeneincas a: adi acutnustewmecwmure siaurevsarievuuaiaran 922-0255
Fe) SING IO cas: sewed taco vxscucie teuraad eo inevteecous iveinciieietaccaGatmtiunea nies 922-0256
FOCOCl QUIGG siz cvsnmcvesanesiayuaetacniesseinunuitereanvabnsbivadeian aacsaatGannee 922-0265
FOO Usrccee masa vienaaaciasauansiauivaag oatane etateieneneses wor ma suiatea vias cuueunsmaais 922-0247
FUSE ACCESS COON faci acyhvacoiecuentater eee etaee eee ee avdanecees 922-0233
PRONE Dali si, siscsctacacncntcn caren nave dactasasducnraeuce sve dexsuatomenmutesmuanndaupanven 922-0231
Fuser aSSembly (110/115)... eecccccececeseeesssseseeeeeeesesseeaeesseseeseseess 661-0805
Fuser assembly (220/240) .......... cc cesecsessseeeesessetsetsessssceseseeenteserenseess 661-0806
Delivery SENSING IOVET..............ccccccceceeseseteessessssssseeseeseeeeeeeesereeenes 922-0308
FUSE! CADIG"COVEN so2iayi sie cctedodtlendnbeund gees en pientas uae 922-0306
FUSEF CADIG QUIGG Scenecicc ite luhe dea cordenredendedeerbeivevesnieecsgtuaxsnndansesvuoee 922-0315
FUSEr CORMECIOF CADIS: ccesiicciiced des ssaevadvionndecderesineinndepsmapieneneadetieneves 922-0314
FUSOF COVER Cap (ION) sciicecccaccectacdcdacvakecietcucboteyis eePeneccabuadedeeeamaess 922-0305
FUSOM COVEN (OID irisrccativncct va cedetacnntes Rated sien du anddvamtasuisnwaddas 922-0309
PUSGr COVER (GM) 2icccsurevcccneeccatass dase eaniesdealntae snes ets vance snanacaes 922-0304
Fuser heating bulb (110/115 V) ou... eesessssssssesseeeeseeeeeereeeeenees 922-0310
Fuser heating bulb (220/240 V) .0...... cc ceccsesssseeeeeeeceeeeeessseverseeeees 922-0311
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 27
Fuser roller/bushing/gear Kit ..............::cccecccceeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenees 076-0676
PUSEM SDHMO KIN a ieteyvatbea teins eeannentsealadd darts yw Reaatiduavece exe reeadoahans 076-0677
FUSER LNCHUISIO lx ee ecrcuanitkcdeleadavae sh barrens dette ca amn ar atetaes tieecs 922-0312
Fuser thermoprotector .............:ccccccccsssecccceeeeeesseneeeeeaaseeecsaueeeesnaaes 922-0313
Lower fTUSer TONOr xiscicscsossadcecsasacade Gaatcacsduestyerstiaadeweeipusess oases 922-0301
Lower Separation Quide ................ccccccsseccceeeeceesecceesecseeeeceesceneeeeees 922-0307
Paper entrance Quide ..............cccccccccsecececoneeneeenenenseeeeensnenseseeesenens 922-0302
WIPDSLTUSSR TOMBE wssiesactncsces tuaadennccinnemdesmdevevueniddiminverconentinBaiadeunestan 922-0300
Upper Separation Quide ...............cccccsesccccceseeeseeneeceneseescsaseseneaees 922-0303
FIARG CRIVE INOU x tvins 5 secncorrtecdem oadeedsaenacemenetel te camusadewa ene aees 922-0261
High-voltage power supply (HVPS) .............cccccssseeseeeeeaseeseeeeeseaeneeees 661-0804
HVPS CONNECHAG: DIOCK sesicisaciescsccrinteutssiee nteydiast neues veuncianteonne 922-0268
FAW E'S COV EI sac canncstontacosasieedigamatars eesasine waew ei aronavean eee siaeiean ee 922-0269
HVPS—DC controller Cable .......... cc cccssssseceeseeeesseceeseeeesseseseesaenseees 922-0217
VO: Controller Screw Kil sscaiies ice csccrarsyeracsssiucdestosooe ae aia vedeaies 076-0680
WO{COVER Dialer u hots artuniacsseentetnent ee sites eines eet aa ees 922-0263
PSI MGIC scat ican atrosincsles ake aa aaiausaacintnogaamnene saaancoauuanatueavaspaadaaaadeunnaeseae 922-0262
VOPSHICIG DIACKE l vaceieticcniids ica cianalnsnoattassnumetadven wacaneacaaualenoraeasees 922-0260
Laser-DC controller Cable ................ccccccccccccecceeeaeeeeseeeeeeeeeeseeeueeeeeees 922-0212
Laser/SCANnner ASSEMDIY ............ccccseeseeeeeeececeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeaeaeess 661-0801
LSS SPU scr at es arsreetsackc an we tatu canlonioe store erlateta stubs mad eraeislonabieteco mae ites 922-0241
LAS Er SMEG As ecvnansseeaucotsNtus Alecvncusymegied octinds stcaatenadun ade retunteleeces 922-0246
LaserWriter Pro 600 I/O DO@IC.......... cee cecccceceeeeeeeeeneeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeesees 661-0799
LaserWriter Pro 630 I/O DOAIC............cccceeccceceeseeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeseeeeeeeees 661-0800
LAT Neal i eA Carentan tans ib riais dae nes saenasunmveinmuatnar uteeieialondiveuade ameoneieent 922-0248
LE DCIS DIA V shcvatas tea Sirah iaebara sere tanaenie satenirnearh ess lnieateaareevaiies 922-0232
[LD GISDIAY GADIC 5.6205 2.506 0 sey ednias te tard onen sage eaemnaeeoanveedsuudaceamiewies 922-0210
Uo =) Bg] (=| [0 emer mentee errr ase nnn Creer enrnrret ttre rnin Witrnre Tema ee trie etre 922-0230
LGUEl CASSOIS sa vevccuscrat iar diussakeuuubinsnnivnsebiuibaereabediausuisedeuet werweeoseint 922-0382
Main engine SCrew Kit ..............ccccccccssseeccceeeeeesenseccceeeseessaseeeesensenseaes 076-0453
MGI IMOLON seenseeceuettain Gecverad Ha lacnohesdisncddteacaddne vied eel seu added rae 922-0203
Malt MOlOk Cable wicssd.citnscioteineinsineiexeredaasiaisedtevonaiasieawotnocwtbedosineeunes 922-0214
MUNITDUIDOSE Way 4 ctccicwsses hiaataieetnedantdaivitaaiebetinwnttteneieawnmdsliceein 922-0227
MultipurpOSe tray COVED ..........ccccccccseeccccssecceecseeeseceeeeeetecegeceeseeeeeneees 922-0221
Multipurpose tray Extension .............c.cceccceeceecececeeececeeeeeceeseeseseeeaeeees 922-0228
Multipurpose tray latch ............ccccccceecsceeeesceeeteseeeseeeesseeeseeeeeegeesanenes 922-0252
Paper pickup block
Cassette pickup roller .............ccccccccccsssssccceeeaeeesereereneeseecsesseneaneesss 922-0280
Cassette pickup SOI@NOI .................ccccccccceccecceseeneeeceececeeeeenaueaeeees 922-0275
Envelope feeder interface Cable ..0..........cccccccccsssseeceeccesseeeeeceeeneees 922-0285
CASA MOU I a setscctris naduce dysarecies vnairaaonancaewecuanbaverta Beatuaatetannat Gotten sarcece 922-0277
GUNG re descinaitalelsuedsass Satuaa eal sbnesnuase uta wanetanannaanaieaaeat iseniaaiaaet 922-0288
Multipurpose tray guide ASSEMDLy ................ cc ceecceeceeeceeeceeeseceesess 922-0286
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
PICKUP:SONSOF DOAN ssiceciscdesnceeadctacsinneetsiantaasearbantnavtaaiovxnenriuneds 922-0208
DENSON IEVEN viz, saci teennsoinet twa ssaeinvarsiqinneioisaasaccanannonnieecutadtewtidert: 922-0287
Multipurpose tray pickup roller...............c cc ceeeseseeeeceeeseeceneeeeseeeeeees 922-0281
Multipurpose tray Upper QUuICE ............. cece eeeeeeeeeneteeereeeeeeeeeeeneeees 922-0282
Multipurpose guide plate...............ccccccccccceneseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenens 922-0290
Multipurpose pickup SOICNOIC ...............ceeeeeeeeeeeeececeeeeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeees 922-0278
ODeNING GQUIKE erarcnntirGrctiermatcccnaiiet teres 922-0284
PADC QUIS arenes et cele ereeuds eke een acne oases 922-0283
Pickup: block frame (left) scious wwsntwcieacdthinesucini ent: 922-0276
Piekup block Gear Kita, n1a sei eerie ee en ae 076-0671
PICKUP: DIOCK MOON ‘a itssteces oi aadiin eurectee ait deesresetinee nascent 922-0207
Pickup block piece parts Kit ...............::ccccccesseceeeseseeeneneeeenaneeeeenaes 076-0674
Pickup block ring/spring kit ...............2::::::::sssseseeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneesees 076-0672
Pickup block roller/shaft Kit ................cccccsssssssseeeceeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 076-0673
Pickup Controller DOA .............ccccssseeecseseeeceeneeeeeaseeecesueeeenseeeeneaes 922-0206
Sensor holder ASSEMDIy .............ccccccessesseseeceeceeeeeeeeseeeceeeeeeeseeeenens 922-0289
PADS WEIGIG AY tiacahirernr era uetaeas oersewinvauteteneatederahekes cs atenad cena: 922-0270
PEDel WEIGME Bc ache rusas ee onnnsiawmeteckeawtcedneendstiacendh crsce cearet eerie arent t. 922-0271
Passive transter roller ccc ssnctscnseciccdrnahwas diene eta 922-0266
Pickup controller—DC controller Cable.............cccccceeceeseeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 922-0218
POWSMINIGL DANG laren cravetasinnmsuneneemntr dees aetna ern e 922-0224
EXDanSION'SIOUCAD sccsces iva ecmerahoneate eine vewve na vine etaat tk 922-0226
Power supply—DC controller Cable...............:ccccccssssseeeecuseesseeseneaaneees 922-0215
Power supply—HVPS interface PCB ...............ccccceeeceeeeeseseeeeeeeeeeeeeees 922-0204
Power supply—I/O controller Cable ..................cccccesseseeeeeneeeeeeeeeeaenees 922-0216
POWeEr SUDDIY. (11.07 11S) iecsiseted vecesdicotesien teste deca ctueiesvarcey Nance! 661-0802
Power Supply (220/240) ...........cccccccssssssececcceeseeeeceeseseeecesseeeeeceeseaeaees 661-0803
PaGal DanlOl sescestecsacenctasansnsuiene events sieeethig ptacosadcmnatsadtaeueasaantancueteete. 922-0225
Right Corner Panel .............ccceceesseeseeeeenseeseeeseesseseenseasseseessenseeseeeneonees 922-0223
Scanner—DC controller Cable ............ceceeceseceeceneeeessseeserereesseeeaeneeeees 922-0211
Secondary engine SCrew Kit... eeeeeneneeeeeeeneeeeeeeteeeeeeeeeeeees 076-0454
Sheet feeder connecting DIOCK .................cceceeceeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeneeeeneeeees 922-0272
Sheet feeder interface Cable ........... cc ccececcececeeeereeneessseeeeeneesesseaaeeeeees 922-0219
SS UAP INC ecstatic ries eictianascae abies eai rel des ivnid Andatbp ona uenienteeatde: 922-0258
Toner Cartridge guide (left) ................ceceseeceseessessesereeeecenreeassseerenenees 922-0242
Toner Cartridge Quide (riQht) .............:cccceececeeeeseseeeeeeeeeceeeeananseeereesenes 922-0243
Toner Cartridge SUPPOMT ..............ccccccssssssesecescessereceseesserseetecssereeesseess 922-0244
Toner pressure arm (left) .............cccccccccsssececsesseeeeseeessesseeeesseeessageness 922-0250
Toner pressure arm (riQht) .............:ccccceceeseeeeeeseeensaeeeeeeaeereeseneesenaaeees 922-0251
LOD COVER ASSEMDIV iickacccte Gtitas ss lv ta Wop vicsanpviweeurndeouvebia le ieenieeas 922-0234
GOVERINTEHOCK BOM iicviiasdn cic cwcaeencuvsknatiou sa tixends tude otivevar medias 922-0236
OUIPUE TAY GXtCNSION ost iisccoteus dezexcand costed eevaeracatncetienwatenrad nantes cc 922-0237
Output tray extension NOIAEL.................ccccccescesssssseeeceeeteeeueeenseeeees 922-0238
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 29
PADEr OULDUL- COVE? wisicsnuiccvcihiyseriacg Seacncsonn de aed venteaswarnteneauarmarenunes 922-0239
FOMCE ACCESS COVER siacssca decode eecei ose inladicars tee eaioin dears 922-0235
FOP GOVEE HINGES Kil sc. ete lovee ade he es on i nih vasutieh Sonrouas vamneee 076-0670
Transfer bDIOCK ASSEMDIy..............cccccssessseeccccessssecceseeesseeeeessueeseeeesseees 922-0267
Transfer QUuide ASSEMDIY ............cccccsssesseccecuseseseceesesaeeeeeeeeesaeeeeeentenas 922-0291
WNANSIOU ONO icsenmonnsealicanialen nice taste deminer adeno ae aemae) 922-0205
WINIVENSal CASSOMG sesesicossaeces values relaca beac iaeianeeoeeiiedtdewedeaeieeeveas 922-0383
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Exploded View—Envelope Feeder
Cable ;
Weight Sou!
Drive Controller
Assembly pend
Motor Separation
Front Cover
we Se Sensing Arm
Left Cover Sw
Figure 2 LaserWriter Pro Envelope Feeder Exploded View
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Envelope Feeder Parts List
The LaserWriter Pro envelope feeder is for use with the LaserWriter Pro 600
and 630 models only.
EOILOIN COV Gl a scveaucscone rier asnae sa e.ercrantueannudeh yp wanna im asvaiadannugtenan tasates 922-0123
BUSHING/TING/SPIIAG Kit s2cccscscesenscenccivetscasevsevaseancevaensesaseesveoesvervenaeeoess 076-0663
At °C AIA cist crgsscite oaecace caesacnceteacanea sana as ticacian eats pees: 922-0142
COMMONER BOG acca csscusdaccoapncneresenanceeaaianeeoncastoitea ante noncartau. santas 661-0797
RING ASSCIMIDIV tcctcssancccs co creanaahupinrecaunpiadneselesaate apse ea eine aewitobancives 922-0141
EPVEIODE WEIGUI cecsrencsewayinresessnereatiecteatacest meicneurse teieasneeauanthabadeteen 922-0127
Envelope WeIGNT ANN siscccccaccesdsovasseccdinssansttavcedecdssnenvssversanssevehbeoedenras 922-0128
FEE Poles; SECONGARY: cidesecacisteedeaauens ccvatsse edd seatnicdawd exdesdeaseendeniadeules 922-0134
F CCCEM TAINC: oj cnccandacsianca sxsetucncstads somsionse iad neta subeaateanineciet talent kes 922-0122
POI COLE. cacn naaricennay adie tues aexed ccna aad eee eet gt at. 922-0148
RODE COV Ec arsat eet ecats Savers ioanaaneas tenane eauasenene tyne atetaneat as 922-0130
GOAl Kil ica sucacasueysacunayiaeceesannneraaee cea euls erase Se ea 076-0662
GUIde plate: Sotieicene ned oeeasie i ese Mae ee ae 922-0131
GUIDE Plate: Ground ise. svssiareers ceauhatcaie achat oda Rca arenaeneeheiadas 922-0132
Guide plate grounding Cable...............ccccccccceceeeerereeeeereeneeeneeeaeaaeeaeans 922-0133
LSM COVER uctitutieciienalk thea ahs eetarees ieee eee dae iar Ah Gels 922-0129
MOTO Sales dca tiede ie wealaes ish ede aa wdeheatata wet neneaakiacareant reba cemnaeiecnaantons 922-0121
Passive roller: Snatt sc. wiccitsawtweda iunti nant inewedarrvodentianhs ea uaeseoinn 922-0138
Pickup roller shaft, forward .............cccccccccseeeeceeeeeaaeeeeeeeeeaaeeeeeseeaaaenees 922-0146
PICKUP rOll6r- SHAM, TEAM ssicchiicctedtiveasme unausd eohivecdbavedsatinns Sxebndeedcead fetees 922-0145
PRESSUNC: DIOCK rennet cehuy ieee vole auet Peaueentetatiosnu tte veun chuawlaewerarcns Gensel: 922-0136
PrUMary TOCOSMaN uss caecayecbiay lotevavtewed va vencewsasiasuetadsshareeddelavbsapuetie ne 922-0147
Printer interface Cable ............ cc cccccccscsecceceseeeceaeeeeeseeneeessenseseneeseensees 922-0139
FRIGHT COVG let taetuan gee ee reee ccais conch euag pean buat ieaanugnte se Wenyedete easnacuer ese 922-0124
PROVO BIGWKIL cassis tisessd nas canecintiea uy suucnetauaesanarideuoareotinaaseuven aieriadaieutauweds 076-0664
DCO WW: KIC aati a esata lect wae ecbesaeaetu vans tnlia hall ncn dcaua et eaaecevunarecemas 076-0665
SENSING AM ic cenecnerveaded irene abv caaticsva tants Pedieacdeopausaveannny studea nee teles 922-0137
Separation ASSEMDIy ............ccccceeesceccccseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeaseeeeeeeaeeseeesens 922-0144
Separation ASSEMb|Y COUPIING..............cccccceeecesssseseeeceeceeeeseaueaeseeeeees 922-0135
Separation assembly Shaft ................cccccccccecccesessssseeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeseeeeees 922-0140
Separation drive assembly
Separation rive plate ...........ccceccccccecssseeceeeeseeeeeeeeseseeeseeeessseeesees 922-0143
SIZING CICS ys caseeaunientadchinyun tee etwneeguens weeneedacsannee asin hatinteteratsaes 922-0125
UPAY GXTGMSION wicrsstet on ice vneeinelacnccd ies deraytadle tek natl Shunt tavelovdandatabuverraniie 922-0126
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Exploded View—Sheet Feeder
Drive Block
Pickup |
Roller |
p. | Controller
Motor Assembly/ Block
Pickup Solenoid
Right Cover
Figure 3 LaserWriter Pro Sheet Feeder Exploded View
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 33
Sheet Feeder Parts List
The LaserWriter Pro sheet feeder is for use with the LaserWriter Pro 600 and
630 models only.
500 SNSCUCASSOTC 2ictu crac se calacrasoantvdsG ack emsaenerteatnmonsumnnontuaaien Meteaeases 922-0179
BASE DG es ieed tee oes ieesisiaate ceaseteen eiatntetaa techatapat cote seanenoatateareneuel 922-0159
BSC ND AIL TOOL carn oetaa sete teranis dee ctisuien Let a a eaeatusdeehd auewkanedpnonneites 922-0160
Bushing/spring/washet Kit ...........cccccececececcceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeenanenenanens 076-0668
Cassette SIZ@ ACTUATOR ....... eee cccccesesesseeeceeeeesseeeecesaeasseeesensaeseeenees 922-0163
Cassette Size ACtUATOr COVER ..............ccceecccccccssesseeeceeeeeeeeeeesaesseeeees 922-0162
Controller DIOCK ai carervcucascicunanconnsaiy baccase usa aeaasvor ws sauen en uotuadenmortdaaves 922-0161
Controller DIOCK COVEF c.czescciesisssvsccuessinconssunnesveeaveeyetens beves doves eevaweden: 922-0155
COMMONER DOGG ei cc cies sto tatoeinicoe ope nea neeaeuectin eave erctarenneunatnee. 661-0798
DRIVE DIOCK 222. tacidoniearashencaweeneinasis sua pentane) osusaenunandaeueaeinn coudayeuiiennens 922-0483
DFiVe: DIOCK MOUNT ts ieicvseaccveavripeuinealvsvianisulannets aucthasees ceed tntas 922-0169
Drive DIOCK: DIAC eisai isvvedeccsupueseeicvaxs manmsetenn ee eiemmen haters 922-0168
FECCEr TONG wavickces sivicsauosnetinacvecriunneamianniecebae th acuvsianteweecesee tented: 922-0170
Feeder roller HOUSING i wevsaavsaensenscisanccvecsaaniwider ees tal eee 922-0165
FOGGEr SM Al ciujcarcerucoaecnaiicatecearza eins oie meet pntee dates amten epic enterteae 922-0172
GUIS ST AI icrosss teat nencanniatatutn auc easauteca us antert cade talle xtunitiavehsednsagaucbieniaas 922-0167
MOLOFr ASSSMIDIN 28 3 carasca avert aadencelanngpaubuerenacwdenia bh ues tuhenaeemeceerins 922-0149
PAPO WEIGMU isvandesacun ancieverawanaadutvatheevee mec reeaearuumasts Pate eons: 922-0177
Passive roller NOUSING vecisiiessicancuecieestaxenciasiausactenreviowsive ees wanareses 922-0166
Passive roller Moun seeuita cere tte an eee ieennnen 922-0175
PERCU soc eese ete tle at haar eaten on tospsenasia Ga tauaa lad aamier 922-0176
PICKUD: Cal icsieniotecedeiekecsate ete ae tetera caciaaies: 922-0171
PICK UD FONG ier states Seanenad lady ge ou tenet taies i ccxdsa when Masten bave: sep sinweteact wanten: 922-0178
PUCKUD SHAN s wicesidesie dean teas cceenilad ananlo net ctlnnvadboiaeveianeudsivdawedbyaalen 922-0173
FICK SOIG OIG accesses slut toe laces Tastee daceetboas aeneeinane tetiatar eens 922-0174
PROMI GII GT siccnten alah rousiadiicenteavieus Cade caoaneeesadeaauetaciuectaspantesacomoranennubietates 922-0157
Front: panel:SUupDOM (OG sic anai intact ohnaeieoarediawintatu adeatieaenendt 922-0158
AM oes sh gteet sant ciel sear toa cane eebatuenaia tte uavonan aetna de enacts 076-0666
HO SINEIG: DIACK EU iotinsienest ten senne staiidsiutacdacucrdecuba ten muenabherdadedadctntuncewenaens 922-0260
SPI ANG vices easusseacenstcitadsdcac va decade Suanenedeercteasaduucnnednsatieas rewranancntcnies: 922-0153
WOT DanC litcccsvessatrnaadonucsattd cadussatenas anes mec eaduaniacacecetie a eneamnes ees 922-0164
FRE Al Daniel ii cnnsrmaveurennncvaura wanna veuarmaene evehdemnianmaneieen se oeateeveaes 922-0151
Rear panel grounding plate .............. ee eeceeeeeecceeeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeneneeeenes 922-0156
PRIGIECOV GI fsck estates ees sede ase ee eae tan nes 922-0154
PRIMERA Carmien aici ioe asa ot decal chancuama renter aocer on ereua recta 922-0152
SC LOW IAG KI sala ile ri cactus tee atee demand kewbesnevtngaatnecternhdedeaiiterbaaetins 076-0667
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Boards and RAM SIMM Configuration Guidelines
RAM SIMM Configuration Guidelines:
Socket 1 can hold a SIMM with one or two DRAM banks.
Socket 2 can hold a SIMM with one DRAM bank. Socket 2 may never contain a two-bank SIMM.
Socket 2 may be loaded with a single-bank SIMM only if socket 1 contains a single-bank SIMM.
Socket 2 Socket 1
Switch Hi
(630 only)
(630 only)
RS-232 —_
Ethernet ——__|
(630 only)
Centronics VT)
PDS Connector
Tn a
(may not be present
on all boards)
Figure 4 LaserWriter Pro 600 and 630 I/O Board
\ fy J206
J207 J208
J202 U
J213 §
J201 i ll s209[ |
C2010 0 C202
J211 5210
J212 TB201
a a
Figure 5 LaserWriter Pro 600 and 630 DC Controller Board
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 35
Print Engine Specifications
Canon LBP engine
Electrophotography using single-component microfine toner
and Materials
Semiconductor laser and a rotating six-faced prism scanning
600 dpi* (300 dpi when PhotoGrade is enabled)
*The LaserWriter Pro 600 and 630 require 8 MB of RAM in order
to print in PhotoGrade or to print at 600 dpi.
Standard Cassette (250 sheets):
A4, B5, legal, letter, or executive plain paper (16—24 Ib.)
Cassettes available: letter, A4, or universal
Multipurpose Tray (100 sheets)
Plain paper from 7.16 in. by 10.1 in. to 8.5 in. by 14 in.
(16-32 Ib.), envelopes, and fuser-compatible labels and film
Lower Cassette (500 sheets)
A4, B5, legal, letter, or executive plain paper (16—24 Ib.)
Cassette available: universal
Envelope Feeder (75 envelopes)
COM-10, DC, Monarch, C5, B5 (recommended envelope);
from 3.54 in. by 7.44 in. to 7.0 in. by 10.0 in. (Do not use
envelopes with clasps, snaps, windows, or synthetic
materials. Envelopes with peel-off adhesive strips or double
sealable flaps must use fuser-compatible adhesive.)
8 pages per minute (letter or A4)
6 envelopes per minute (optional envelope feeder)
Height: 11.61 in. (295 mm)
Width: 16.69 in. (424 mm)
Depth: 16.37 in. (416 mm)
Weight: 40.7 Ib. (18.5 kg)
50—90.5° F (10-32.5° C)
20-80% relative humidity
U.S./Japan: 100—115 VAC, 50-60 Hz
Europe/Australia: 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz
System Software 6.0.5 or later
External Hard
LaserWriter Pro 630 only—
Up to 7 drives
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
V/O Board Specifications
8 MB, expandable to 32 MB
2 MB standard
40-pin processor direct slot (PDS)
LocalTalk, RS-232, Centronics, SCSI (630 only),
Ethernet (630 only)
Settings Use configuration switch or the LaserWriter Utility to set
communication protocols. The setting of the
configuration switch affects the configuration of all
the pinouts. See the user's guide for switch
Imaging Languages
QuickDraw, PostScript Level 2, and HP PCL 4
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 37
Printer Diagnostic
DE-9 Serial Connector
The LaserWriter Pro has self-diagnostic capability built into the I/O board.
When the printer is in diagnostic mode, the LEDs are displayed in special
diagnostic sequences.
In diagnostic mode, the normal functioning of the LEDs is suspended. The
LED configuration has no correlation with Ready, Low-Toner, Paper Out, or
Paper Jam status.
Figure 6 DE-9 Serial Connector
To put the LaserWriter Pro into diagnostic mode, follow these steps:
1. Switch off the printer.
2. Install a cassette tray and toner cartridge.
3. Jumper pins 7 and 9 on the I/O board DE-9 connector, as shown in
Figure 6.
4. Switch on the printer.
At this point, the LEDs should flash during startup for about 15 seconds and
then fix on the "diagnostic executing" (see Figure 7) configuration for about
two minutes.
If the "diagnostic executing" LEDs persist longer than two or three minutes, an
unknown error exists.
If no error is found, all LEDs come on and two pages print. See Figure 7 to
interpret the diagnostic LEDs.
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Diagnostic Executing
No Error Found
Go to Table 6
Go to Table 7
Go to Table 8
Go to Table 9
Go to Table 10
Go to Table 10
Go to Table 10
Go to Table 10
Go to Table 10
Go to Table 10
Go to Table 10
Figure 7 Diagnostic LEDs
If the diagnostic LEDs indicate a fault, go to the appropriate troubleshooting
table under "Troubleshooting the LaserWriter Pro 600/630."
ACaution Remember to remove the jumper after reading the LED
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 39
Test and Configuration Pages
An operational LaserWriter Pro can print three special pages. Each page
indicates information that can isolate problems and/or identify the
configuration of the printer. These three pages are
e — Startup test page
e Service test page
¢ Configuration page
The printer generates a startup test page two to three minutes after you switch
on the printer. Successful printing of this page indicates that the I/O board is
The startup test page may not print due to software disabling. Use the
LaserWriter Utility to enable the startup test page.
Service Test
Page Button
\_ |
Figure 8 Service Test Page Button
The printer generates a service test page when you press the service test page
button. (See Figure 8.) To access the service test page button, open the
multipurpose tray. The button is located in the upper right corner of the
opening. The button is small and difficult to see against the black plastic. Use
a paper clip or similar tool to press the button. Successful printing of this page
indicates that the printer engine is operational.
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
The printer generates a configuration page when you issue the "Print
Configuration Page" command with the LaserWriter Utility.
The configuration page provides the following valuable information:
¢ Network address settings
¢ Amount and allocation of RAM memory and readout of EEROM integrity
¢ Switch configurations
e HP LaserJet emulator version
¢ Startup page setting (on or off)
e — LaserWriter serial number
¢ Timeout settings
¢ — System administrator password
e SCSIID (LaserWriter Pro 630 only)
¢ — Halftone screen settings
¢ Default margin offsets
If possible, always print a configuration page before calling Apple Technical
Assistance Center.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 41
Troubleshooting the LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Before you begin troubleshooting, check the printer setup and operating
conditions described in the following section, Pre-Power-On Checklist. If the
problem persists, refer to the flowchart later in this troubleshooting section.
The flowchart directs you to perform various tasks and refer you to specific
troubleshooting tables. Perform each step in the troubleshooting tables in
order, and refer as necessary to the wiring diagram that follows the tables.
Retry the printer each time you change its physical state—such as when you
replace a component—until the problem is resolved. If you replace a module
and find that the problem remains, reinstall the original module before
When the printer is repaired, perform the necessary preventive maintenance
before returning it to the customer. Make sure you are familiar with all
procedures described in the "Safety" section in the front of this guide before
performing any live electrical checks.
Pre-Power-On Checklist
Check the following items before proceeding with the troubleshooting
flowchart or tables:
¢ — Line voltage is OK (U.S.: 115 VAC + 10%; Int'l: 220 VAC + 10%).
e — Printer is installed on a solid, level surface.
¢ Room temperature is 50-90° F (10—32.5° C).
¢ Humidity is 20-80%.
e — Printer is not located in a hot or humid area, near open flames, or in
a dusty location.
¢ — Printer is not exposed to ammonia gas.
e Printer is not in direct sunlight.
¢ — Printer is installed in a well-ventilated area.
¢ — Cables and connectors are OK.
¢ — Toner cartridge is installed and has toner.
e — Paper cassette is properly loaded with paper.
e — Paper is within specifications.
¢ — Top cover and fuser door are closed.
¢ — Fuser roller levers are in a down position.
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Troubleshooting Tips
This section contains important information regarding the LaserWriter
Pro. Read through this section before troubleshooting the printer. The
procedures in this section are referenced from the troubleshooting
Multimeter Probes
The connectors within the LaserWriter Pro are very small and require
sharp needle-point probes to make good contact. Do not use probes
that do not make proper contact.
To see whether a set of probes works properly, test resistance at
connector J210 on the DC controller board in the following manner (the
cable must be connected to the board):
Set your multimeter to resistance and insert the probes at pins 1 and 10.
If the reading indicates continuity, then the probes are making good
contact. If the reading indicates infinite resistance, then the probes do
not make contact and should not be used with the LaserWriter Pro.
Forcing a Feed Cycle
If you want to print from anything other than the standard 250-sheet
cassette tray, you must be connected to a CPU and select the feed option
that you want (see Maintaining I/O Connectivity later in this section). It is
not possible to print a service test page from any source other than the
standard cassette.
Interrupting a Print Cycle
Interrupting a print cycle and inspecting the photosensitive drum can
help isolate the cause of print quality problems. To inspect the drum, run
a print and wait until the paper clears the synchronization pause at the
registration paper sensor. Open the toner access door, remove the toner
cartridge, and pull back the shield to inspect the drum.
If the image on the surface of the drum exhibits the same problem as the
printed page, the fault exists at some point before the drum, probably
somewhere in the imaging system.
If the image on the drum is OK, the fault exists at some point after the
drum, probably in the fuser assembly, transfer block, or high-voltage
power supply.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 43
Maintaining I/O Connectivity
When you remove the I/O shield, you disrupt the connection between the I/O
board and the DC controller board, thus preventing the printer engine from
communicating with an external computer. When it is necessary to maintain
this connection during troubleshooting (for example, to force a feed cycle
from the multipurpose tray or to change settings with the LaserWriter Utility),
you must remove the printer interface cable and temporarily install a Quadra
900/950 floppy drive 20-pin cable between connectors A and B, as shown in
Figure 9. This cable has the extra length needed for the I/O shield to rest flat
on the work surface. Do not disconnect power supply cable J15, the I/O-CPU
cabling, or the AC power cable.
DC Controller
Cassette Pickup A Quadra 900/950 B /O Board
Tray Block Floppy Drive
| 20-Pin Cable
Pickup Connectivity I/O Connectivity
Figure 9 Maintaining Connectivity
44 LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Maintaining Pickup Connectivity
The following procedure enables you to take voltage readings from the paper
pickup block. Refer to the LaserWriter Pro wiring diagram for an illustration
showing the connector layout of the solder-side of the pickup controller
1. Disable the startup test page using the LaserWriter Utility.
2. Remove the pickup block.
3. Reconnect cables J601 and J603 (C in Figure 9).
4. Load paper into the cassette tray and install the cassette tray into the
pickup block.
5. Press down the top cover interlock actuator and force the interlock
switch closed by wedging in the hooked end of the green cleaning brush
(D in Figure 9).
6. Reinstall the top cover and cover liner and close the lid.
7. — Install the envelope feeder or sheet feeder if you need to test feed from
those sources.
Do not let the pickup controller board brush up against the metal
chassis while you are performing this procedure.
Drum Exposure
Make sure you cover the toner cartridge during servicing. Prolonged exposure
to light can result in print quality problems. If damage has occurred, store the
toner cartridge in a dark place. The drum returns to its normal condition after
about 24 hours.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 45
Setting Fuser Rollers
Two small levers at each end of the fuser set the fuser rollers into either a
down position (print mode) or an up position (jam-release mode). Apple
ships the printer with the rollers in an up position to protect rollers against
deformation. The two levers must be set in a down position for proper fusing
to take place (see Figure 10). If you are experiencing fusing problems of any
kind, first confirm that these levers are in a down position.
i :
ST :
a 8,
oy Sy
Figure 10 Setting Fuser Rollers
46 LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Sensing System
PS601 Cassette
Paper Sensor
Sensor Holder
PS602 ~ PS701
Registration Multipurpose
Paper Sensor Paper-End
Paper Pickup Block
Figure 11 Sensing System
The LaserWriter Pro has four paper sensors and one dual-action sensor (see
Figure 11).
e Cassette paper sensor PS601 senses presence of paper in the cassette.
e Registration paper sensor PS602 senses the arrival of paper at the
photosensitive drum.
¢ Multipurpose paper-end sensor PS701 senses the length of paper that
feeds from the multipurpose tray.
¢ Multipurpose paper-present sensor PS702 senses the presence of paper
in the multipurpose tray.
¢ — Delivery/interlock sensor PS201 senses closure of the fuser access door
and the exiting of paper from the fuser assembly.
Note The sheet feeder has a paper-present sensor PS851, and the envelope feeder
has a paper-present sensor PS931.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 47
LaserWriter Pro 600/630 Troubleshooting Flowchart
Connect the printer to a
known-good computer,
install a toner cartridge,
and fill the cassette tray.
Does the
fan come on when
you switch on the
Go to Table 1.
the ready LED No
glow steadily after the (a)
printer warms
Try printing from each
available paper source. If
the printer does not pick up
paper, or if the paper jams,
go to Figure 13.
Is the print Go to Figure 12,
Print Quality
quality OK? Problems.
If necessary, restore the
customer's LaserWriter
Utility settings. (For
example: Startup Page,
Automatic Tray Switching,
and Default Resolution).
LaserWriter Pro 600/630 Print Engine Check (1 of 2)
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Are all
LEDs off?
Go to Table 2.
the Paper-Out
and Paper-Jam LEDs
Perform the
wes procedure in the
"Printer Diagnostic"
Is the Toner Yes
LED on? Go to Table 3.
Is the Paper-Out “ee
LED on? Go to Table 4.
Is the Paper-Jam Yes
LED on? Go to Table 5.
If the ready LED flashes without
stopping, disconnect the printer from
the computer, and see if the problem
persists. If you have just performed
the printer diagnostic (see the
"Printer Diagnostic" section),
confirm that the jumper has been
removed from the DE-9 connector.
LaserWriter Pro 600/630 Print Engine Check (2 of 2)
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 49
Troubleshooting Tables
Important As you proceed through the steps in a table, remember to retry the
printer each time you change its physical state—such as when you
replace a module. If the problem remains, reinstall the original
module before proceeding to the next step in the table. Refer as
necessary to the wiring diagram that follows the tables.
Table 1 Fan Does Not Come On When You Start Up the Printer
Remove the rear panel and I/O Secure the cable.
shield. Is the DC controller board
cable securely connected to J103 on
the power supply?
Is the fan cable securely connected to Secure the cable.
J209 on the DC controller board?
Do any of the motors rotate after the Replace the fan. If the
printer starts up? problem persists, replace
the DC controller board.
Replace the power supply.
If the problem persists,
replace the DC controller
Table 2 All LEDs Are Off After Printer Warmup (1 of 2)
Are the top cover and fuser door :
50 LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Close them completely. In
normal operation, no LEDs
illuminate if either door is
Is the plastic tab actuator on the fuser Replace the fuser door.
door intact?
Is the cover interlock arm on the top
cover intact?
Replace the cover
interlock arm.
Secure the cable.
Remove the rear panel and I/O
shield. Is the status panel cable
securely connected to J204 on the
DC controller board?
Table 2 All LEDs Are Off After Printer Warmup (2 of 2)
Can you print despite the fact that no
LEDs illuminate?
Place probes between J208-2 (GND)
and J208-3 (PSNS). Does the
voltage rise to 5V as you open the
fuser door?
Place probes between J201-1 (GND)
and J201-7 (+5 V). Does the voltage
measure 5 V?
Press the top cover interlock leaf
spring. Do you hear the clicking
sound of a microswitch when you
press the spring?
Remove the top cover and delivery
roller assembly. Is the purple cable
between the delivery/interlock sensor
and the DC controller board securely
Remove the paper pickup block and
maintain pickup connectivity. Place
probes between J601-11 (GND) and
J601-7 (+5V) on the solder-side of
the pickup controller board. Does
voltage measure 5 V?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Check connections
between the status panel
and the DC controller
board. If the connections
are secure, replace the
status panel.
Replace the
Replace the DC controller
If you have just
reassembled the printer
after servicing the pickup
block, make sure you have
installed the black plastic
actuator behind the pickup
controller board.
Secure the cable.
Replace the pickup
controller board.
Replace the DC controller
board-to-pickup controller
board cable.
Step Check
Table 3 Toner LED Is On After Printer Warmup
inspect all the toner contacts for
damage or excess toner buildup. Are
all the contacts clean and in good
Try a known-good toner cartridge. No Problem solved.
Does the problem persist? |
2 Have you recently serviced the printer Yes You probably did not fully
and has this symptom existed ever reseat the high-voltage
since? power supply, high-voltage
connecting block, or
transfer block assembly.
Make sure these modules
are securely installed.
3 Remove the toner cartridge and No Clean or repair the
contacts if possible.
Otherwise, replace the
transfer block assembly.
Remove the rear panel and I/O
shield. Place probes between J210-6
(HVRST) and J210-10 (GND) and
switch on the printer. Does the
voltage change from 0 to 5 V about
one second after the printer starts
Replace the DC controller
Perform the first module
exchange below. If the
problem persists, reinstall
the original module and
perform the next
¢ Replace the high-voltage
power supply.
e Replace the power
interface board.
e Replace the transfer
block assembly.
¢ Replace the DC
controller board-to-
HVPS cable.
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Table 4 Paper-Out LED Is On After Printer Warmup
Check Result Action
Are the actuator tabs on the cassette No | Replace the cassette.
Remove the cassette. Is the cassette Yes Replace the sensor holder
paper sensing lever broken? assembly.
Defeat the cassette paper sensing Yes | Replace the pickup
lever by pushing it and holding it in controller board.
(as if a cassette were present). With
your other hand, press the three
microswitch leaf springs all at the
same time. Does the Ready LED
illuminate after a couple of seconds?
Remove the rear panel and I/O No Replace the DC controller
shield. Place probes between J201-7 board.
(+5 V) and J201-1 (GND) on the DC
controller board. Switch on the
printer. Does the voltage measure
5 V?
Remove the paper pickup block and Replace the DC controller
maintain pickup connectivity. Place board-to-pickup controller
probes between J601-11 (GND) and board cable.
J601-7 (+5 V) on the solder-side of
the pickup controller board. Does
voltage measure 5 V?
Place probes between J605-3 (1STS) Replace the pickup
and J605-5 (GND). Does the voltage controller board.
measure 5 V?
Keep the probes in the same position Replace the sensor holder
and manually trip the cassette paper assembly.
sensing lever. Does the voltage drop
to 0 V when you trip the lever? Replace the DC controller
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 53
Table 5 Jam LED Is On After Printer Warmup (1 of 2)
| Is the delivery/interlock sensor
Remove the top cover and
delivery roller assembly,
and unsnag the sensor
Is the delivery-sensing lever
(Open the spring-loaded separation
guide on the fuser assembly and flick
the end of the sensing lever
immediately outside the fuser rollers.
The lever should move freely.)
| Remove the top cover and
delivery roller assembly
and see what is snagging
the lever. If necessary,
remove and dismantle the
fuser assembly and
replace the delivery-
sensing lever.
Is the registration-sensing lever
(Remove the toner cartridge and flick
the exposed tip of the registration
paper sensing lever.)
Remove the rear panel, I/O shield,
top cover, and delivery roller
assembly. Is the purple cable
between the delivery/interlock sensor
and the DC controller board securely
If the lever is broken or
snagged, remove the
pickup block and
troubleshoot further. If
necessary, replace the
sensor holder assembly.
Secure the cable.
Place probes between J208-2 (GND)
and J208-3 (PSNS). Does the
voltage rise to 5 V as you open the
fuser door?
Replace the
Place probes between J201-7 (+5V)
and J201-1 (GND) on the DC
controller board. Does the voltage
measure 5 V?
Replace the DC controller
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Table 5 Jam LED Is On After Printer Warmup (2 of 2)
Remove the paper pickup block and Replace the DC controller
maintain pickup connectivity. Place board-to-pickup controller
probes between J601-7 (+5V) and board cable.
J601-11 (GND) on the solder-side of
the pickup controller board. Does the
voltage measure 5 V?
Place probes between J605-6
(RESS) and J605-5 (GND). Does the
voltage measure 5 V?
Replace the pickup
controller board.
Keep the probes in the same position Replace the sensor holder
and manually trip the registration assembly.
sensor lever. Does the voltage drop
to 0 V when you trip the lever? Replace the DC controller
Important When there is a failure of the fusing system, the DC controller board
shuts off current to the fuser roller heater and charges capacitor
C202 on the DC controller board to prevent overheating. If there is a
failure of the fusing system, you must turn off the power for about 10
minutes, or manually discharge the capacitor before switching power
back on.
Table 6 Fuser Assembly Error (1 of 2)
1 Remove the rear panel and I/O Secure the cable.
shield. Is the fuser assembly cable
securely connected to J210 on the
DC controller board?
Is the power supply firmly seated? No Seat the power supply.
Remove the fuser assembly and let it Disconnect J744 and
cool to room temperature. Measure check for same resistance.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 55
the resistance between J743-6 and Replace the thermistor or
J743-7 on the fuser assembly. (Refer the connector cable, as
to the wiring diagram for illustration needed.
and pin layout of connector J743.)
Does the resistance measure
between 180 and 280 kQ?
Table 6 Fuser Assembly Error (2 of 2)
Measure the resistance between
J743-1 and J743-8 on the fuser
assembly. Does the resistance
measure approximately 3 Q or less?
If there is continuity
through the heater bulb,
replace the heater bulb. If
there is continuity across
the thermoprotector,
replace the fuser
connector cable. If there
is not continuity across the
thermoprotector replace
the thermoprotector, and
proceed to the next step.
Reinstall the fuser assembly. Place
probes between J212-1 (/FSRD) and
TB201-6 (GND) on the DC controller
board. Does the voltage change from
approximately 5.1 V to 1.5 V a few
seconds after the printer starts up?
Replace the DC controller
Place probes between J212-2 (RLD)
and TB201-6 (GND). Does the
voltage measure approximately
2.1 V?
Replace the DC controller
Replace the power supply.
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Table 7 Laser/Scanner Error
Result Action
Remove the rear panel and I/O Secure the cables.
shield. Are the laser/scanner cables
securely connected at J205 and J206
on the DC controller board?
Remove the top cover and delivery Secure the cables.
roller assembly. Are all three cables
going into the laser/scanner assembly
Remove the two cables that run from Replace the defective
the DC controller board to the cable.
laser/scanner assembly and check
the resistance through each wire. Is Perform the first module
the resistance through each wire exchange below. If the
approximately 1 ohm or less? problem persists, reinstall
the original module and
perform the next
e Replace the
laser/scanner assembly.
e Replace the DC
controller board.
Table 8 Main Motor Error
Remove the rear panel and I/O Secure the cable.
shield. Is the main motor cable
secure at J211 on the DC controller Perform the first module
board and at J131 on the main exchange listed below. If
motor? the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
e Replace the main motor.
e Replace the DC
controller board.
e Replace the main motor
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 57
Table 9 Fan Error
Remove the rear panel and I/O
shield. Is the fan cable secure at
J209 on the DC controller board?
Secure the cable.
Place probes at J209-1 (FAND) and
J209-3 (GND). Does the voltage
change from approximately 24.5 to 16
V a few seconds after the printer
starts up?
Place the probes at J209-2 (FLOCK)
and J209-3 (GND) on the DC
controller board. Does the voltage
measure 2.2 V or more?
NS. ON ft you receive an I/O board error?
Did you receive a SIMM error?
Table 10 I/O Board or a nee Errors
Did you receive a ROM error?
+ Yes
Replace the DC controller
Replace the fan.
Replace the DC controller
ae... el the I/O board.
Replace the SIMM. Make
sure you adhere to the
SIMM configuration
guidelines indicated in
Figure 4.
Replace the I/O board.
_aserWriter Pro 600/630
All-Blank Page All-Black Page Light/Faded Image
See Table 11 See Table 12 See Table 13
Black Vertical White Vertical Black Horizontal
Line(s) Line(s) Lines
See Table 15 See Table 16 See Table 17
Vertical Distortion Bad Fusing
See Table 20 See Table 21
Toner on Back Grayscale/ Repetitive Defects
See Table 23 Resolution See Table 25
See Table 24
Figure 12 Print Quality Problems
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Dark Image
See Table 14
Bad Registration
See Table 18
Blank Spots
See Table 22
White Horizontal
See Table 7
Table 11 All-Blank Page
Check Result Action
Is the sealing tape removed from the
toner cartridge?
Remove the sealing tape.
Have you recently installed a
laser/scanner unit and has this
symptom existed ever since?
The laser shutter may
have been installed
incorrectly. The shutter
should spring back and
forth as you insert the
toner cartridge.
Does this symptom occur only with
Instruct the customer to
adjust margins in the
Run the printer diagnostic test (see
"Printer Diagnostic"). Does the test
indicate a specific error?
| Go to the appropriate
table, as indicated in
Figure 7.
Remove the rear panel and I/O
shield. Place probes between J210-6
(HVRST) and J210-10 (GND). Does
the voltage change from 0 to 5 V
about one second after the printer
starts up?
Replace the DC controller
Place probes between J210-9 (SLO2)
and J210-10 (GND). Does the
voltage measure approximately 0.7 V
about one second after the main
motor starts?
Replace the DC controller
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
e Replace the high-voltage
power supply.
¢ Replace the power
interface board.
e Replace the transfer
block assembly.
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Table 12 All-Black Page
Run the printer diagnostic test (see Go to the appropriate
"Printer Diagnostic"). Does the test table, as indicated in
indicate a specific error? Figure 7.
Place probes between J210-9 (SLO2) Replace the DC controller
and J210-10 (GND). Does the board.
voltage measure approximately 0.7 V
about one second after the main Perform the first module
motor starts? exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
e Replace the high-voltage
power supply.
e Replace the power
interface board.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 61
Table 13 Uniformly Light/Faded Image Over Entire Page
Adjust the density using the
LaserWriter Utility. Does the problem
Problem solved.
Try printing with known-good toner
cartridge. Does the problem persist?
Problem solved.
Run the printer diagnostic test (see
"Printer Diagnostic"). Does the test
indicate a specific error?
Go to the appropriate
table, as indicated in
Figure 7.
| Replace the transfer roller with a
known-good transfer roller. Does the
problem persist?
Problem solved.
Have you recently serviced the printer
and has this symptom existed ever
Remove the rear panel and |/O
shield. Place probes between J210-9
(SLO2) and J210-10 (GND). Does
the voltage read about 0.7 V about
one second after the main motor
You probably did not fully
reseat the high-voltage
power supply, high-voltage
connecting block, or
transfer roller block
assembly. Make sure
these modules are
securely installed.
Replace the DC controller
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
e Replace the
high-voltage power
¢ Replace the power
interface board.
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Table 14 Uniformly Dark Image Over Entire Page
Adjust the density using the
LaserWriter Utility. Does the problem
Run the printer diagnostic test (see
"Printer Diagnostic"). Does the test
indicate a specific error?
Clean the printer drum grounding
contact and cartridge contact and
print a test page. Does the problem
Remove the rear panel and I/O
shield. Place probes between J210-6
(HVRST) and J210-10 (GND). Does
the voltage change from 0 to 5 V
about one second after the printer
starts up?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Problem solved.
Problem solved.
Go to the appropriate
table, as indicated by
Figure 7.
Problem solved.
Replace the DC controller
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
e Replace the
high-voltage power
e Replace the power
interface board.
Table 17 Black Horizontal Lines, Sharp and Well-Defined
Result Action
Try a known-good toner cartridge. Problem solved.
Does the problem persist?
Does the symptom occur on a service Replace the I/O board.
test page?
Go to Table 7,
Laser/Scanner Error.
Table 18 Bad Registration
Check / Result | Action
Try printing with known-good paper. Problem solved.
Does the problem persist?
Try printing with less paper at the Problem solved.
paper source. Does the problem
Run a print from a different paper Replace or reinstall the
source. Does the problem persist? faulty pickup roller at the
source from which the
problem occurs.
Remove the rear panel and I/O shield Problem solved.
and locate varistor VR202 on the DC
controller board. Perform the Replace the sensor holder
registration adjustment procedure assembly.
(refer to Service Source for a full
description of this procedure). Does
the problem persist?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 65
Table 19 Stairstepping/Vertical Lines Jagged or Shaky
Run a service test page. Does the
problem persist?
Run the printer diagnostic test (see
“Printer Diagnostic"). Does the test
indicate a specific error?
Replace the I/O board.
| Go to the appropriate
Table, as indicated in
Figure 7.
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
¢ Replace the
laser/scanner assembly.
e Replace the DC
controller board.
Table 20 Vertical Elongation or Foreshortening
| Step | Check
Run the printer diagnostic test (see
"Printer Diagnostic"). Does the test
indicate a specific error?
Go to the appropriate
table, as indicated in
Figure 7.
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
¢ Replace the main motor.
e Replace the DC
controller board.
e Replace the
laser/scanner assembly.
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Table 21 Bad Fusing
Are the fuser roller levers in a down No Engage the fuser rollers
position? (See Setting Fuser Rollers by setting the two levers in
under "Troubleshooting the a down position.
LaserWriter Pro 600/630.")
Go to Table 6, Fuser
Assembly Error.
Table 22 Blank Spots/Random Pattern or Location
Try printing with known-good paper.
Does the problem persist?
Are the humidity conditions within Inform the customer of the
specification? changes that are
Are you printing on the correct side of Turn over the paper.
the paper? (Examine the packaging
label to see if the manufacturer Go to Table 21, Bad
specifies a print side.) Fusing.
Is the toner smudge in a small area noel Sa or replace the
behind the upper-left corner of the pickup roller.
Clean or replace the
transfer roller, transfer
guide assembly, or lower
fuser roller with a dry, lint-
free cloth.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 67
Table 24 Cannot Print in PhotoGrade/600 dpi
Check Result Action
Are you trying to print in PhotoGrade Yes The Photograde option is
at 600 dpi? only available if you set
resolution to 300 dpi.
Restart the printer and inspect the You cannot print in
startup page (or use the LaserWriter PhotoGrade or 600 dpi
Utility to run a configuration page). Is with less than 8 MB of
there at least 8 MB of RAM installed? RAM. If there is one
single-sided SIMM
installed, someone has
downgraded the printer (all
LaserWriter Pro printers
ship with 8 MB of RAM). If
there are two SIMMs
installed, run the printer
diagnostic (see "Printer
Diagnostic") to see if one
is bad.
Reset default imaging
options for the printer with
the LaserWriter Utility.
68 LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Table 25 Repetitive Defects
Step Check Result Action
1 Try a known-good toner cartridge. No Problem solved.
Does the problem persist?
Does the symptom occur on a service Replace the I/O board.
test page?
3 is the repetitive staining along the left | Clean the feeder rollers
edge of the paper? with a dry lint-free cloth.
Interrupt a print cycle (see Interrupting Clean or replace the
a Print Cycle under "Troubleshooting pickup/transfer rollers and
the LaserWriter Pro 600/630"). Is the guides as required.
symptom present on the drum?
Table 26 Printer Picking Up From Wrong Source
1 Is the selected paper source empty?
Select paper handling in
the LaserWriter Utility and
turn off automatic tray
switching if you do not
want paper to feed from a
secondary source when
the selected source is
There is a problem with
the sensing system. Make
sure that automatic tray
switching is off and try
printing again. If there are
jam or pickup problems at
that point, refer to Figure
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 69
Make sure that the top cover and fuser door are shut, and that a cassette and
toner cartridge are installed. Go to the table indicated in Figure 13.
Leading Edge of Jammed Paper Is
in Fuser/Delivery Area
Go te Table 31 Printer Is Picking Up
From Wrong Source
Go to Table 26
No Pickup From
Envelope Feeder
Go to Table 27
No Pickup From
Multipurpose Tray
Go to Table 28
No Pickup From
Standard Cassette
Go to Table 29
Leading Edge of
Jammed Paper Is
in Pickup/
Transfer Area
Go to Table 32
No Pickup From
Lower Cassette
Go to Table 30
Figure 13 Paper Transport Problems
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Table 27 No Pickup From Envelope Feeder
1 Is paper picking up correctly from the Go to Table 29.
standard cassette?
Remove the left, right, and bottom Perform the first module
covers of the envelope feeder and exchange below. If the
install the feeder into the printer. problem persists, reinstall
Restart the printer. Do the envelope the original module and
feeder motor and gearing engage perform the next
after you restart? exchange:
¢ Replace the pickup
controller board.
¢ Replace the envelope
feeder controller board.
¢ Replace the printer
interface cable in the
envelope feeder.
¢ Replace the printer
interface cable in the
pickup block.
Remove the paper pickup block from
the printer and maintain pickup
connectivity. You will be taking
measurements from the solder-side of
the pickup controller board.
Replace the pickup
controller board.
Place probes between J604-4 (GND)
and J604-1 (+24 V). Does the
voltage measure 24 V?
Place probes between J136-1
(+24 VA) and J136-4 (GND) on the
receptacle that the envelope feeder
plugs into (refer to the wiring diagram
for illustration and pin layout of
connector J136). Does the voltage
measure 24 V?
Replace the envelope
feeder interface cable.
Perform the first module
exchange below. If the
problem persists, reinstall
the original module and
perform the next
* Replace the envelope
feeder controller board.
e Replace the envelope
feeder motor.
¢ Replace the printer
interface cable inside the
envelope feeder.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 71
Table 28 No Pickup From Multipurpose Tray
Is paper picking up correctly from the
standard cassette?
No | Go to Table 29.
Is the following statement true?
Paper picks up correctly if you select
Multipurpose Tray in the Print dialog
box, but not if you select Manual
With Manual Feed you
must feed paper a sheet at
a time following the on-
screen prompt, regardless
of whether there is already
paper in the multipurpose
Is the following statement true?
The pickup motor and gearing
engage after you try to print to the
multipurpose tray, but the
multipurpose pickup roller and guide
plate never move.
Replace the multipurpose
pickup solenoid.
Does the paper-out LED illuminate
even though there is paper on the
multipurpose tray?
Inspect the lever for the
multipurpose paper-
present sensor PS702
(see Figure 11). Ifis
broken or snagged, repair
or replace it as needed. If
the lever is OK, replace
the pickup sensor board.
Have you recently serviced the pickup
block and has this symptom existed
ever since?
You have probably not
reassembled the pickup
block correctly, especially
if you have removed any
of the gearing
components. Refer to the
Service Source left pickup
block frame take-apart
procedure for more
information. Take special
note of the components
between the multipurpose
pickup solenoid and the
guide plate spring.
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Table 29 No Pickup From Standard Cassette (1 of 2)
[Sep [Check | Resutt [tion
Initiate a service test page. Does the Confirm that I/O cable
printer pick up from the standard connections are secure
cassette? and that configuration
settings are correct (refer
to the user's guide). To
make certain that
networking or CPU
software is not the root
problem, confirm through
the LaserWriter Utility that
the startup page is
enabled, and restart the
printer. If the startup page
prints, there is a software
or networking problem
away from the printer. If
the startup page does not
print, replace the I/O
Yes | Confirm that the cassette
pickup roller is installed
correctly and is in good
condition. If the roller is
OK, replace the cassette
pickup roller solenoid.
Do the pickup motor and gearing
engage after you restart the printer?
Remove the rear panel, I/O shield, Secure the cable.
and right corner panel. Is the pickup
controller board cable securely
connected to J201 on the DC
controller board?
Is the DC controller board cable
securely connected to J601 on the
pickup controller board?
Secure the cable.
Is the pickup block motor cable Secure the cable.
securely connected at J703 on the
pickup sensor board?
Disconnect J201 on the DC controller
board. Place probes between pins
J201-1 (GND) and J201-13 (+24 V)
on the male connector on the board.
Does the voltage measure 24 V?
Replace the DC controller
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 73
Table 29 No Pickup From Standard Cassette (2 of 2)
Check Result Action
Place probes between pins J201-1 No Replace the DC controller
(GND) and J201-7 (+5 V) on the male
connector on the board. Does the
voltage measure 5 V?
Reconnect J201. Remove the paper
pickup block and maintain pickup
connectivity. Place probes between
pins J601-11 (GND) and J601-13
(+24 V). Does the voltage measure
24 V?
Replace the pickup
controller-to-DC controller
board cable.
Place probes between pins J601-1
(GND) and J601-7 (+5 V). Does the
voltage measure 5 V?
Place probes between pins J601-1
(GND) and J601-9 (+24 V.) Does the
voltage measure 24 V?
Replace the pickup
controller-to-DC controller
board cable.
Replace the pickup
controller board.
Perform the first module
exchange below. Ifthe
problem persists, reinstall
the original module and
perform the next
e Replace the pickup
¢ Replace the pickup
sensor board.
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Table 30 No Pickup From Lower Cassette
Is paper picking up correctly from the Go to Table 29.
standard cassette?
Remove the printer from the sheet Reinstall the pickup roller.
feeder. Is the pickup roller installed
as shown on the label affixed to the
sheet feeder housing?
Open the lid of the controller block. Is Unsnag or replace the arm
the sensing arm intact and free to as needed.
Reinstall the sheet feeder and restart Replace the sheet feeder
the printer. Do the sheet feeder pickup solenoid. If the
gearing and motor rotate? problem persists, go to
step 7.
Do you have another known-good If paper picks up from a
sheet feeder? known-good feeder, then
go to step 7.
Remove the printer from the sheet Replace the pickup
feeder. Remove the printer's top controller board.
cover, rear panel, and right corner
panel. Remove the 4-pin cable from Perform the first module
connector J603 along the front edge exchange below. If the
of the pickup controller board. Place problem persists, reinstall
probes between J603-1 (+24 V) and the original module and
J603-4 (GND) on the pickup controller perform the next
board. Does the voltage measure 24 exchange:
V when you switch on the printer? ¢ Replace the sheet feeder
controller board.
e Replace the sheet feeder
controller block.
e Replace the sheet feeder
e Replace the pickup
controller board.
e Replace the sheet feeder
interface cable.
7 Replace the sheet feeder controller Problem solved.
board. Does the problem persist?
Replace the sheet feeder controller Problem solved.
block. Does the problem persist?
Replace the sheet feeder
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 75
Table 31 Leading Edge of Jammed Paper Is in Fuser/Delivery Area
| Do the delivery rollers turn when you
start up the printer?
Go to Step 6.
Is there crumpled paper just outside
the exit point of the fuser assembly?
A snagged sensing lever is
probably the cause of the
problem. Remove the top
cover and delivery roller
assembly, and inspect the
delivery/interlock sensor. If
the delivery-sensing lever
is broken, replace it.
Is there accordion-style jamming just
short of the paper delivery tray?
The delivery guide pins
might have been installed
incorrectly. These are the
four small pins on the
delivery roller assembly.
They should point outward,
with the flow of paper.
Does jamming occur only when paper
feeds from the multipurpose tray?
Inspect the sensing lever
for multipurpose paper-end
sensor PS701. Unsnag or
replace it if it is damaged.
If the problem persists,
replace the pickup sensor
Remove the rear panel and I/O shield.
Place probes between J208-2 (GND)
and J208-3 (PSNS) on the DC
controller board. Does the voltage rise
from 0 to 5 V as you open the fuser
access door?
Remove the rear panel and I/O shield.
Restart the printer and observe the
main motor. Does the main motor spin
when the printer starts up?
Replace the DC controller
Replace the
delivery/interlock sensor.
Trace mechanical drive
components from the
delivery rollers back to the
main motor, taking special
note of the delivery drive
belt. Clean or replace parts
as necessary.
Make sure that the main motor is
secure at J211 on the DC controller
board, then run the printer diagnostic
(see "Printer Diagnostic"). Does the
diagnostic indicate a main motor error?
Go to Table 8.
Check main motor drive
components for binding or
improper installation.
Clean or replace parts as
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Try printing with Known-good paper.
Does the problem persist?
Try feeding the paper from one of the
other paper sources. Does jamming
still occur?
Remove the toner cartridge, hold the
green knob, and lift the delivery
guide. Does the registration sensor
arm move back and forth freely when
you flick it with your finger?
Check for obstructions, especially
beneath the upper guide plate
situated between the pickup block
and the transfer roller. Are there
Is the trailing edge of the jammed
paper about an inch short of the
registration sensor arm?
Remove the paper pickup block from
the printer and maintain pickup
connectivity. You will be taking
measurements from the solder-side of
the pickup controller board.
Place probes between J605-5 (GND)
and J605-6 (RESS) and manually trip
the registration sensor arm. Does the
voltage measure about 5 V (normal)
and 0 V (tripped)?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Table 32 Leading Edge of Jammed Paper Is in Pickup/Transfer Area
Problem solved.
Go to Table 33, 34, 35, or
36, as applicable.
Clear it if possible. If the
arm is snagged beyond
repair, replace the sensor
holder assembly.
Clear the obstructions.
If paper has jammed there,
especially if there is no
sign of crumpling, there is
almost certainly a failure in
the delivery sensing
system. Go to Table 31.
Replace the pickup
controller board.
Replace the sensor holder
Table 33 Paper Jams in Pickup/Transfer Area When Feeding From the
Standard Cassette
Result Action
Is the black ribbed paper guide firmly No Reseat the black ribbed
seated? paper guide. If this guide
is damaged or unseated,
paper may jam at the
entrance to the paper
pickup block.
Is the white passive roller on the Clean the roller so that it
cassette OK? forms a smooth gripping
surface against the lower
feed roller.
3 [is the lower feed roller OK? Replace or reinstall the
lower feed roller and /or its
gearing. Note that the
upper feed rollers serve
other paper sources, so
they are not likely to be the
cause of the problem.
Table 34 Paper Jams in Pickup/Transfer Area When Feeding From the
Multipurpose Tray
Step il Check Result Action
1 Try printing with known-good paper. No Problem solved.
Does the problem persist?
2 Is the multipurpose tray width guide No Set the guide so that it is
set correctly? snug against the edge of
Me the paper.
3 Is the multipurpose pickup roller | Yes | Reinstall or replace the
slipping when it tries to pull in the multipurpose pickup roller.
paper? If you have recently taken
apart the pickup block
gearing and paper has not
fed successfully since
then, the problem could be
incorrect installation of the
Are there two sheets at the jam
Replace the multipurpose
tray guide assembly.
78 LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Table 35 Paper Jams in Pickup/Transfer Area When Feeding From the
Optional Sheet Feeder
Is the black ribbed paper guide firmly Reseat the black ribbed
seated? paper guide. If this guide
is damaged or unseated,
paper may jam at the
entrance to the paper
pickup block.
Is the standard 250-sheet cassette Paper fed from the sheet
installed and in good condition? feeder passes through the
slit in the standard
cassette located 2 inches
back from the face plate.
Make sure the standard
cassette is fully inserted
and that no blockage
exists in this opening.
Are the feeder rollers in the sheet The sheet feeder has one
feeder OK? primary and two passive
feeder rollers. Because
power is reaching the
pickup roller, any problem
would probably be with
binding or obstruction in
the roller/gear system.
Perform the sheet feeder
bypass procedure and
observe the functioning of
the feeder components
(see Service Source for
additional information).
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 79
Table 36 Paper Jams in Pickup/Transfer Area When Feeding From the
Envelope Feeder
Check Result
Is the envelope feeder width guide set No
Set the guide so that it is
snug against the edge of
the envelopes.
Is the envelope feeder correctly
installed into the printer?
Reinstall the feeder so that
it is mounted solidly onto
the black positioning pin in
the upper-left corner of the
pickup block opening. If
the feeder isn't mounted
correctly, or if the pin is
damaged, the pickup block
entrance may not align
Have you recently taken the feeder
apart and has it exhibited this
problem ever since?
You may not have
reinstalled the gear/roller
system correctly. Refer to
Service Source for more
Is the fork-shaped separation guide
installed correctly?
There should be a 1.5 mm
opening between the
separation guide and the
primary feed roller. Refer
to the Adjustments chapter
in the LW Pro Envelope
Feeder manual on Service
Source for more
LaserWriter Pro 600/630
Service Test Cassette Size
SW602 SW603/4/5
\ Page Switch Sensing Switches
A4 B4 A5 BS
Pickup Roller
Clutch Solenoid
Cassette Size
Sensing Switches
| SL851
| Pickup Roller
Clutch Solenoid
Sheet Feeder |.
Paper-Present |2 BOARD Cassette Pickup Roller
J852 Sensor Clutch Solenoid
ee ee -aserWriter Pro 600/630
Wiring Diagram
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
LaserWriter Select
Exploded View 84
Parts List 86
I/O Boards 89
Specifications 90
Status LEDs 92
Service Test Page 93
RAM Upgrade 96
Troubleshooting the
LaserWriter Select 300/310 97
Wiring Diagram 137
Exploded View
Output Tray LED Assembly Front Access
Backstop Door Cap
Right Side
Output Tray cere
Extension Fuser Assembly
1/O Bracket (300)
I/O Bracket (310)
Left Side
Cover /O Shield
/O Controller
I/O Board (310) Board Mount
DC Controller
Power Supply
Mount Drive Assembly
= )
cD Power
: so — Sage
$ Scanner
a Motor Laser/Optic
2 Assembly
= Power
= Switch Lever
& Cassette Feeder
Left Cover Board
Universal Cassette
Figure 1 LaserWriter Select 300/310 Exploded View (1 of 2)
84 LaserWriter Select 300/310
Paper Separation
Assembly Paper Charge
Pickup Roller
Paper Separation | Assembly
| Transfer Roller
Manual Feed |
Pickup Plate i
a | Manual Feed
Pick lenoi
Paper Delivery | ickup Solenoid
Manual Feed uit 42
amt Front Access
Pivot Shaft ee ;
Manual Feed
Manual Feed
Tray Tray Extension
Figure 1 LaserWriter Select 300/310 Exploded View (2 of 2)
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Parts List
500 sheet feeder cassette (A4) oo... ceececceeeeaeeeeseeeneueeeeeeseneans 922-1110
500 sheet feeder cassette (letter) 00.0... eeeeccccceeeceeeeeueueeeseeeerenes 922-1111
500 sheet feeder left DOttOM COVEF ............... cc ceeeseeseeseseesseeeeeeeeeeeseens 922-0650
500 sheet feeder right DOttOM COVET ..............cccceseesssesessneeeeeeeeneeeerene 922-0651
500 sheet feeder rear COVET...............c:cccsccsceeeseeeecstscessssserssseseseseneess 922-0652
BOAly GElLECE CAD 6 ii ices: carnssnnchetnenonta aie eedsacamaainuckiutreteadagesweenceae 922-1010
CADIS GUIASy vosensaceisntcas adahiceanctehannta leans habitat uate Gh oxesttaeeeguamaawsauauadeus 922-1079
Cassette feeder Cable oo... cccccccccccseeceesseessseseeeeeeeeecceseussusesesseas 922-1073
Cassette feed roller cc csessssessseesseseeeeeseeseeeseseseeeeeees 922-1087
Cassette feed SOIQNOIG ................ cc ceecessssssssesseesseseesescceceececesereeeseneess 922-1007
Optional cassette feeder board...................ccesessesesseeeceeeeeeeeseseeeseneess 922-1004
Cassette feeder DOard .............cccc ce ceeeeeesssesseeeteseteeesssesssecsesseeeseseseees 922-1003
Cassette gear T21/36 ........cceeeseeesesssssrssssssssessssssssseseesesssseeeeees 922-1090
Cassette: gear 32 (ivctiaiseretaacnemuashstteeeninihicad av Oa rabreterates 922-1089
Cassette Gear: 141. i issicyicxisachcoswnten wavudnastion ch ve zeeenrcsteeacuesdy ahaa badlanviies 922-1088
Cassette Grounding SPring...............cccccccceeseesesssesscseeesesceseeeeeseeseseeens 922-1092
Cassette pickup roller Shaft ...............cccceceessssseseeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeseeeeeneas 922-1085
Cassette pickup rollers ..............ccccccccsssscssssesessssssssessessesersssesssseseeeees 922-1086
Cassette pickup SOICNOIC...............0...::cceessssseseeseeesessseeeseceseeseceseeeess 922-1006
Cassette roller DUSHINGS ..............cceeccscssccecceesessseeeeeeeeceessseeueeeesenens 922-1095
Cassette SiZ@ ACtUATOF ......... ccc ccccccccessceeeeeesesesaseeseceessreueeeueveneeneas 922-1091
DC controller DO@rd..........ccccccccssessssseessceceeeesseueeuseeteseucneseesenenneens 661-2002
DRIVGTASSOTIOY caprses estistaeacorson fucpisugaichas canededu enters Samed ldenaepaumnnenenee et 922-1069
Drive ASSEMbIy SCrEW Kit ...... cc cccccceceeeeeseeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeueenaceneneaneas 076-2003
ENV@lIODC CASSOUS eis siiitiniceevadaun ieauesaienaee av iadeaataa an teaiudviieepaeens iets 922-1101
TUN eters cecrner a nutactisaeyeaeuehe asuganuanduanwaand aah stanaueaiied aa Geueaanceuntamaannites ee. 922-1001
FIORLACCESS COO fas pisiad ous eisvagencd lad awten cvieoeeanan tated ani coeeeadeenamteennne 922-1026
FrOMt ACCESS GOOF CAP ...........cccccccsseeccccseusssseeeceeeccecesteucenssseesseaveserss 922-1016
FOP ACCESS GOOMCOVEP casredascisiiviaguidvevoenvaivveieesaatasiadbarincemsdenecateavonae 922-1015
PROM OCOlQCAN saiiiataeod ctnc?s aedioctaratilmeninwesngtebanniouceodtnmieal ne tumninete 922-1074
Front GOOr Ground Spring ...........cccccccececssesseesececeeeeseeeeaneesesesecesuuenenas 922-1044
Fuser assembly (110/115V).........ccccccccccceccceseesseeeeevseseseeeueuesnaaeenes 661-2008
Fuser aSSembly (220/240V) 0... cccccccccssseecceceeeeueeeseesseuaeeececesensaesess 661-2009
Delivery SENSOF IVER... ccceccccccccccccccecceseeeeeeeeeeueeeneeusunesueueaseenaas 922-1051
Engine therMoOprotector .........ccccccccccceccccceceeeceteeeceeseseusueeueueeeananeeas 922-1061
EXILDG ANIA ities clanvdelneencstedsci trees crac Sut endutrimnton simon vabatauacedeios 922-1066
p40 51 | eee cneen ne Ernie eee eGre ane Se ra era Caen ene riety Meee Te er ee 922-1067
FESO COMAG wes siesta terea Renta ealereenentadauontaaliadss Mntdaancvennueadtenree, 922-1064
Fuser delivery roller ...............:cccccccesescccccsssesvaueucecsacsuacecsenveseeeeesans 922-1052
Fuser heater bulb 110/115V .0........ccsssesseveeesecesssseecssseseeseees 922-1047
Fuser heater bulb 220/240V 0.0... ccccccccccceccecceeeeeeeseeeececeeseesseneaas 922-1048
Fuser Neater roller ...............:ccccccccccsssecsevsseeceesecuccaceneasssnceveeeeceanacs 922-1049
Fuser heater roller Q@ar .............ccccccccesesseseeceeecceeeeseueuececeeeeeaeesuaes 922-1050
LaserWriter Select 300/310
FUSCR DADGl QuIde sects ise: doncencenetssaneudeatetscenacnulmave tecenscaviesvenbanenautee 922-1053
FUSEl PrOSSUIC TONE! sicstcatsacicessianeiomn whe ee 922-1054
USEF TING. Ki irseacinicsuasdleseit dal tvecucy aan datennstbuarananadevincentneaeeanenlctavatees 076-2000
Fuser roller thermoOprotector .................cccccseeeecssecceseceeseeeeeueeeseeees 922-1060
FUSER TOD COVON cezcaereeciuceesee eotasesia coe anderen eesti e ane e 922-1055
Paper QUIKE SPIINGS ci saieevesteccesPevetiaia ik innscdesesmcvael See eee 922-1065
Pressure roller Dearing auscidicter taney oiiaiieenestn cs peers diviaenaa 922-1058
Pressure roller Spritng.................:cccccseeseeeeceeceseeeeeeeeeeeeteaseeaseereenees 922-1059
PRIGHHE GE Al (TOT jasteicusiestiacstocescatedisevecevesver isaac esueatesmaneaepeatedveeens 922-1063
FRIGHEGCal SHAM tctcccctensditttrerinncuntseateeresaatedderiansensaruntonedtelatag. 922-1062
Static Sli MUM AON srg asco cerivkindinnaetordorsacsumeermncee se eeneuteeeten: 922-1068
Temperature Sensor 110V ........ cc cceeecccseseeeeeeseeenseeeessaneeseseneesenas 922-1056
TEMDEratUle SENSO 2ZOV i ipeiiceesnss ceusauedvanvesteGadaneredandaeanivounannees 922-1057
High-voltage contact ASSEMDIY .......... eee eee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeteneeenenees 922-1105
High-voltage power SUPDIY ........... cc cceeecccecsesseeeeesseesseeeeesueseeeeeneaeetees 661-2005
High-voltage power supply and toner sensor cable..................0008 922-1009
I/O bracket (LaserWriter Select 300) ...............cccccesseeeeceeesseeeeeneeesees 922-1082
I/O bracket (LaserWriter Select 310) ............ccccceccssseeeeeesesseeeseneeeaees 922-1083
I/O board (LaserWriter Select 300) ...................cccecceceeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeenens 661-2000
I/O board (LaserWriter Select 310) ..............cccccceccecsseeesseseeeeseeeeseeeees 661-2001
©: DOard MOUNT shsstsesaleventeteied.wecteanthatiaaeasdeapuasersatwanectcaevellinnnns 922-1080
Y OPSINGO eoiwncrsseaveaesvsnressenwadeleiet net eternvueraeansevn Neca tniiteduesttet nest 922-1081
EASEI/ODTIC. ASSOMDIY waiwisiavesssaeehondauiseerddapesnvarnintegtusstenteiaetentnecstcenton: 661-2003
Laser/scanner Motor Cable .................ccccceceeeeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeseeseesenenanaes 922-1008
EB DASSOM DIV va ceicusctes tance utinse nck te eater ence os in vne ce pses en nceeaaanaceenauiiaae 922-1033
ED Cabloraiucd cence tistaieacinns tie bance e estates Grete ace a traccecet 922-1036
Left: DONOM-COVEl s42acianel iin ear eens: 922-1093
Lei COVEr DiaCK Gl iiniy esti deriensin ede neater teen: 922-1020
LOT COU DIS: QO ae iessittse taints ce petunassmenad wai newpnceatApaetet eeseteeeriapvaevn est 922-1076
Left release lOVEF 00... csecsecccecsseseescecseneeeeceensnsseeteessoseeesensoseess 922-1024
GI SIDS COVEN secre cists eotoiterssn ht iaidntats ne idaianeute lal acnuniontaimees oA aaasiaas 922-1013
LOG al: CASSONG sft sssccmnetisamasnctnasndndedartutieiai iets riendie aeons 922-1102
MAILE TN OLON 6 ts ena Ure tehce dati er etetdandl med euaeticeetua hanes el eianinins tenets 922-1000
Manual feed pickup plate ............ ce ccccesssseeeeceesneeeeecssaeseseeeusaeaeeees 922-1032
Manual feed piCKUP SOICNOIG ............ ee cecsesseeecccteeeeceecseaeeceecessesseeess 922-1005
Manual T6GG Fam p siioecccutietierstearietisulavaicvideas vane dasanceees eunameaunseeatee 922-1023
Mantel 166G SONSOM sisciaccccivagsicesdseladececinebniieuiessanciascucassseatoeecattoassane 922-1039
Manual feed S@NSOF AMIN .............cccccccssssssseeeceeeeceseeacssseeeeeeeecseeaeassees 922-1037
Manual feed SENSOF SPFiNg ...............:cccccccessseeeceeeeeeeecseeesseneeseaaseeeess 922-1038
Maniial 1666: ay ses ivecs caren etinvevevedacienannwanneahesactnuinnaaseewennnenmonen 922-1017
Manual feed tray Extension. ............cccccccccsssssseeeecsesseeeecsseessesecseaaeeees 922-1019
Optional f6SGSr Cli caccsscasicscx-sesesndansdsescves aatoinis eadeieavanseincneeneaeavenes 922-1098
Optional feeder COMMECHON 20.0... cccccceeeseceeeecesseeeseessseesssensssssesseseess 922-1096
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 87
Optional feeder grounding Spring ..................cccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetees 922-1097
Output Tray DACKSLOD sis. cute ivcdinerdindeaunladcaieidiwadeues 922-1022
Output ray CXC SiON 2s iret ett cine elise a alanis tee hte Gat heats 922-1018
Paper Charge: dene ctor sisi acuscsascastegcdvaey cadee isveodov acer soansueoue averedveeve dacs 922-1040
Paper registration AN iciscsiniciunecetinntaanlnawsun 922-1043
Paper registration SENSOLM............:cceeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneeeeseneaaneneeees 922-1041
Registration SENSOFr SPIing ............cccceececceeeeecceeeeeeceeeeeeeceeeeeeenees 922-1042
Paper delivery Quide ..............cccccecccssssececseseeeecseseccensneeceneesecensenseensees 922-1027
Paper delivery SONSOL .............cccccccccsssssceccsseeeecueseeceususeeenenseeeenanseessees 922-1071
PICKUD Olle FrASSEMDIY szccucdssarcateurovsral nodes eaiebbeseseratasbraauieatenadetaeennes 922-1030
PICKUB: FOUCES -tasscbsceraeercageatwedson dus duav Gareesneaevadsc eran loiaaioayzeonenncmpdense 922-1031
FADE! SENSING Al nxtieceactnesasaetutob aiaioahedsesdancicet ean anidedomiuanombrndiaanes 922-1084
Paper Separation ASSEMDIy ............. cece cccseeccecseeeeeeeaeeeeeseeseeseaeeeeneees 922-1034
PADEr TEE: TONGS iaisiticti cari naclsaswauarveadedebadescnsie tamara tountecuet veeianeteane ls 922-1029
Paper S€paration Pad ..............ccccccsscccenecceeeseccesccsaseceseeeeeseesenseeees 922-1035
PCB SCrew Kil. niercitacutahareuranscees case qnatine le snasaaeonntaveosinesenauens Refisearounetacs 076-2002
PICKUP TOIlEr ASSOMDIY fice Baan inde senda nriversstansadeatniexaneeaaiovelons 922-1030
PIVOU SIA a meesuacenutite Ne puce ied Gabe elens taut aati as Aieie aeielveke alae 922-1075
POSICArd AUACNIME NN vastctnsacwacraceleedieetO wtiadueedssbwebddha vaca txaiesntctielest 922-1103
Power Supply (220/240V) .0.....cccccccccsesesseseeeeeeeeesecsaeesseeeeeeseeeeeeauaaeaes 661-2007
Power Supply (110/115V) 00... ccecssssseececeeeesseeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesesseeeees 661-2006
Power SWitch lever Spring .............:ccssssssssseceeeeceseseaeessssseeeeeeeeeesensenees 922-1045
POWEI-SWITCM OVEN fas taunts col aticucicetenataisneaRynaeatieonanentemanunc tea ttindtceteonaieeNs 922-1072
POL COV. Cle cara adicapoteeteasetieten vost uendadn ona daira na uttuauatneclaebaniolauatonaiaiarnoel 922-1012
Release lever Spring ...........cccscccccssessccesssnesseseecnsensseceecssensetseecusonseeess 922-1046
FIGHUDONOM COV Cle voci ces nists eacasecceusia va anaveuiauntecatonie nea teasensean 922-1094
Optional feeder CONNECtON COVEL............cccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessaeenseeeeeees 922-1099
FIGNU-GOVEE DIACK Ot iiseiscieandectea eitdercdvinians casi cenn eae 922-1021
RIGOUOOUDIC GEOL iis wares cacianrat tinannreiesnensicetnasavin ieee adaateiiedaiidde 922-1077
FRIQME PEICASS IOV OM ics as incite vid edad cndsiony snvavivves edd vee asavedawsieautedcacanvees 922-1025
FRIGME SLOSS COVEN ici cincsevnwnoncmnadeunuah aliadamubtaeduuion shell aawaseorsavihaiwcueuandars 922-1014
SCANIMER MOON sais ited aweieatisnnaat cede cue uanawsaniadrentcennneshaaue sscavee eemmauieaewn 661-2004
SCG KM saaxsvecne cs oat soaucheetesletedo! haces ead utedsabane aeguasismaadeninelaouedseseaelees 076-2004
Standard SCrew Kit ...........ccccccssssssssssceeeececccceeccessssececeneeseeseaegsssseceeeees 076-2001
Toner cartridge Sensor ASSEMDIY ............. cece cccceeseeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeesseaenees 922-1002
Toner Cartridge SENSOF COVEL............ccseccccceeseeeeeeeeeeseaascecseaeeeecnaan sees 922-1078
ROPE COVE fasatesntaiicraudiosinn te cut iva sea cites ainidtoateminasiuse miasdlbecadacsaatluont ntestlae 922-1011
THANISTOR POMC iiteadete rs ieicainncanuecancetie GuaveccacnievenhGhisedacanteasvhinduovsis 922-1028
UNIVE SaliCASS CIS it mene orag snc casa v eine ou urebeamusitendt nme tiaeioekate pate: 922-1100
LaserWriter Select 300/310
/O Boards
P50 P51 SIMMs
Figure 2 LaserWriter Select 300 I/O Board
Figure 3 LaserWriter Select 310 I/O Board
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 89
Print Engine Specifications
Fuji Xerox PO engine
Paper Feed
Print Materials
300 dots per inch (dpi)
5 pages-per-minute maximum; actual performance depends on
the application
Input: Automatic with paper cassette; automatic or manual with
universal tray
Output: Face-down
Sizes: letter, legal, A4, B5
Media: 20- to 28-lb. bond paper, letterhead and colored stock,
medium-weight transparency material, envelopes, and labels
250-sheet universal cassette: letter, A4, B5
250-sheet legal cassette: optional
Envelope cassette: optional
Letter size: 8.0 x 10.5 in.
Legal size: 8.0 x 13.0 in.
A4: 7.41 x 10.86 in.
B5: 7.69 x 10.16 in.
Printable area may vary depending upon application
Height: 8.0 in. (25.3 cm)
Width: 15 in. (88 cm)
Depth: 18.3 in. (46.5 cm)
Weight: 26.4 Ib. (12 kg)
50-—90.5° F (10—32.5° C)
20-80% relative humidity
U.S./Japan: 100-115 VAC, 50-60 Hz
Europe/Australia: 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz
LaserWriter Select 300/310
/O Board Specifications
Select 300 Select 310
Processor AMD Am29205; 16 MHz
DRAM 512K, expandable to 1.5 MB 1.5 MB, expandable to 5.5 MB
or 4.5 MB
pROM 32K 1 MB, expandable to 2 MB
RS-422 RS-232; Centronics parallel
Imaging QuickDraw PostScript
Built-in Fonts 39 fonts from the following 13 fonts from the following font
font families: Avant families: Courier, Helvetica,
Garde, Bookman, Times, and Symbol.
Chicago, Courier, Additional PostScript fonts
Geneva, Helvetica, can be downloaded to printer
Helvetica Narrow, memory.
Monaco, New Century
Schoolbook, New York,
Palatino, Symbol, Times,
Zapf Chancery, and Zapf
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 91
Status LEDs
OO L) wv
Figure 4 LaserWriter Select 300/310 Status LEDs
The LaserWriter Select has three status LEDs (see Figure 4) located on the top
of the printer's front access door:
¢ — Ready — The green Ready LED flashes during printer warmup and when
the printer is operating. The LED is steady when the printer is warmed
up and ready to print. The LED is off when the printer is not ready, an
error condition exists, or the top cover is open.
¢ — Paper-Out — The red Paper-Out LED is on and steady when the printer is
out of paper or the paper tray is missing. The LED flashes when the
printer is ready to accept manually fed paper.
¢ — Paper-Jam — The red Paper-Jam LED comes on when paper jams inside
the printer. The LED remains on until the jam is cleared.
The status LEDs may indicate an error condition within the printer or with the
print job. If an error condition exists, the status LEDs indicate the specific
error by varying the state of the LEDs (blinking, solid, etc.) These error
conditions are driver-specific and may vary depending upon the specific CPU.
Check the status of the printer under the Print Monitor of your computer
system to determine the specific error condition.
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Service Test Page
The LaserWriter Select service test page consists of a line matrix, as shown in
Figure 5. The LaserWriter Select printers produce a service test page when
you jumper pins P32-1 and P32-2 on the DC controller board. The service test
page confirms print engine operation.
= |
Figure 5 Service Test Page
Note LaserWriter Select 300/310 printers do not produce a startup test page
(a page produced when the laser printer is initially switched on).
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 93
Figure 6 Generating a Service Test Page With I/O Board Intact
To generate a service test page with the I/O board and mount intact, follow
these steps:
1. Remove the printer covers.
2. Plug in the printer and switch it on. Wait until the delivery rollers stop
3. Insert a straightened paper clip in the hole on the back of the I/O board
mount, as shown in Figure 6. Move the paper clip back and forth to
jumper P32. Remove the paper clip when you hear the fan come on and
the transfer rollers begin to rotate. A few seconds later the test page will
To generate a service test page with the I/O board and mount removed, follow
these steps:
1. Refer to the Troubleshooting Preparation section under
"Troubleshooting the LaserWriter Select." Follow steps 1 through 3.
2. Plug in the printer and switch it on. Wait until the delivery rollers stop
3. Using a paper clip or jeweler's screwdriver, jumper the two pins at
connector P32. (Refer to Figure 7.)
LaserWriter Select 300/310
—_N DC Controller
SSS Board
Figure 7 Generating a Service Test Page With I/O Board Removed
4, In order to avoid a paper jam, remove the piece of paper that you
previously inserted into the paper delivery sensor (Troubleshooting
Preparation, step 3) as soon as the printed page begins to exit the fuser
assembly rollers.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 95
RAM Upgrade
The LaserWriter Select 300 has 512K of soldered DRAM. You can upgrade the
Select 300 to 1.5 MB by installing a 1 MB SIMM (70 ns or faster) in the DRAM
SIMM connector on the I/O board. You can upgrade the printer to 4.5 MB by
installing a 4 MB (70 ns or faster) DRAM SIMM.
The LaserWriter Select 310 has 1.5 MB of soldered DRAM. You can upgrade
the Select 310 to 2.5 MB by installing a 72-pin, 1 MB (70 ns or faster) SIMM in
the DRAM SIMM connector on the I/O board. You can upgrade the printer to
5.5 MB by installing a 72-pin, 4 MB (70 ns or faster) SIMM.
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Troubleshooting the LaserWriter Select 300/310
Before you begin troubleshooting, check the printer setup and operating
conditions described in the Pre-Power-On Checklist section. If the problem
persists, refer to the flowcharts later in this troubleshooting section.
The flowcharts direct you to perform various tasks and refer you to specific
troubleshooting tables. Perform each step in the troubleshooting tables in
order and refer as necessary to the wiring diagram that follows the tables.
Retry the printer each time you change its physical state—such as when you
replace a component—until the problem is resolved. If you replace a module
and the problem remains, reinstall the original module before proceeding to
the next step in the table.
When the printer is repaired, perform the necessary preventive maintenance
before returning it to the customer. Make sure you are familiar with all
procedures described in the "Safety" section in the front of this guide before
performing any live electrical checks.
Pre-Power-On Checklist
Verify that the following conditions are met before proceeding with the
troubleshooting flowcharts or tables:
e — Line voltage is OK (115 VAC + 10%).
e Printer is installed on a solid, level surface.
¢ Room temperature is between 50—90° F (10-32.5° C).
¢ Humidity is 20-80%.
e Printer is not located in a hot or humid area, near open flames, or in
a dusty location.
¢ — Printer is not exposed to ammonia gas.
¢ — Printer is not in direct sunlight.
e Printer is installed in a well-ventilated area.
¢ — Cables and connectors are OK.
¢ — Toner cartridge is installed and has toner.
¢ — Paper cassette is properly loaded with paper.
¢ — Paper is within specifications.
e — Front access door is closed.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 97
Troubleshooting Preparation
In order to troubleshoot the inside of the printer, you must prepare the
printer as follows:
Remove the printer covers and I/O shield.
2. Remove the I/O board mount and set it at an angle on top of the power
supply, as shown in Figure 8.
Fuser Assembly
Paper Delivery
Figure 8 Actuating the Paper Delivery Sensor
Be sure to leave the cables that run to the I/O board and the paper
delivery sensor connected.
3. Insert a folded piece of paper into the U of the paper delivery sensor (see
Figure 8 inset) in order to manually actuate the sensor and put the
printer in a ready state.
If you try to print a service test page or a page from the Macintosh while the
folded paper is in the paper delivery sensor, the paper will jam in the printer.
To avoid a paper jam, remove the folded piece of paper from the paper
delivery sensor as soon as the printed page begins to exit the fuser assembly
rollers. Once the printed page has completely exited the fuser, put the piece of
folded paper back in the delivery sensor if you wish to resume troubleshooting
the inside of the printer.
LaserWriter Select 300/310
LaserWriter Select 300 Troubleshooting Flowcharts
. Connect the printer to a Macintosh computer that is
using the LaserWriter Select 300 driver.
Open the printer and remove any paper jams.
Install the toner cartridge and fill the cassette tray.
Switch on the printer and the Macintosh computer
and wait 2 minutes.
Issue a Print Window or Print Directory command.
ao PON
Does the
printer print
Go to Flowchart 2,
LaserWriter Select 300
Print Engine Error.
Is the
print quality
Go to Figure 9,
Print Quality
The printer is fully functional.
Flowchart 1 LaserWriter Select 300 Print Engine Check
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
. Switch off the printer and disconnect it from the
Macintosh computer.
. Remove the top cover, rear cover, and side covers.
. Remove the I/O shield and I/O board.
. Plug in and switch on the printer.
the fan Go to Table 2,
come on? No Power to Fan.
Does the
fuser bulb glow every
few seconds during
Go to Table 3,
Fuser Assembly
Does the
main motor
rotate sometime
after startup?
Go to Table 1,
Main Motor
Initiate a service test page.
Flowchart 2 LaserWriter Select 300 Print Engine Error (1 of 2)
100 LaserWriter Select 300/310
Go to Table 27, 28, 29,
or 30, depending
on the specific paper
transport problem.
Did the
printer deliver
a service test
Did the
paper jam
inside the
Go to Table 4
or 5, depending
on the specific laser/
scanner malfunction.
Is the Go to Figure 9,
print quality Print Quality
OK? Problems
. Make sure cable connections are correct, secure,
and undamaged.
2. Confirm that the proper print driver is installed.
3. If the printer is connected to the Macintosh printer
port, open the Chooser and make AppleTalk
. If the problem persists, replace the I/O board.
Flowchart 2 LaserWriter Select 300 Print Engine Error (2 of 2)
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 101
LaserWriter Select 310 Troubleshooting Flowcharts
. Connect the printer to a Macintosh computer that
is using the LaserWriter Select 310 driver.
. Open the printer and remove any paper jams.
. Install the toner cartridge and fill the cassette tray.
Switch on the printer and the Macintosh computer
and wait 2 minutes.
Does the
Go to Flowchart 4,
Ready LED glow LaserWriter Select 310
steadily after Print Engine Error.
Open the File menu and choose Print
Window or Print Directory.
Does the
printer print
Go to Table 7
or 8, depending
on the specific I/O
board error.
Is the Go to Figure 9,
print quality Print Quality
OK? Problems.
. Place paper on the manual feed tray.
. Open the File menu and choose Print Window
or Print Directory.
. Select Manual Feed as the paper source in the
Print dialog box.
Go to Table 30,
No Paper Pickup From
Manual Feed or
Multipurpose Tray.
Does the
printer deliver
a manually fed
The printer is fully functional.
Flowchart 3 LaserWriter Select 310 Print Engine Check
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Is the
LED on?
Go to Table 13,
Paper-Out LED Lights
When There Is Paper.
Go to Table 27, 28, 29,
or 30, depending
on the specific paper
transport problem.
Is the Is the
Paper-Jam paper jammed
LED on? inside the
Go to Table 14,
Paper-Jam LED Lights
But No Jam
Has Occurred.
. Switch off the printer and disconnect it from the
Macintosh computer.
Remove the top cover, rear cover, and side covers.
Remove the I/O shield and the !/O board.
Plug in and switch on the printer.
the fan
come on?
Go to Table 2,
No Power to Fan.
Flowchart 4 LaserWriter Select 310 Print Engine Error (1 of 3)
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Table 3 No Paper Pickup from Cassette Tray
Have you set the printer for cassette-
feed in the Print dialog box?
Select the Cassette option
in the Print dialog box.
| No
| With the toner cartridge
2 Was the toner cartridge installed
before you plugged in the printer? installed, unplug the
printer and plug it back in
3 Try printing with known-good paper. i) No Problem solved.
Does the problem persist?
4 Remove excess paper from the No | Problem solved.
cassette tray. Does the problem
Is the paper pickup roller worn or
Replace the paper pickup
Replace the pickup solenoid on the No Problem solved.
controller assembly. Does the
problem persist?
ic Is the fuser assembly properly seated No Reseat the fuser assembly
and making good contact with the so that it makes good
controller assembly? contact with the controller
8 Remove the fuser assembly and No Replace the fuser
measure the resistance between
connectors J204-1 and J204-2.
Does the resistance measure
approximately 440 KQ?
Is there continuity between
connectors J103-1 and J103-2?
Replace the fuser
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
e Replace the controller
¢ Replace the pickup
Personal LaserWriter 300
. Switch off the printer.
. Replace the I/O board, I/O shield, and covers.
. Reconnect the printer to a Macintosh computer.
. Switch on the printer and the computer.
. Open the File menu and choose Print Window
or Print Directory.
Go to Table 7 or 8,
depending on the
specific I/O
board problem.
printout of the active
window produced?
. Place paper on the manual feed tray.
. Open the File menu and choose Print Window
or Print Directory.
. Select Manual Feed as the paper source in the
Print dialog box.
Go to Table 30, No
No Paper Pickup From
printout of the active
window produced?
Manual Feed or
Multipurpose Tray.
The printer is fully functional.
Flowchart 4 LaserWriter Select 310 Print Engine Error (3 of 3)
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 105
Troubleshooting Tables
As you proceed through the steps in a table, remember to retry the
printer each time you change its physical state—such as when you
replace a module. If the problem remains, reinstall the original
module before proceeding to the next step in the table. Refer as
necessary to the wiring diagram that follows the tables.
Table 1 Main Motor Failure
Is connector P14 on the DC controller |
| board making good contact?
Are there any obstructions in the drive
assembly gear train or paper path?
Inspect the drive assembly gear train
and replace any damaged gears.
(Check the gears on the drive
assembly, the fuser assembly, the
paper feed roller, and the cassette
feeder assembly.) Does the problem
Switch off the printer and connect a
multimeter between each of the
following pairs of pins:
°P14-1 (A-COM 24V) & P11-2 (GND) |
- P14-2 (B-COM 24V) & P11-2 (GND)
Does the voltage measure
approximately +24 VDC when you
switch on the printer?
Switch off the printer and connect the
multimeter between each of the
following pairs of pins on the DC
- P14-1 (A-COM 24V) & P14-3 (A)
- P14-1 (A-COM 24V) & P14-5 (/A)
- P14-2 (B-COM 24V) & P14-4 (B)
- P14-2 (B-COM 24V) & P14-6 (/B)
Does the resistance measure
approximately 5 Q?
Reconnect P14 to the DC
controller board.
Remove the obstructions.
Problem solved.
Go to Table 11, Power
Supply Failure
(+24 VDC).
Replace the main motor.
Replace the DC controller
board. If the problem
persists, replace the main
LaserWriter Select 300/310
1 Is a toner cartridge installed in the
2 Is the AC outlet providing the correct
Is connector P119 making good
contact with the paper delivery
Inspect the paper delivery sensor.
Does the lever on the fuser assembly
cover the paper delivery sensor when
no paper is present and uncover the
sensor when paper passes through
the fuser assembly?
Connect a multimeter between each
of the following sets of pins and check
for the following voltages:
P11-10 (+24V, brown wire) and
P11-2 (GND, black wire) +24 VDC
P11-11 (+24V, brown wire) and
P11-2 (GND, black wire) +24 VDC
P11-12 (+24V, orange wire) and
P11-2 (GND, black wire) +24 VDC
P11-5 (+5VB, yellow wire) and
P11-2 (GND, black wire) +5 VDC
P11-6 (+5VA, blue wire) and
P11-2 (GND, black wire) +5 VDC
Are the voltages present when you
switch the printer back on?
Switch off the printer, connect a
multimeter between connectors
DC controller, and switch the printer
back on. Is the voltage approximately
+24 VDC?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Table 2 No Power to Fan (1 of 2)
P18-3 (+24V) and P18-2 (RTN) on the
No Install a toner cartridge.
| No | Try another AC outlet.
Reconnect connector
P119 to the paper
delivery sensor.
Install the paper delivery
sensor so that it makes
contact with the delivery
sensor lever. If the
problem persists, replace
the delivery sensor lever.
Replace the power
Replace the fan.
Yd Table 2 No Power to Fan (2 of 2)
Switch off the printer and disconnect
connector P119 from the paper
delivery sensor. Connect the
multimeter between connector
P119-2 (GND) and P119-3 (+5 VDC)
and switch on the printer. Did the
voltage measure approximately
+5 VDC when you switched on the
Check the cable
connections between
P119 and P16 on the DC
controller board. If the
connections are secure,
replace the DC controller
Replace the paper delivery
Table 3 Fuser Assembly Failure (1 of 2)
Is a toner cartridge installed in the
Switch off the printer, connect a
multimeter between pins J101-2 and
J101-6 on the fuser assembly, and
switch on the printer. Does the
voltage measure between +90 and
+132 VAC when you switch on the
Install a toner cartridge.
Replace the power supply.
Switch off the printer, and disconnect
connector P11 from the DC controller
board. Measure the resistance
between connector pins P11-13
(STS) and P11-14 (GND). Is the
resistance between 200 KQ and 350
KQ at room temperature?
Replace the power supply.
Measure the resistance between pins
J101-2 and J101-6 on the fuser
assembly. Is the resistance less than
10 Q?
Replace the fuser heater
bulb and the
Connect a multimeter between pins
P11-1 (HEAT, red wire) and
P11-2 (GND, black wire). Does the
voltage measure about +4.2 VDC
when you switch on the printer?
Replace the power supply.
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Table 3 Fuser Assembly Failure (2 of 2)
Check Action
Connect a multimeter between Go to Table 9,
connector pins P11-1 (HEAT, red Temperature Sensor
wire) and P11-2 (GND, black wire) on Assembly Failure.
the DC controller board. When you
open and close the front access door,
does the voltage measure about +3.7
VDC with the door open and briefly
drop to 0 VDC about five seconds
after you close the door?
Switch off the printer and disconnect Replace the power
P111 from the high-voltage power supply.
supply. Connect a multimeter
between connector pins P11-5 (5VB,
yellow wire) and P11-2 (GND, black
wire) on the DC controller board.
Does the voltage measure about +5
VDC when you switch on the printer?
Switch off the printer and disconnect Replace the laser/optic
connector P12 from the DC controller assembly.
board. Does the fuser heater bulb
light when you switch on the printer?
Switch off the printer and disconnect Replace the DC
connector P15 from the DC controller controller board.
board. Does the fuser heater bulb
light when you switch on the printer?
Connect the multimeter between pins Replace the toner
P15-8 (5VB, yellow wire) and P15-9 cartridge sensor
(5V, orange wire) on the DC assembly.
controller board. When you remove
and insert the toner cartridge, does
the resistance change from 0 Q
(cartridge inserted) to infinity Q
(cartridge removed)?
Connect the multimeter between pins Replace the toner
P15-10 (EP CHECK, red wire) and cartridge sensor
P15-11 (GND, brown wire) on the DC assembly.
controller board. When you remove
and insert the toner cartridge, does
the resistance change from 0 Q
(cartridge inserted) to infinity Q
(cartridge removed)?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 109
Table 4 Laser Scanner Failure
Are connectors P12 and P19 on the
DC controller board properly seated?
Switch on the printer, wait until the
main motor stops rotating, and
connect a multimeter between
connector P12-11 (/MOT ON) on the
DC controller board and chassis
ground. Can you hear the scanner
motor start to spin?
Switch off the printer, connect a
multimeter between connectors P11-
4 (GND, black wire) and P11-5 (5VB,
yellow wire) on the DC controller
board, and switch on the printer. Is
the voltage approximately +5 VDC?
Switch off the printer and connect a
multimeter between P11-5 (5VB,
yellow wire) and P12-7 (5VB, black
wire) on the DC controller board. Is
the resistance less than 5 Q?
Switch off the printer and connect a
multimeter between connectors
P12-7 (5VB) and P12-6 (GND) on the |
DC controller board. Does the
voltage measure +5 VDC when you
switch on the printer?
Reconnect connectors
P12 and P19 to the DC
controller board.
Go to Table 5, Scanner
Assembly Failure.
Replace the power
Go to Table 10, Toner
Cartridge Sensor Failure.
Replace the laser/optic
Replace the DC controller
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Table 5 Scanner Assembly Failure
Switch off the printer and connect a Go to Table 11, Power
multimeter between connectors Supply Failure (+24 VDC).
P12-13 (24V) and P12-12 (RTN) on
the DC controller board. Does the
voltage measure about +24 VDC
when you switch on the printer?
Connect a multimeter between Replace the scanner
P12-11 (/AMOT ON) and P12-10 assembly. If the problem
(GND) on the DC controller board persists, replace the laser
and initiate a service test page. Does and scanner motor cable.
the voltage drop to less than +1 VDC
during printing and rise to about Replace the DC controller
+4 VDC when the printing stops? board.
Table 6 Select 300 I/O Board Error
Is the printer currently connected to a Connect the printer to a
Macintosh computer? Macintosh computer.
== Is the serial cable connection secure? ete Tighten cable connections.
Is the LaserWriter Select 300 driver Use the Installer to install
installed in the System Folder? the LaserWriter Select 300
driver in the System
Are the LaserWriter Select 300 driver Use the Chooser to select
and correct serial port selected? the LaserWriter Select 300
driver and the port (printer
or modem) to which the
printer is connected.
Is the printer connected to the printer Make sure that AppleTalk
port on the Macintosh computer? is inactive.
Is background printing disabled? Disable background
printing (so that error
messages display on the
screen). Switch the printer
off and on again.
Install a different
LaserWriter Select 300 I/O
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 411
Table 7 Select 310 I/O Board Error — Serial Connection
Check Action
Is the serial cable connection secure? Tighten cable connections.
Is the serial cable good? Replace the cable.
Is the LaserWriter Select 310 driver _| Use the Installer to install
installed in the System Folder? the LaserWriter Select 310
driver in the System
Are the LaserWriter Select 310 driver Use the Chooser to select
and correct serial port selected? the LaserWriter Select 310
driver and the port (printer
or modem) to which the
printer is connected.
Is the printer connected to the printer | Make sure that AppleTalk
port on the Macintosh computer? is inactive.
Is background printing disabled? Disable background
printing (so that error
messages appear on the
screen). Switch the printer
off and on again. If the
problem persists, install a
different LaserWriter
Select 310 I/O board.
Table 8 Select 310 I/O Board Error — Parallel Connection
Check Result Action
Are the parallel cable connections No | Tighten cable connections
correct and secure? or refer to the printer's
user guide for proper
cabling information.
Are the parallel cables and Replace the defective
connectors good? cables and connectors.
Are the software and hardware Refer to the printer's
properly configured to communicate owner's guide and the
with the parallel port on the printer? computer documentation
for proper configuration
information. Switch the
printer off and on again.
If the problem persists,
install a different I/O
112 LaserWriter Select 300/310
Table 9 Temperature Sensor Assembly Failure
Replace the sensor
After allowing the fuser assembly to
cool to room temperature, remove the
fuser assembly from the printer.
Measure the resistance between
J101-1 and J101-4 on the fuser
assembly. Is the resistance between
200 kQ and 350 kQ?
Table 10 Toner Cartridge Sensor Failure (1 of 2)
Go to Table 12, Power
Supply Failure (+5VDC).
Switch off the printer. Connect a
multimeter between P15-8 (5VB) and
P11-2 (GND) on the DC controller
board. Does the voltage measure +5
VDC when you switch on the printer?
Connect a multimeter between pins Replace the toner
P15-8 (5VB, yellow wire) and P15-9 cartridge sensor
(5V, orange wire) on the DC assembly.
controller board. When you remove
and insert the toner cartridge, does
the resistance change from 0 Q
(cartridge inserted) to infinity Q
(cartridge removed)?
Connect a multimeter between pins Replace the toner
P15-10 (EP CHECK, red wire) and cartridge sensor
P15-11 (GND, brown wire) on the DC assembly.
controller board. When you remove
and insert the toner cartridge, does
the resistance change from 0 Q
(cartridge inserted) to infinity Q
(cartridge removed)?
Install a new toner
cartridge. If switches
$101 and $100 still do not
turn on when you install
the cartridge, replace the
toner cartridge sensor
Remove the toner cartridge sensor
cover and observe the toner cartridge
sensor PCB and actuator.
Does the actuator turn on switches
$101 and S100 when you install a
toner cartridge and turn off the
switches when you remove the toner
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 113
Table 10 Toner Cartridge Sensor Failure (2 of 2)
Is there continuity between
connectors P15 on the DC controller
board and P118 on the toner
cartridge sensor board?
Replace the DC controller
Replace the high-
voltage/toner cartridge
sensor cable.
Table 11 Power Supply Failure (+24 VDC)
Switch off the printer. Connect a
/ multimeter between P11-12
(+24 VDC, orange wire) and P11-2
(GND, black wire) on the DC
controller board. Switch on the
printer. Is the voltage approximately
+24 VDC?
Switch off the printer. Connect a
multimeter between P11-10
(+24 VDC, brown wire) and P11-2
(GND, black wire) on the DC
controller board. Switch the printer
back on. When you open and close
the front access door, does the
voltage measure 0 VDC with the door
open and +24 VDC with the door
Switch off the printer. Connect a
multimeter between P11-11
(+24 VDC, brown wire) and P11-2
(GND, black wire) on the DC
controller board. Switch the printer
back on. When you open and close
the front access door, does the
voltage measure 0 VDC with the door
open and +24 VDC with the door
| Result
Replace the power supply.
Replace the DC controller
Replace the DC controller
Replace the power supply.
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Table 12 Power Supply Failure (+5 VDC)
Connect a multimeter between Replace the power supply.
the following pairs of pins on
the DC controller board: Replace the DC controller
a) P11-5 (yellow wire) and P11-2
(black wire)
b) P11-6 (blue wire) and P11-2
(black wire)
Does the voltage measure +5 VDC
when you switch on the printer?
Table 13 Paper-Out LED Lights When There Is Paper (1 of 2)
Is the paper cassette installed and Remove the paper
does it contain paper? cassette tray and fill it with
paper. Reinstall the paper
cassette tray and make
sure it is seated properly.
Remove the paper cassette tray and Replace the paper sensing
inspect the paper sensing arm. Does arm.
the paper sensing arm appear to be
While the paper cassette tray is out, Replace the cassette
inspect the paper cassette size feeder board.
actuators. Do any of the actuators
appear to be bent or damaged?
While the paper cassette tray is out, Replace the cassette
switch on the printer. Insert the paper feeder board.
cassette tray. Does the main motor
rotate when you insert the paper
cassette tray?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 115
Table 13 Paper-Out LED Lights When There Is Paper (2 of 2)
Prepare the printer for troubleshooting
as described in the Troubleshooting
Preparation section under
"Troubleshooting the LaserWriter
Select." Disconnect P111 from the
high-voltage power supply.
Connect a multimeter between
connector pins P13-1 (NOPAPER1)
and P13-4 (GND) on the DC controller
board. Remove and insert the paper
cassette tray filled with paper. Does
the voltage toggle +5 VDC (tray
removed) to 0 VDC (tray inserted)?
Replace the cassette
feeder board. If the
problem persists, replace
the cassette feeder tray
Replace the DC
controller board.
If an optional paper cassette is
installed, connect a multimeter
between connector pins P13-3
(NOPAPER2) and P13-4 (GND) on
the DC controller board. Remove and
insert the paper cassette tray filled
with paper. Does the voltage toggle
from +5 VDC (tray removed) to
0 VDC (tray inserted)?
Replace the cassette
feeder board. If the
problem persists, replace
the expansion feeder
Replace the DC
controller board.
Table 14 Paper-Jam LED Lights But No Jam Has Occurred (1 of 3)
Is the paper cassette installed and
does it contain paper?
Remove the paper
cassette tray and fill it with
paper. Reinstall the paper
cassette tray and make
Sure it is seated properly.
Check the fuser/delivery area or
paper registration area for paper
fragments. Are there any paper
fragments or other obstructions?
Remove the fragments or
Is the cable that runs to the paper
delivery sensor securely connected?
Reconnect the cable to the
paper delivery sensor.
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Table 14 Paper-Jam LED Lights But No Jam Has Occurred (2 of 3)
Tsp [Check Resa | atin
Initiate a service test page and
observe the action of the delivery
lever on the fuser assembly.
Replace the delivery
sensor lever.
Does the delivery lever swing freely
when it passes through the fuser
Open the front access door and
locate the paper registration on the
paper charge deflector. Is the paper
registration arm damaged or broken?
Replace the paper
sensing arm.
Switch off the printer and reconnect
connector P16 to the DC controller
board. Connect a multimeter
between connector P16-6 (PreReg)
and P16-5 (GND) on the DC
controller board. Initiate a service
test page. Does the voltage drop
from +5 VDC to 0 VDC when the
paper passes the paper registration
Go to Step 9.
Prepare the printer for Go to Step 9.
troubleshooting as described in .
"Troubleshooting Preparation."
Disconnect connector P111 from the
high-voltage power supply and
connector P16 from the DC controller
Connect a multimeter between
P16-4 (PULLUP 5V) and P16-5
(GND) on the DC controller board.
Does the voltage measure +5 VDC
when you switch on the power?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 117
Table 14 Paper-Jam LED Lights But No Jam Has Occurred (3 of 3)
Step Check
| Switch off the printer. Connect a
multimeter between P16-3 (EXIT) and
P16-2 (GND). Switch on the printer
and manually actuate the paper
delivery sensor by inserting a sheet of
paper between the sensor arms.
Does the voltage drop from +5 VDC
to 0 VDC when you remove the paper
from the sensor?
Switch off the printer and connect a
multimeter between each of the
following connector pairs on the DC
controller board:
a) P11-5 (5VB, yellow) and P11-2
(GND, black)
b) P11-6 (5VA, blue) and P11-2
(GND, black)
Does the voltage measure +5 VDC
when you switch on the printer?
Replace the paper delivery
sensor. If the problem
persists, replace the
delivery sensor cable.
Replace the power supply.
Replace the DC controller
LaserWriter Select 300/310
All-Blank Page All-Black Page Light/Faded Image Dark Image
See Table 15 See Table 16 See Table 17 See Table 18
Black Vertical White Vertical Black Horizontal White Horizontal
Line(s) Line(s) Lines Lines
See Table 19 See Table 20 See Table 21 See Table 22
Ghosting Bad Fusing Blank Spots Toner on Back
See Table 23 See Table 24 See Table 25 See Table 26
Figure 9 Print Quality Problems
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 119
Table 15 All-Blank Page (1 of 2)
Remove the toner cartridge from the
printer. Is the toner cartridge sealing
tape removed?
Remove the sealing tape.
Replace the toner cartridge. Does the
print quality improve?
Problem solved.
Are the high-voltage contacts making
good contact with the toner cartridge?
Clean the contacts or
replace the high-voltage
contact assembly.
Remove the toner cartridge from the
printer. Is any foreign material
blocking the laser beam outlet on the
inside of the printer chassis? Is any
foreign material adhering to the laser
beam access slot on the toner
Remove the foreign
Inspect the drive assembly gear train.
Are any gears damaged?
Replace the transfer roller. Does the
print quality improve?
Replace the drive
Problem solved.
Connect the multimeter between
connectors P15-7 and P15-1 on the
DC controller board. Does the voltage
measure at +24 VDC when you switch
on the printer?
| Go to Table 11, Power
Supply Failure (+24 VDC).
For Steps 8 and 9, remove the top
covers, side covers, rear cover, I/O
board mount, and the power switch
Remove the high-voltage contact
assembly and check the continuity on
all the high-voltage contacts. Did you
find continuity on all the high-voltage
Replace the high-voltage
contact assembly.
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Table 15 All-Blank Page (2 of 2)
Check Action
Is there continuity between connector Replace the paper
RTN (red wire) on the high-voltage delivery guide.
power supply and the red spade
connector on the paper delivery
Replace the DC controller board. Problem solved.
Does the print quality improve?
Replace the toner
cartridge sensor and
high-voltage power supply
cable. If the problem
persists, replace the high-
voltage power supply.
Table 16 All-Black Page
Replace the toner cartridge. Does the Problem solved.
print quality improve?
Clean the contacts or
replace the high-voltage
contact assembly.
Are the high-voltage contacts making
good contact with the toner cartridge?
Go to Table 11, Power
Supply Failure (+24 VDC).
Connect the multimeter between
connectors P15-7 and P15-1 on the
DC controller board. Does the voltage
measure at +24 VDC when you switch
on the printer?
Is there continuity between CRU No Replace the high-voltage
(spring plate) on the high-voltage contact assembly.
contact assembly and jack CR on the
high-voltage power supply?
Replace the toner cartridge
sensor and high-voltage
power supply cable.
Is there continuity between P15 on the
DC controller board and P111 on the
high-voltage power supply?
Replace the DC controller board. Problem solved.
Does the print quality improve?
Replace the high-voltage
power supply.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 121
Table 17 Light/Faded Image (1 of 2)
| Result |
_ print quality improve?
, Reload the paper cassette tray with
| known-good paper. Does the print
| quality improve?
Replace the toner cartridge. Does the |
| Problem solved.
Problem solved.
_ Remove the toner cartridge from the
printer. Is any foreign material blocking
the laser beam outlet on the inside of
the printer chassis? Is any foreign
' material adhering to the laser beam
| access slot on the toner cartridge?
Are the high-voltage contacts making
Replace the transfer roller. Does the
print quality improve?
Connect the multimeter between
connectors P15-7 and P15-1 on the
DC controller board. Does the
voltage measure at +24 VDC when
you switch on the printer?
For Steps 7 and 8, remove the top
covers, side covers, rear cover, I/O
board mount, and the power switch
| lever.
Remove the high-voltage contact
assembly and check the continuity on
all the high-voltage contacts. Did you
find continuity on all the high-voltage
Is there continuity between connector
RTN (red wire) on the high-voltage
power supply and the red spade
connector on the paper delivery
good contact with the toner cartridge?
Remove the foreign
| material.
I na eee
No Clean the contacts or
replace the high-voltage
contact assembly.
Problem solved.
Go to Table 11, Power
Supply Failure (+24 VDC).
Replace the high-voltage
contact assembly.
Replace the paper delivery
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Table 17 Light/Faded Image (2 of 2)
Replace the DC controller board. Problem solved.
Does the print quality improve?
No _| Replace the toner
cartridge sensor and high-
voltage power supply
cable. If the problem
persists, replace the high-
voltage power supply.
Table 18 Dark Image Over Entire Page
Result Action
Replace the toner cartridge. Does the Problem solved.
print quality improve?
Is the transfer roller dirty? Replace the transfer roller.
Connect the multimeter between Go to Table 11, Power
connectors P15-7 and P15-1 on the Supply Failure (+24 VDC).
DC controller board. Does the
voltage measure at +24 VDC when
you switch on the printer?
Remove the top covers, side covers, Replace the high-voltage
rear cover, I/O board mount, and the contact assembly.
| power switch lever.
Remove the high-voltage contact
assembly and check the continuity on
all the high-voltage contacts. Did you
find continuity on all the high-voltage
Replace the DC controller board. Problem solved.
Does the print quality improve?
Replace the toner
cartridge sensor and high-
voltage power supply
cable. If the problem
persists, replace the high-
voltage power supply.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 123
Table 19 Black Vertical Lines
Replace the toner cartridge. Does the
print quality improve?
Problem solved.
Replace the transfer roller. Does the
print quality improve?
Problem solved.
Remove the paper delivery guide. Is
the static eliminator on the paper
delivery guide properly grounded?
Connect the grounding
contact to the static
Remove the fuser assembly and
inspect the fuser heater roller. Are
there scratches on the fuser heater
Replace the fuser heater
roller or the fuser
Remove the toner cartridge from the
printer. Is any foreign material
blocking the laser beam outlet on the
inside of the printer chassis? Is any
foreign material adhering to the laser
beam access siot on the toner
Remove the foreign
Inspect the paper path. Is any foreign
material blocking the paper path?
Remove the foreign
Replace the toner cartridge. Does the
print quality improve?
Problem solved.
Replace the transfer roller. Does the
print quality improve?
Problem solved.
Remove the fuser assembly and
inspect the fuser heater roller. Are
there scratches on the fuser heater
Replace the fuser heater
roller or the fuser
Replace the I/O board. Does the print
quality improve?
Problem solved.
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Table 21 Black Horizontal Lines
Replace the toner cartridge. Does the
print quality improve?
Problem solved.
Are the high-voltage contacts making
good contact with the toner cartridge?
Clean the contacts or
replace the high-voltage
contact assembly.
Replace the transfer roller. Does the
print quality improve?
Problem solved.
Remove the fuser assembly and
inspect the fuser heater roller. Are
there scratches on the fuser heater
Replace the fuser heater
roller or the fuser
Connect the multimeter between
connectors P15-7 and P15-1 on the
DC controller board. Does the
voltage measure at +24 VDC when
you switch on the printer?
Remove the top covers, side covers,
rear cover, I/O board mount, and the
power switch lever.
Remove the high-voltage contact
assembly and check the continuity on
all the high-voltage contacts. Did you
find continuity on all the high-voltage
Go to Table 11, Power
Supply Failure (+24 VDC).
Replace the high-voltage
contact assembly.
Replace the DC controller board.
Does the print quality improve?
Replace the toner cartridge sensor
and high-voltage power supply cable.
Does the print quality improve?
Problem solved.
Problem solved.
Replace the high-voltage power
supply. Does the print quality
Replace the I/O board. Does the print
quality improve?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Problem solved.
Problem solved.
Table 22 White Horizontal Lines (1 of 2)
Step — Check | Result | Action
1 : Check the paper in the paper cassette | Yes | Replace the paper.
_ tray for dampness. Is the paper |
| damp?
2 | Replace the toner cartridge. Does the Yes Problem solved.
| print quality improve? |
3 | Are the high-voltage contacts making : No Clean the contacts or
- good contact with the toner cartridge? — _ replace the high-voltage
! ! _ contact assembly.
4 | Remove the toner cartridge fromthe . Yes Remove the foreign
| printer. Is any foreign material ! ' material.
blocking the laser beam outlet on the
| inside of the printer chassis? Is any
foreign material adhering to the laser
| beam access slot on the toner
| cartridge?
5 _ Replace the transfer roller. Does the Yes | Problem solved.
_ print quality improve? |
6 | Connect the multimeter between | No Goto Table 11, Power
~ connectors P15-7 and P15-1 onthe | _ Supply Failure (+24 VDC).
_ DC controller board. Does the voltage |
_ measure at +24 VDC when you switch -
on the printer? |
126 LaserWriter Select 300/310
Table 22 White Horizontal Lines (2 of 2)
7 For Steps 7 and 8, remove the top No Replace the high-voltage
covers, covers, rear cover, I/O board contact assembly.
mount, and power switch lever.
Remove the high-voltage contact
assembly and check the continuity on
all the high-voltage contacts. Did you
find continuity on all the high-voltage
Replace the paper delivery
Is there continuity between connector
RTN (red wire) on the high-voltage
power supply and the red spade
connector on the paper delivery
Replace the DC controller board. Problem solved.
Does the print quality improve?
No Replace the toner
cartridge sensor and high-
voltage power supply
cable. If the problem
persists, replace the high-
voltage power supply.
Replace the toner cartridge sensor Problem solved.
and high-voltage power supply. Does
the print quality improve?
Replace the high-voltage power Problem solved.
supply. Does the print quality
12 Replace the I/O board. Does the print Yes Problem solved.
quality improve?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 127
Table 23 Ghosting
Replace the toner cartridge. Does the
print quality improve?
Problem solved.
Is the transfer roller dirty?
Replace the transfer roller.
Remove the fuser assembly and
inspect the fuser heater roller and the
fuser pressure roller. Are there
scratches on either roller?
Replace the fuser heater
roller, the fuser pressure
roller, or the fuser
Connect the multimeter between
connectors P15-7 and P15-1 on the
DC controller board. Does the
voltage measure at +24 VDC when
you switch on the printer?
Go to Table 11, Power
Supply Failure (+24 VDC).
Remove the top covers, side covers,
rear cover, I/O board mount, and the
power switch lever.
Remove the high-voltage contact
assembly and check the continuity on
all the high-voltage contacts. Did you
find continuity on all the high-voltage
Replace the high-voltage
contact assembly.
Replace the DC controller board.
Does the print quality improve?
Problem solved.
Replace the toner
cartridge sensor and high-
voltage power supply
cable. If the problem
persists, replace the high-
voltage power supply.
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Table 24 Bad Fusing
Check the paper in the paper cassette Replace the paper.
tray for dampness. Is the paper
Is the fuser assembly properly Reinstall the fuser
installed and secure? assembly.
Install a known-good fuser assembly. Problem solved.
Does the print quality improve?
Install a known-good power supply.
Does the print quality improve?
Install a known-good DC controller Problem solved.
board. Does the print quality
Table 25 Blank Spots/Random Pattern or Location
Replace the toner cartridge. Does the Problem solved.
print quality improve?
Check the paper in the paper cassette Replace the paper.
tray for dampness. Is the paper
Is the transfer roller dirty? Replace the transfer
Remove the fuser assembly and Replace the fuser heater
inspect the fuser heater roller and the roller, the fuser pressure
fuser pressure roller. Are there roller, or the fuser
scratches on either of the rollers? assembly.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 129
Table 26 Toner on Back of Page
Check Result Action
Replace the toner cartridge. Does the Yes Problem solved.
print quality improve?
Does the printer operating No Make recommended
environment meet recommended changes to printer
setup and operation conditions? operating environment or
setup. See the Pre-
Power-On Checklist
section under
"Troubleshooting the
LaserWriter Select" for
recommended setup and
operating instructions.
Is the transfer roller dirty? Replace the transfer
| roller.
Remove the fuser assembly and Replace the fuser heater
inspect the fuser heater roller and the roller, the fuser pressure
fuser pressure roller. Are there roller, or the fuser
scratches on either of the rollers? assembly.
130 LaserWriter Select 300/310
Table 27 Paper Jams in Fuser/Delivery Area
Initiate a service test page. Does the
test page jam as it leaves the fuser
Problem solved.
Is the cable that runs to the paper Reconnect the cable to
delivery sensor securely connected? the paper delivery sensor.
Initiate another test page and observe
the action of the delivery lever on the
fuser assembly.
Does the lever swing freely when
paper passes through the fuser
Allow the fuser rollers to cool and then
remove the fuser assembly. Inspect
the fuser rollers. Are the fuser rollers
worn or damaged?
Remove the I/O shield, the I/O board,
and the I/O board mount. Replace the
fuser assembly and disconnect P111
from the high-voltage power supply.
Connect a multimeter between
connector pins P16-1 (PULLUP +5 V)
and P16-2 (GND) on the DC
controller board. Does the voltage
measure +5 VDC when you switch on
the printer?
Verify that the cable that runs to the
paper delivery sensor is still securely
connected. Connect a multimeter
across connector pins P16-3 (EXIT)
and P16-2 (GND) on the DC controller
board. Manually actuate the paper
delivery sensor by inserting a sheet of
paper between the sensor arms.
Does the voltage drop from +5 VDC to
0 VDC when you remove the paper
from the sensor?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Replace the delivery
sensor lever.
Replace the fuser
Go to Table 12, Power
Supply Failure (+5 V).
Replace the DC controller
Replace the paper
delivery sensor. If the
problem persists, replace
the delivery sensor cable.
Table 28 Paper Jams in Paper Pickup Area (1 of 3)
Check Result
Reload the paper cassette tray with No
known-good paper. Does the problem
still occur?
Problem solved.
Does the jam occur when the manual
feed or optional multipurpose tray is
being used?
Go to Step 17.
Is the paper cassette installed
properly in the printer?
Reinstall the paper
cassette properly.
Is the paper cassette loaded with too
much paper?
Remove the excess
Are the cassette pickup rollers
damaged or worn?
Replace the cassette
pickup rollers.
Are the cassette feed rollers damaged
or worn?
Is connector P13 on the DC controller
board making good contact?
Replace the cassette feed
roller shaft.
Reconnect P13 to the DC
controller board.
Is connector P115 on the cassette
feeder board making good contact?
Reconnect P115 to the
cassette feeder board.
Are the cassette pickup and cassette
feed solenoids securely connected to
the cassette feeder board?
Reconnect P201 and
P202 to the cassette
feeder board.
Switch off the printer. Connect the
multimeter between P13-7 (+24V) and
P13-8 (TURN1). Does the resistance
measure between 220 and 240 Q?
Replace the cassette feed
Connect the multimeter between
P13-10 (+24V) and P13-11 (FEED1).
Does the resistance measure
between 110 and 130 2?
Replace the cassette
pickup solenoid.
Open the front access door and locate
the paper registration arm on the
paper charge deflector. Is the paper
registration arm damaged or broken?
Replace the paper
registration arm.
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Table 28 Paper Jams in Paper Pickup Area (2 of 3)
Close the front access door and Go to Table 12, Power
disconnect P16 from the DC controller Supply Failure (+5 VDC).
board. Connect a multimeter between
connector pins P16-4 (PULLUP 5V)
and P16-5 (GND) on the DC controller
board. Does the voltage measure +5
Problem solved.
VDC when you switch on the power?
Replace the DC controller board.
Does the problem still occur?
15 Reconnect connector P16 to the DC Replace the paper
registration sensor
located on the paper
charge deflector.
controller board. Connect a
multimeter between pins P16-6
(/PREREG) and P16-5 (GND) on the
DC controller board. Initiate a service
test page. Does the voltage drop from
+5 VDC to 0 VDC when the paper
passes the paper registration sensor?
Open the front access door and
observe the rollers on the pickup roller
assembly. Are the pickup rollers worn
or deformed?
Replace the pickup
Using a paper clip or screwdriver,
manually activate the manual feed
solenoid. Manually rotate the large
black gear on the pickup roller
assembly toward the manual feed
solenoid. Does the pickup roller
rotate without binding?
Replace the pickup roller
Does the manual feed or multipurpose Yes Remove excess paper.
tray have too much paper? (The
manual feed tray holds one sheet of
paper at a time and the multipurpose
tray holds 50 sheets of paper.)
Is connector P17 on the DC controller No Reconnect connector P17
board making good contact? to the DC controller
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 133
Table 28 Paper Jams in Paper Pickup Area (3 of 3)
Result Action
| Disconnect P111 from the high-
voltage power supply. Connect the
multimeter between connector pins
P17-1 (424 V) and P11-2 (GND) on
the DC controller board. Does the
voltage measure +24 VDC when you
switch on the printer?
No Go to Table 11, Power
Supply Failure
(+24 VDC).
Connect the printer to a Macintosh
computer and place a sheet of paper
on the manual feed or multipurpose
tray. Connect the multimeter between
connector pins P17-2 (+24 V) and
P11-2 (GND) on the DC controller
board. Select Manual Feed and print
a page. Does the voltage drop from
+24 VDC to 0 VDC when the manual
feed pickup solenoid is actuated?
Replace the manual feed
pickup solenoid.
Replace the DC controller
Table 29 No Paper Pickup From Cassette (1 of 2)
Result Action
Is connector P13 on the DC controller
board making good contact?
No Reconnect P13 to the DC
controller board.
Is connector P115 on the cassette
feeder board making good contact?
No Reconnect P115 to the
cassette feeder board.
Is cassette feed solenoid connector
P202 securely connected to the
cassette feeder board?
No Reconnect P202 to the
cassette feeder board.
Is cassette pickup solenoid connector
P201 securely connected to the
cassette feeder board?
Reconnect P201 to the
cassette feeder board.
Remove the paper cassette tray.
Visually inspect the paper sensing
arm. Does the paper sensing arm
appear to be damaged?
Replace the paper
sensing arm.
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Table 29 No Paper Pickup From Cassette (2 of 2)
Se T oto | Reet] ton
Prepare the printer for troubleshooting Replace the cassette
as described in the Troubleshooting pickup solenoid.
Preparation section under
"Troubleshooting the LaserWriter
Switch off the printer. Connect the
multimeter between P13-7 (+24V) and
P13-8 (/TURN1). Does the resistance
measure between 220 and 240 Q?
Connect the multimeter between
P13-10 (+24V) and P13-11 (/FEED1).
Does the resistance measure
between 110 and 130 2?
Replace the cassette feed
and P13-4 (GND) on the DC controller
board. While removing and inserting
a paper cassette tray filled with paper,
does the voltage toggle from 0 VDC
(inserted) to +5 VDC (removed)?
the cassette feeder tray
Replace the DC controller board.
Does the problem still occur?
Problem solved.
Replace the cassette
feeder board. If the
problem persists, replace
the expansion feeder
If an optional paper cassette is
installed, connect a multimeter
between connector pins P13-3 (NO
PAPER2) and P13-4 (GND) on the
DC controller board. While removing
and inserting a paper cassette tray
filled with paper, does the voltage
toggle from 0 VDC (inserted) to +5
VDC (removed)?
If only one paper cassette is installed, Replace the cassette
connect a multimeter between feeder board. If the
connector pins P13-1 (NO PAPER1) probiem persists, replace
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 135
Table 30 No Paper Pickup From Manual Feed or Multipurpose Tray
Is connector P17 on the DC controller
board making good contact?
Reconnect P17 to the DC
controller board.
Is connector P16 on the DC controller
board making good contact?
Reconnect P16 to the DC
controller board.
Disconnect P111 from the high-
voltage power supply. Disconnect
P16 from the DC controller board.
Connect the multimeter between
connector pins P16-7 (PULLUP 5V)
and P16-8 (GND) . Does the voltage
measure +5 VDC when you switch on
the power?
Go to Table 12, Power
Supply Failure (+5 VDC).
Connect the multimeter between
P16-9 (No Paper) and P16-8 (GND).
Does the voltage measure +5 VDC
when you switch on the printer?
Replace the DC controller
Connect the multimeter between
P16-9 and P16-8 on the DC controller
board. Does the voltage drop from +5
VDC to 0 VDC when you place a
sheet of paper on the manual feed
Replace the manual feed
sensor. If the problem
persists, replace the
manual feed sensor
Connect a multimeter between
connector pins P17-1 (24V) and
P11-2 (GND) on the DC controller
board. Does the voltage measure +24
VDC when you switch on the printer?
Go to Table 11, Power
Supply Failure
(+24 VDC).
Switch off the printer. Connect a
multimeter between pins P17-1 (24V)
and P17-2 (/FEED). Does the
resistance measure between 210 and
230 2?
Replace the manual feed
pickup solenoid.
Replace the DC controller
LaserWriter Select 300/310
Optional feeder
B. identical to
main feeder
123 4
i a ee
/ Wik Py
| | /-PULLUP 5V
100-120V 220-240V o
*Pin2 Heater NC PS602 PS201
rWriter Select 300/310
Wiring Diagram
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
LaserWriter 300
Exploded View 140
Parts List 141
I/O and Controller Assembly
Boards 143
Specifications 144
Status LEDs 146
Paper Paths 147
Sensing System 148
Service Test Page 149
Mirror Adjustment 151
Registration Adjustment 154
Troubleshooting the
Personal LaserWriter 300 156
Wiring Diagram lve
'¢ 3)
Exploded View
Rear D os .
Interface Lock
Cover Delivery
Light Assembly
Assembly Laser/
Fuser Assembly
Cover Mirror
Film Transfer
Assembly Roller
Assembly Transfer
Passive Assemblies
Rollers > Xa — Fan
Motor Intake
Assembly Guide
Cover Lock
Actuator : Chassis
Drive WES P*/ A ya— arm
Assembly Registration
/O Board ;
Cover itt
/O Board
Feeder Guide
= Scanner Assembly
A Interconnect
HVT Connector
- A
2 etl Assembly
— Pickup
b Solenoid Controller
or Assembly
ee |
iss) 2 .
S Figure 1 Personal LaserWriter 300 Exploded View
140 Personal LaserWriter 300
Parts List
ALMUreGistratlOn:aASSOMDIY Asiwvediicvccevenavaventnad devas Mincuvadaaslatacgececte 922-0470
Button lock assembly kit ..................c:ccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeaeas 076-0683
CHASSIS si Ass vei ulsanenenute tee cacuasnanitas ap eatiguesubnennatenin eeewarectaaedacsecnarncdtetiee 922-0481
Controller ASSEMb|Y (12OV) .......cccccccccccccceeeceeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeees 661-0029
Controller aSSeMbly (Q40V) ........cceeesseeceeeceeeseeeeesseseeeeeseeeeeaeaeseeeeees 661-0028
COVEl ASSEMION Vcr sus cwsoeabin tancunsanuivtaweritadedeinedrmiataanetocesetpdadat dented 922-0462
COVER INTENOCK ACT GION es aisdsycanazrosncouwesatpanieratweuncutwia prantaeaeanescieiieds 922-0475
DElIVEry TOMen ASSOMDIY ssctansanannaduntslesnadvabrwacessantaiaccdceessacteensbacee ones: 922-0466
DIVE ASSCIMDI V veueccahscceduavaatain cae usnsasasoavehn os eouedena waumeencdecsrevcascareanee 922-0454
FGI) scaiiGuwiadiccchaststanccseaa a uctiaiaeateetwastnuesonntenyauvouectucoaaas 4 saauseaenaenssuacsuaaateest 922-0456
Feeder guide ASSEMDIy ...............:::0:::ssseseseeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeceeseceeeeenseneeas 922-0469
Fixing film ASSEMbly (110OV)...........cccccccccsssssseseeeeeceeeeeeaeneeeeeeeeeeseeeeees 922-0450
Fixing film assembly (220V)............::::::ssssseeseesseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 922-0451
Fuse, 125V, 10A (package Of 10) ...........cccceeececensseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenseeaees 922-0484
Fuse, 201V (package Of 10) ..............ccecceccssssseeeeeseeeeeeesseaeaeeeesesseaees 922-0485
Fuse, 250V, 3.15A (package Of 10) ...........cceeseceesesseseeeeeeeeeeereeeeeaeees 922-0486
FUSEF ASSEIMDIV (11 OV) asczcstectcdcerseseercetucacettieat eh wed sonvivwceciebanearerbenie 661-0025
FUSEL:ASSOMDLY: (220 V) eiveesanesunor cow sacoacedecsite al edetvnalenvenruntatiunesacectesey: 661-0026
COUNGING DIALS a. siseas sone caters anecsastescataodcesd eaicuswimeb deiner ceases vanes 922-0480
FLARO Wale KIT voi cececccs ton coeescatsanbebcesran nav titerriaisaak ani tuaenaenmnw 076-0455
VT CONNGCIOM-ASSOMDIY ocsit it artes Neate ieic es iaael edeenesecein ie esieiees 922-0453
HNAKS QUID isis tavcwsidaenicers ine trtesul ce eieieserebiesiea teehee es 922-0472
Interface CONNECTION COVED ........:cccseseceeeeeceeeeneeenseseeeeeceeeeaeaeeetereeeeeenees 922-0461
WOS DO AIG et atassstacedsicunsnaceateas ectuncnsnatactunea der anges paineennanatieameadraeiie 661-0030
Laser/SCanner ASSEMDIY ..............cccccceeeeseesesseeeeeeeeeeeaaaasesereeserenseaenaes 661-0027
LIGHT DIDG:ASSOMIDIY ‘oiuicitdew ers Axctsvavasaeaeddacisbua i Neetans Huh dend ies iearbodaaa’ 922-0465
LOCK (PACKAGE: OFS) wiseciesz Si recsivecwaseeeraceuswiessedpauneadncinadagas tameevenea 922-0473
IWHIEKOR ASSOIMDIY ssiate:ctesvitetsncece tun hiiy cat tee cm meancstlaluioacgneneeetentnaeiseemnanmens 922-0468
WOLOE ASS GIMMOIY 25 crcedasent stdout deatate divas cateatatanaudbodaunceeaeadednavetdedss 922-0455
PaADer DICKUD TONED cacciasscsrimmnvtinanvens sioeanenc Aauhsenatisensealanctuenanarens 922-0474
Passive Celivery rollers .........cccceccccccsssseeeeeecneeseeeeeesaaseeeeesaaaneeeensnaaaes 922-0467
Pickup motor (PICKUP ASSEMDIY) ......... ee eeeeeeeeeeceeeetereeeeaaeneeeeenseenes 922-0452
PICKUP ;SOlCMO|C iveiun trcnneieeviawerscsuiau tae ieee oars 922-0458
POWEr COMNECION COVE! ccs seisncenniescacescavsanontecned wecedgarysaumenneeanecenueralt 922-0460
Power cord Cable (Australia) ............ccccccccsseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeesereeseeseenanees 922-0493
Power cord cable (Danish) .................::00:000 i cate teaciaduennetel ata taba 922-0495
Power cord Cable (Israel) ..............cccceeceececeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeseeeenesaees 922-0496
Power Cord Cable (Uapan)...........cccccccceesssesssseeeeeeeeeeeeeasseeeeeeseeseneneaes 922-0497
Power Cord Cable: (SWISS) vise) ccnedeadesakesssosciersciyegeebincsnseihToanaantiedenttas 922-0494
POWOR COM CAD e CU 2) iia caesencaricas eatutcns Us atewiniust anand Artes OutedinteeR alae 922-0491
POWGE COM: Cablec(UK) cwsisindcedccta ndeviedpccacencxcahadDatad needed uttetewlacetncs 922-0492
Fear GOOk ASSCMDIY <i sna seed toes Loos ceca reac ond coca oanehewesceaees 922-0464
PRONG ASSEIMDIY Sccctauia chet wii nncce ae areca idee Son Reus ieaas Glades teat aalts 922-0471
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 141
Scanner interconnect ASSEMDIy..............cccccceeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeseeeeeaeaees 922-0457
SCV WKN Kes ruticeaneleatedtuttic wbnauctotrbadiod a pitoenineh aha tusionanuibsenuanttne meee 076-0456
TOD COOK 5 debataccescucns caesieiacosinautasessasicnds maui wo tens ansaunamiunat ann astelesienes 922-0463
Transfer mount assembly (left) ...............ccccsessescccccseeeeeesereesteneeseeeees 922-0477
Transfer mount assembly (right) ................cseeeseccceeeeceeeesesseseeeeeeeeeeess 922-0478
Transfer roller ASSEMDIy .............ccccccccccccecucseeseeseeeeneeseeseeeaseaeueneeeeses 922-0476
Universal CASSCtte 0.0.0... cccccccccsssessesceeceeseeseeeesesaesasecseceeaeesaseseneusees 922-0459
Personal LaserWriter 300
I/O and Controller Assembly Boards
al aed
fect adage RU wee BPS) wha ee Sheva oe
J1 J
Interface Connector Controller Board Connector
(opposite side)
Figure 2 Personal LaserWriter 300 I/O Board
J204 J103
Solenoid Assembly
oe \ Uallyrs
Pickup a Connector
Figure 3 Personal LaserWriter 300 Controller Assembly
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 143
Printer Specifications
Canon engine
300 dots per inch (dpi)
Paper Feed
4 pages-per-minute maximum; actual performance depends on the
Input: Automatic with universal paper cassette; manual feed
available for special print materials
Output: Face-down or face-up
Print Materials
Cassette feed: 17-20 lb., single sheet, photocopy bond
Manual feed: 17-28 Ib., letterhead and colored stock, standard-
weight transparency material, envelopes, and labels
Capacity in:
Cassette—100 sheets;
Manual—single sheets, envelopes, transparency material, etc.
Capacity out: 25 plain sheets (face-down delivery); transparency
material, labels, and postcard paper are delivered face-up only
and must be removed by hand
Macintosh computer with system 6.0.7 or later
Maximum printable lines: 8 in. (203 mm)
Minimum top and bottom margins: 0.25 in. (6.385 mm)
Minimum left and right margins: 0.25 in. (6.385 mm)
Printable area may vary depending upon application
Height: 6.3 in. (16.1 cm)
Width: 15.2 in. (38.5 cm)
Depth: 14.9 in. (37.9 cm)
Weight: 15.4 Ib. (7 kg) without cartridge
50—-90.5° F (10-32.5° C)
20-80% relative humidity
U.S./Japan: 100-120 VAC; 50-60 Hz
Europe/Australia: 220-240 VAC; 50 Hz
Personal LaserWriter 300
I/O Board Specifications
Processor N/A
4 MB
512K, expandable to 1.5 MB or 4.5 MB
Interfaces RS-422
Printing QuickDraw
Built-in Fonts Avant Garde, Bookman, Chicago, Courier, Geneva, Helvetica,
Helvetica Narrow, Monaco, New Century Schoolbook, New
York, Palatino, Symbol, Times, Zapf Chancery, Zapf Dingbats
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 145
Status LEDs
ene ( ) Ready/In Use LED
ae) [> Paper-Out LED
= Sy Paper-Jam LED
Figure 4 Personal LaserWriter 300 Status LEDs
The Personal LaserWriter 300 has three status LEDs (see Figure 4) located on
the top of the printer:
¢ — Ready — The green Ready LED flashes during printer warmup and when
the printer is operating. The LED is steady when the printer is warmed
up and ready to print. The LED is off when the printer is not ready, an
error condition exists, or the top cover is open.
¢ Paper-Out — The red Paper-Out LED is on and steady when the printer is
out of paper or the paper tray is missing and the printer is set for cassette
¢ Paper-Jam — The red Paper-Jam LED comes on when paper jams inside
the printer. The LED remains on until the jam is cleared.
The Personal LaserWriter 300 has no on/off switch. Once you plug in the
printer, it is on and ready to print.
Personal LaserWriter 300
Paper Paths
Delivery Roller Toner Cartridge
Fuser Transfer Pickup
Roller Roller
Figure 5 Face-Up Path
Figures 5 and 6 show the two Personal LaserWriter 300 paper paths. Paper
enters from the paper cassette or the manual-feed slot and exits to the face-
down tray or through the face-up delivery slot.
Delivery Roller Toner Cartridge
Fuser Transfer Pickup
Roller Roller
Figure 6 Face-Down Path
When the paper delivery selector is in the down position (see Figure 5), paper
is delivered face-up. When the selector is in the up position (see Figure 6),
paper is delivered face-down.
Note Default delivery is face-down at the top of the printer.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 147
Sensing System
The Personal LaserWriter 300 has four paper sensors (see Figure 7). Each
sensor consists of an actuator and a U-shaped photo interrupter that is
soldered to the controller assembly. The paper sensors are actuated when an
arm or lever swings against the paper as the paper moves through the printer.
Figure 7 Sensing System
The paper delivery sensor, PS301, detects the passage of paper through the
fuser assembly. The registration paper sensor, PS302, detects the presence of
paper in the manual-feed slot and detects misfeeds of both cassette-fed and
manual-fed paper.
The winding paper sensor, PS303, detects the passage of paper from the
photosensitive drum to the fuser. The cassette empty sensor, PS304, detects
whether the cassette tray contains paper.
Personal LaserWriter 300
Service Test Page
The Personal LaserWriter 300 service test page, which consists of a series of
vertical lines, confirms print engine operation. To print a service test page,
follow these steps:
1. Remove the printer cover.
2. — Install a toner cartridge and fill the paper cassette tray.
Note You must install the toner cartridge before you plug in the printer, or a
paper jam may occur.
Plug in the printer and switch it on.
Defeat the paper delivery sensor, PS301, with a piece of folded paper, as
shown in Figure 8. Insert the paper only until it touches the metal shaft
of the fuser. If you insert the paper too far, the sensor remains open and
the printer determines that a paper jam exists.
Figure 8 Defeating the Paper Delivery Sensor
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 149
/ Cartridge
= <a
JR xs Cover
—<we Actuator
Figure 9 Printing a Service Test Page
5. Cover the toner cartridge with a piece of paper to prevent exposure of
the drum.
6. Press down on the toner cartridge and the cover interlock actuator (see
Figure 9) while you press the service test page button with a screwdriver.
Note When you press down the cover interlock actuator, the fan should come on
and the paper delivery rollers should rotate. If you don't hear the fan, verify
that you have properly defeated the paper delivery sensor, that you are
holding down the cover interlock actuator all the way, and that the paper
cassette is installed.
Note If you do not press down firmly on the toner cartridge during the printing
process, the test page may be blank.
150 Personal LaserWriter 300
Mirror Adjustment
The reflecting mirror is factory-adjusted to ensure the correct angle. If you
replace the mirror or the laser/scanner assembly, you must readjust the mirror
as follows:
1, Align the adjustment scale on the mirror assembly with the mark on the
printer chassis, as shown in Figure 10.
Mark on
Figure 10 Aligning the Mirror
2. Load the printer with letter-size paper and initiate a service test page as
described in the "Service Test Page" section.
3, Using a straight edge, draw a line across the top of each vertical line on
the service test page. Place a triangle against the first vertical line on the
service test page and trace its top edge, as shown in Figure 11.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 151
Leading Edge of Paper
Line 1
T08 | Triangle
Line 2
Figure 11 Tracing the Service Test Page
Measure the error between line 1 and line 2, as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12 Measuring the Adjustment Error
If the error is more than 1.5 mm, shift the scale in 1 mm increments to
correct the error. Shift the mirror towards the laser/scanner to move the
left side of the image up; shift the mirror away from the laser/scanner to
move the right side of the image up (see Figure 13).
152 Personal LaserWriter 300
Adjustment Scale
Adjustment Scale on Mirror
Adjustment Direction:
Image Right U
Laser/Scanner Unit
Figure 13 Readjusting the Mirror Alignment
Initiate a service test page to verify the adjustment. If the adjusted value
is still incorrect, repeat this entire procedure until the error is less than
1.5 mm.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Registration Adjustment
You must adjust the printer registration whenever you replace the controller
assembly. The optimum registration is 2 mm, as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14 Optimum Registration
, mm Leading Edge
If the printer registration is off, you can adjust it as follows:
1. Using a jeweler's screwdriver, reset VR301 on the controller assembly to
"0" (see Figure 15).
Figure 15 Resetting VR301
154 Personal LaserWriter 300
2. Switch on the printer and wait for it to warm up.
3. Print three service test pages.
4. Measure the distance from the top of each page to the edge of the
printed test pattern.
5. Calculate the average distance by adding the three measurements and
dividing by three.
6. Adjust VR301 so that the average value becomes 2.0 mm. For example, if
your average distance is 2.6 mm, the difference is 0.6 mm and you should
set VR301 to a setting of -2 (see Figure 16).
7. Print three more test pages. If the average registration distance is not 2.0
mm, repeat this procedure.
(+) Clockwise (-) Counterclockwise
(Avg. distance < 2.0mm) (Avg. distance > 2.0mm)
Difference | VR301 Difference | VR301
(mm) Setting (mm)
Figure 16 Determining the Proper VR301 Setting
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 155
Troubleshooting the Personal LaserWriter 300
Before you begin troubleshooting, check the printer setup and operating
conditions described in the Pre-Power-On Checklist section. If the problem
persists, refer to the flowchart later in this troubleshooting section.
The flowchart directs you to perform various tasks and refers you to specific
troubleshooting tables. Perform each step in the troubleshooting tables in
order until the problem is resolved and refer as necessary to the wiring
diagram that follows the tables.
Retry the printer each time you change its physical state—such as when you
replace a component—until the problem is resolved. If you replace a module
and the problem remains, reinstall the original module before proceeding to
the next step in the table.
When the printer is repaired, perform the necessary preventive maintenance
before returning it to the customer. Make sure you are familiar with all
procedures described in the "Safety" section in the front of this guide before
performing any live electrical checks.
Pre-Power-On Checklist
Verify that the following conditions are met before proceeding with the
troubleshooting flowchart or tables:
e — Line voltage is OK (115 VAC + 10%).
¢ — Printer is installed on a solid, level surface.
¢ Room temperature is between 50—90° F (10—32.5° C).
¢ Humidity is 20-80%.
e — Printer is not located in a hot or humid area, near open flames, or in
a dusty location.
e Printer is not exposed to ammonia gas.
¢ — Printer is not in direct sunlight.
¢ — Printer is installed in a well-ventilated area.
¢ — Cables and connectors are OK.
e Toner cartridge is installed and has toner.
e — Paper cassette is properly loaded with paper.
¢ — Paper is within specifications.
¢ — Top access door is closed.
¢ — Rear door assembly is closed.
Personal LaserWriter 300
Troubleshooting Tips
Following are tips for troubleshooting the Personal LaserWriter 300.
Drum Exposure
When the printer cover is removed, the photosensitive drum inside the toner
cartridge may be exposed to light. Exposing the toner cartridge to light (even
room light for more than 5 minutes) can damage the cartridge and may result
in blank spots or black stripes on printed pages. To avoid such exposure,
follow these guidelines:
Don't leave the rear access door open on the printer when the toner
cartridge is installed.
Always cover the toner cartridge when you remove it from the printer.
Avoid storing open toner packages in areas that are exposed to direct
Always cover the toner cartridge with a piece of paper when printing with
the printer cover removed.
Note If the cartridge has been irradiated by ordinary light, you may be able to repair
the damage by placing the cartridge in a dark area, such as a drawer, for several
hours. However, do not expose the cartridge to direct sunlight.
Avoiding Paper Jams
Follow these guidelines to reduce your chances of a paper jam:
Don't load already printed pages into the paper cassette—always use
manual feed for printing the second side of two-sided copies.
When printing multiple pages via manual feed, wait for the screen
prompt before inserting a new sheet into the printer.
Make sure that the paper cassette is properly loaded with one of the
recommended paper types.
Always install the toner cartridge before plugging in the printer.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 157
Printing with the Cover Removed
When printing test pages with the printer cover removed, you must press
down on the toner cartridge to ensure contact between the HVT connector
assembly and the contact points on the toner cartridge. If you do not apply
proper pressure during the print cycle, vou may get blank pages.
158 Personal LaserWriter 300
Personal LaserWriter 300 Troubleshooting Flowchart
you have a
Macintosh computer
with the LaserWriter 300
driver installed
for testing?
. Connect the printer to the Macintosh computer that is
using the LaserWriter 300 driver.
. Open the printer and remove any paper jams.
. Install the toner cartridge and fill the cassette tray.
. Switch on the computer and plug in the printer.
Does the
fan come
Go to Table 1,
No Power to Fan.
Does the
main motor rotate
Go to Table 2,
Main Motor Failure.
Issue a Print Window or
Print Desktop Command.
Personal LaserWriter 300 Print Engine Check (1 of 3)
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 159
Follow the instructions
given in the error message
that appears on the
Macintosh screen. If the
message indicates a module
malfunction, replace the
Does the
printer print from
a Macintosh?
Is the print
OK ?
Go to Figure 17,
Print Quality Problems.
The printer is fully functional.
Personal LaserWriter 300 Print Engine Check (2 of 3)
160 Personal LaserWriter 300
Remove the printer cover and I/O board.
Remove any paper jams.
Install the toner cartridge and fill the cassette tray.
Plug in the printer.
Defeat paper delivery sensor PS301 with a piece of
folded paper (see Step 4 under "Service Test Page.")
Cover the laser/scanner assembly with a piece of
paper to prevent exposure to light.
Press and hold down on the toner cartridge and the
cover interlock actuator.
Sb. Oy Ole oh
Does the
fan come
Go to Table 1,
No Power to Fan.
Does the
main motor rotate Go to Table 2,
during Main Motor Failure.
Initiate a service test page.
(See "Service Test Page.")
Does the
printer deliver
a service test
page ?
Go to Table 3, 4, 5, or 6,
depending on the specific
paper transport problem.
Is ict Go to Figure 17,
‘on ty Print Quality Problems.
The printer is fully functional.
Personal LaserWriter 300 Print Engine Check (3 of 3)
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 161
Troubleshooting Tables
As you proceed through the steps in a table, remember to retry the
printer each time you change its physical state—such as when you
replace a module. If the problem remains, reinstall the original
module before proceeding to the next step in the table. Refer as
necessary to the wiring diagram that follows the tables.
Table 1 No Power to Fan
_ Result |
Make sure the toner cartridge is
_ installed and then unplug the printer.
' Due to the possibility of a capacitor
the printer. Does the problem
| persist?
| error, wait 4 minutes and then plug in |
| Problem solved.
_ ls the printer cover securely seated
| and the rear door assembly installed
is removed, do you have the cover
| interlock actuator depressed and the
' paper delivery sensor defeated?
_and securely closed? Or, if the cover |
: Reseat the printer cover
_ and/or install and close the
| rear door assembly. Or,
| depress the cover
Interlock actuator and
| defeat the paper delivery
| sensor.
_ Is there correct voltage at the outlet?
Plug in the printer at an
outlet that is supplying the
| correct voltage.
_ Is the printer's power cord securely
| connected at the outlet and at the
_ printer end?
' Secure the power cord.
Is the fan cable securely connected to
| the laser/scanner assembly?
tab that secures the fan to the
| chassis?
' Is the fan cable pinched under the top |
| Secure the fan cable.
| Make sure the fan cable
| runs under the side of the
| tab.
Does the voltage between connector
J804-3 (FANON) and J804-1
' (+12VGND) on the laser/scanner
assembly change from 0 V to about
' Is fuse FU101 on the controller
_ assembly blown?
| 12 VDC when you plug in the printer? |
' Replace the fan.
| Replace the fuse.
Replace the controller
Personal LaserWriter 300
Table 2 Main Motor Failure
Is the motor properly seated and
making good contact with the
controller assembly?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Reseat the motor so that it
makes good contact with
the controller assembly.
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
¢ Replace the motor.
e Replace the controller
Table 4 No Paper Pickup From Manual-Feed Slot
Is the printer set up for manual feed? Select the Manual Feed
option in the Print dialog
Try printing with known-good paper. Problem solved.
Does the problem persist?
Remove excess paper from the Problem solved.
manual-feed slot. Does the problem
Is the arm registration assembly Replace the arm
broken? registration assembly.
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
e Replace the pickup
e Replace the controller
¢ Replace the fuser
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 165
Table 5 Paper Jams in Pickup/Transfer Area
: Check _ Result ! Action
| Try printing with Known-good paper. No | Problem solved.
; Does the problem persist? ! |
Was the toner cartridge installed No | With the toner cartridge
| before you plugged in the printer? | installed, unplug the
| | printer and plug it back in
‘Is the paper wrinkled or damaged? | Check the inside of the
| | printer for physical
obstructions and make
| sure that all paper feed
assemblies are installed
| correctly.
Inspect the arm registration | | Replace the arm
assembly. Is itjammed or broken? | registration assembly.
| Inspect the winding paper sensor on | | Replace the feeder guide
the feeder guide assembly. Is it | | assembly.
| jammed or broken? | |
Does the paper jam when you printa | | Replace the fuser
service test page? assembly.
| Replace the pickup motor.
If the problem persists,
replace the controller
| assembly.
166 Personal LaserWriter 300
Table 6 Paper Jams in Fuser/Delivery Area
Try printing with known-good paper.
Does the problem persist?
Is the paper wrinkled or damaged?
Inspect the winding paper sensor on
the feeder guide assembly. Is it
jammed or broken?
Inspect the delivery roller assembly
and passive delivery rollers. Are they
installed correctly and in good
working order?
Remove the rear door assembly and
inspect the operation of the paper
delivery selector. Does the assembly
move freely?
Test the paper delivery sensor in the
fuser assembly. Does it appear to be
jammed or broken?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
ia Problem solved.
Check the inside of the
printer for physical
Replace the feeder guide
Replace or reseat the
delivery roller assembly
and/or passive delivery
Replace the rear door
Replace the fuser
Replace the controller
assembly. If the problem
persists, replace the fuser
Blank Page All-Black Page Light/Faded Image Dark Image
See Table 7 See Table 8 See Table 9 See Table 10
elles ‘ L. ] Av
Black Vertical White Vertical Irregular Stairstepping
Line(s) Line(s) Black Line See Table 14
See Table 11 See Table 12 See Table 13
Horizontal Black Horizontal Bad Registration Skewed Print
Banding Lines See Table 17 See Table 18
See Table 15 See Table 16
Bad Fusing Toner on Back Blank Spots
See Table 19 See Table 20 See Table 21
Figure 17 Print Quality Problems
168 Personal LaserWriter 300
Table 7 All-Blank Page
cartridge free from any other
the toner cartridge.
Has the sealing tape been removed Remove the sealing tape
from the toner cartridge, and is the or other obstructions from
If the printer cover is removed, make Problem solved.
sure you are pressing down on the
toner cartridge during the printing
process so that the toner cartridge is
making solid contact with the HVT
connector. Does the problem
Are the metal contact points on the Clean the contact points
toner cartridge or HVT connector with a soft, dry cloth.
assembly dirty?
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
¢ Replace the controller
¢ Replace the
laser/scanner assembly.
Table 8 All-Black Page
1 Replace the controller assembly with No Problem solved.
a known-good controller assembly.
Does the problem persist?
Replace the laser/scanner
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 169
Table 9 Uniformly Light/Faded Image Over Entire Page
| Result | Action
Remove the toner cartridge and rock © No Problem solved.
it back and forth to distribute the toner - |
evenly. Does the problem persist?
Adjust the print density via the | Problem solved.
_ Options button in the Print dialog box, | |
and print about a dozen test pages
with known-good paper. Does the
problem persist?
Replace the toner cartridge with a | | Problem solved.
known-good cartridge. Does the |
problem persist?
Are the metal contact points on the | Clean the contact points
toner cartridge or HVT connector | | with a soft, dry cloth.
| assembly dirty? | |
| | Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
| the problem persists,
| reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
e Replace the transfer
roller assembly.
| © Replace the HVT
| connector assembly.
¢ Replace the controller
/ assembly.
| e Replace the
laser/scanner assembly.
170 Personal LaserWriter 300
Table 10 Uniformly Dark Image Over Entire Page
Adjust the print density via the Problem solved.
Options button in the Print dialog box,
and print about a dozen test pages
with known-good paper. Does the
problem persist?
Are the metal contact points on the Clean the contact points
toner cartridge or HVT connector with a soft, dry cloth.
assembly dirty?
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
¢ Replace the controller
e Replace the
laser/scanner assembly.
Table 11 Black Vertical Lines, co and Well-Defined
Rand printing with a ee... -good toner pee —7) solved.
cartridge. Does the problem persist?
Does the problem only occur when Replace I/O board.
you print from the Macintosh (that is,
the problem definitely does not occur Perform the first module
on service test pages)? exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
e Replace the fuser
¢ Replace the
laser/scanner assembly.
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 171
Table 12 White Vertical Lines, Sharp and Well-Defined
Is there any type of physical
obstruction near the laser opening
that could be casting a shadow on the
photosensitive drum?
| Remove the obstruction.
Does the problem occur only when
you print from the Macintosh (that is,
the problem definitely does not occur
on service test pages)?
| Replace the I/O board.
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
e Replace the pickup
¢ Replace the
laser/scanner assembly.
e Replace the mirror
Table 13 Vertical Banding, Irregular and
Smudged Black Lines Over Image
Replace the toner cartridge. Does
the problem persist?
Problem solved.
Personal LaserWriter 300
Is the laser/scanner a...
properly seated and making good
contact with the scanner interconnect
Table 14 — Lines Jagged or Shaky
Reseat the laser/scanner
Is the scanner interconnect assembly
properly seated and making good
contact with the controller assembly?
Does the problem appear when you
print a service test page?
next exchange:
¢ Replace the
Table 15 Horizontal Banding, Evenly Spaced
Smudged Black Lines Over Image
Check Result Action
Interrupt a print cycle and inspect the
photosensitive drum. Does the fault
appear on the drum?
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Reseat the scanner
interconnect assembly.
Replace the I/O board.
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
laser/scanner assembly.
¢ Replace the controller
Replace the toner
Replace the fuser
Table 16 Black Horizontal Lines, Sharp and Well-Defined
Step Check Result Action
| Are the lines evenly spaced?
Replace the toner
Replace the laser/scanner
Table 17 Bad Registration
Try printing with known-good paper.
Does the problem persist?
Remove the excess paper from the
cassette tray or manual-feed slot.
Does the problem persist?
Perform the registration adjustment
(see "Registration Adjustment").
Does the problem persist?
Problem solved.
Problem solved.
Problem solved.
Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
¢ Clean or replace the
pickup roller as needed.
e Replace the pickup
e Replace the arm
registration assembly if
¢ Replace the controller
Personal LaserWriter 300
Table 18 Skewed Print
Adjust the mirror assembly (see Problem solved.
"Mirror Adjustment"). Does the
problem persist?
Table 19 Bad Fusing
Try printing with dry, known-good Problem solved.
paper. Does the problem persist?
Clean the transfer roller using dry, Problem solved.
lint-free paper only. Does the
problem persist? Perform the first module
exchange listed below. If
the problem persists,
reinstall the original
module and perform the
next exchange:
e Replace the fuser
e Replace the transfer
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2 175
Table 20 Toner on Back of Page
Clean the transfer roller using dry,
lint-free paper only. If the roller
cannot be cleaned, replace it. Does
the problem persist?
Problem solved.
Clean the transfer guide assembly.
Does the problem persist?
Clean the feeder guide assembly.
Does the problem persist?
Problem solved.
Problem solved.
Replace the fuser
Table 21 Blank Spots, Random Pattern or Location
Try printing with Known-good paper
and be sure to print on the correct
side of the paper if applicable. Does
the problem persist?
Problem solved.
Clean all the metal contact points on
the toner cartridge and on the HVT
connector assembly. Does the
problem persist?
Problem solved.
Perform the first module
exchange below. If the
problem persists, reinstall
the original module and
perform the next
e Replace the transfer
roller assembly.
e Replace the controller
Personal LaserWriter 300
Ce ee
Film i
ierWriter 300
LaserWriter Printers, Vol. 2
Apple Computer, Inc.
2()525 Mariani Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014 Printed in the U.S.A.
TLX 171-576 072-0632